MAT 120 (lab)
Problem Sheet 1
Mathematical Functions: Basic Arithmetic and Elementary Functions
1. Write down the following expressions in mathematica and get the simplified form
a) 552 109 637 648 548100 3 7
b) 53 827
2. Find the approximate value of the expression given in 1 (b) up to 20th digit after decimal point. [Hint: use function N[] ]
3. Write down the following expression in mathematica and find out its approximate value up to 20th digit after decimal point. ln100 log 100 log 128
10 2
4. Write down the following expressions in mathematica:
a) sin cos tan
3 6 4
b) sin112cos1 23 tan11
c) 32 5
d) 32i
f) tan1ln e sin 2log 100
3 10
g) sincossin1 cos1 1
h) sin[{(5cos) 2log10100.0}3] 4
i) 333 and (33)3
5. Write a = 5, b=6 then find a+b. Then clear a and b
6. Find the approximate values of i) , ii) e up to 20th digit after decimal point.
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