Topics : ROS basics, Publisher
● Download and install the turtlesim package
○ Open a terminal and start the roscore roscore
○ Open another terminal and type sudo apt-get install ros-$(rosversion -d)-turtlesim
○ Run turtlesim rosrun turtlesim turtlesim_node
○ Open another terminal and type rosrun turtlesim turtle_teleop_key
➢ Use the keypad arrow keys to move the turtle around and check how the data is getting published in /cmd_vel topic
● Create a package called assignment_1 with dependencies rospy in your catkin workspace
Your Code:
● In the source folder of your package assignment_1 create a publisher python file which makes the turtlesim to execute a single circular(approximate) trajectory.
Your Code:
● In the source folder of your package assignment_1 create a publisher python file which makes the turtlesim to execute a single square(approximate) trajectory.
Your Code:
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