ceng443 – (Solution)

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Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming Languages and Systems
Homework 3 – Student Information System
version 1.0

1 Introduction
In this assignment, you will implement a student information system (SIS). Once the system processes students’ optical forms, it will be ready for responding to various queries about the students. When building the system, you will employ the object-oriented design principles you have learned during the classes. Furthermore, you will employ Java 8 Streams to respond to the queries efficiently.
2 Optical Forms
Optical forms are text files which are named as 1.txt, 2.txt, 3.txt, and so on. All of them reside in the input folder, i.e., check the image hw3.png. The format of an optical form is explained below.
• 1st line: name, surname, and id number of the student are separated by a space. The student can have more than one name. And, the student id is a 7-digit number.
Example Line: Mehmet Ali C¸etin 1901834
• 2nd line: year, course code, and course credit are separated by a space. The year is a 5-digit number. The first four digits indicate the academic year, while the last digit indicates whether it is a Fall or Sprint term (1 is for Fall term, and 2 is for Spring term). The course code is a 7-digit number. And, the course credit is a single digit number. Example Line: 20192 5710443 3
• 3rd line: type of the exam. Possible choices: Midterm1, Midterm2, and
Example Line: Midterm1
• 4th line: student’s answers on the optical form interpreted by the optical form reader. The interpretation is a sequence of characters, where a character can be T (correct answer), F (wrong answer), or E (the answer not recognized by the reader).
3 Queries
When testing your program, we will first instantiate your student information system: SIS informationSystem = new SIS(); Then, we will call its methods that you are to implement.
• getGrade(int studentID, int courseCode, int year): Returns student’s overall grade for the course offered in the year. The overall grade is 0.25 x Midterm1 + 0.25 x Midterm2 + 0.5 x Final.
Example Returned Double Value:
• updateExam(int studentID, int courseCode, String examType, double newGrade): Updates student’s exam. Other method calls should be affected after calling this method (i.e., the old grade is not considered anymore). The student can take the same course in different years. If that is the case, the most recent one’s exam grade will be updated.
• createTranscript(int studentID): Prints the transcript of the student. Example Output (separated by a space; sorted by a year then a course code): 20101
2360119 DD 5710111 AA
2360119 BB 2360120 CB

5710492 BA CGPA: 3.52
• findCourse(int courseCode): Prints the years when the course was offered as well as the number of registered students.
Example Output (separated by a space; sorted by a year):
20181 44
20182 40
20191 51
• createHistogram(int courseCode, int year): Prints the grade histogram of the registered students in the course offered in the year.
Example Output (separated by a space; sorted by a bin value):
0-10 0
10-20 5
20-30 2
30-40 3
40-50 1
50-60 10
60-70 3
70-80 6
80-90 1
90-100 2
The former value in the bin value is inclusive, while the latter is exclusive. As an example, 10-20 means [10, 20).
4 Specifications
• createTranscript(), findCourse(), and createHistogram() prints their results to stdout.
• You will only complete parts where TODO comments are.
• You are only allowed to declare local variables in the methods, i.e., do not declare new attributes/methods in class SIS (Since the query types are known in advance, the format of the optical form can be exploited, and implementing the methods becomes trivial). • Do not use loops instead of Java 8 Streams. Your code will be inspected and be penalized heavily if you do so (-50 pts).
5 Grading Rubric
• Commented Code: 10 pts
• getGrade(): 15 pts
• updateExam(): 15 pts
• createTranscript(): 30 pts • findCourse(): 15 pts
• createHistogram(): 15 pts
6 Submission
Submission will be done via ODTUClass. You will submit a zip file called hw3.zip that contains only SIS.java. A penalty of 5 x LateDay x LateDay will be applied for submissions that are late at most 3 days.


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