CSE474 – Lab Task 1 (a) Solved

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1. Solve the following problems from the Hans Peter book (“1. H.P.L. – A Primer on Scienti c Programming with Python”):
a. Exercise 5.9
b. Exercise 5.13
c. Exercise 5.28, 5.29, 5.30, 5.31
CSE474 – Lab Task 1 (b)
1. Create a class named Disaster with the following attributes:
date_time, location, casualties, injuries, financial_loss, impact_factor, list_of_casualties, list_of_injuries datet_time should be a datetime object, as de ned in the datetime library (you can import it in Python). location should be a character string, casualties and injuries will be integers, and financial_loss will be the incurred loss in BDT.
Impact factor will be calculated by loge(injuries+1) + sqrt(casualties) + (1.12)financial_loss/100 list_of_casualties and list_of_injuries will be lists of dictionaries. The dictionaries will have three
keys, namely, name, age, and NID_no. Initially, these lists will be empty, and casualties and injuries will be set to 0.
2. Create four child classes Earthquake, Flood, Cyclone, and Draught of the Disaster class. Each of them will have one or two additional attributes. Eathquake will have a source (a string containing a GPS location) and a seismic scale (a oating-point number) attribute, Flood will have a water level (a oating-point number) attribute, Cyclone will have a source (a string containing a GPS location) and a water level (a oating-point number) attribute, and Draught will have a list_of_affected_crops (a list of strings) attribute.
4. Write _update_injuries and _update_casualties functions in the parent class
(Disaster). They will take in either an integer or a list or both as parameters. If only an integer n is given as the parameter, add it to the corresponding casualties or no_of_injuries, and append n dictionary items in the list with {“name” : “unknown”, “age” : “unknown”, “NID_no” : “unknown”}. If a list is given as a parameter, append it to the corresponding list, and update the number of casualties/injuries. If both a number and a list are given as parameters, do both.
5. Write a _merge function. If _merge(event1, event2) is called, their types, date_time, and location will be compared. If the type matches, their location attributes match, and their dates match (not time), create a new object by merging their details. The location should remain constant.
Merge the lists of injuries/casualties and update their numbers accordingly. Finally, delete the objects event1 and event2, and return the new object.
Your code should be well-commented.
The programming language should be Python3.


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