COMP2046 – Solved

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Weight: 25% module marks
Submission: Create a single .zip file containing your source code files. We will need to rebuild your code to test your implementation. You should submit your single zip file through moodle.
The goal of this coursework is to make use of operating system APIs (specifically, the POSIX API in Linux) and simple concurrency directives to implement simple shared memory problem and scheduling algorithm with a producer- consumer modle.
To maximise your chances of completing this coursework successfully, and to give you the best chance to get a good mark, the coursework is divided into multiple independent components, each one gradually more difficult to implement. The individual solutions should then be used/extended into the final program, which combines the principles of the individual programs. Completing this coursework successfully will give a good understanding of:
• Basic process creation, memory image overwriting and shared memory usage.
• Basic process scheduling algorithms and evaluation criteria.
• The use operating system APIs in Linux.
• Critical sections and the need to implement mutual exclusion.
• The basics of concurrent/parallel programming using an operating system’s facilities (e.g. semaphores, mutex).
Submission requirements
You are asked to rigorously stick to the naming conventions for your source code and output files. The source files must be named TASKX.c, any output files should be named TASKX.txt, with X being the number of the task. Ignoring the naming conventions above will result in you loosing marks.
For submission, create a single .zip file containing all your source code and output files in one single directory (i.e., create a directory first, place the files inside the directory, and zip up the directory). Please use your username as the name of the directory.
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Background Information
Coding and Compiling Your Coursework

There are several source files available on Moodle for download that you must use. To ensure consistency across all students, changes are not to be made on these given source files. The header file (coursework.h, linkedlist.h) contain a number of definitions of constants and several function prototypes. The source file (coursework.c, linkedlist.c) contain the implementation of these functions. Documentation is included in both files and should be self-explanatory. Note that, in order to use these files with your own code, you will be required to specify the file on the command line when using the gcc compiler (e.g. “gcc –std=c99 TASKX.c coursework.c linkedlist.c”), and include the
coursework.h/linkedlist.c file in your code (using #include “coursework.h”/ #include “linkedlist.h”).

Task 1: Static Process Scheduling (40 marks):

The goal of this task it to implement two basic process scheduling algorithms (Shortest Job First (SJF) and Priority Queues (PQ)) in a static environment. That is, all jobs are known at the start. You are expected to calculate response and turnaround times for each of the processes, as well as averages for all jobs. Note that the priority queue algorithm uses a Round Robin (RR) within the priority levels.

Both algorithms should be implemented in separate source files (TASK1a.c for SJF, TASK1b.c for PQ) and use the linked list implementation provided in (linkedlist.c and linkedlist.h) for the underlying data structure. In both cases, your implementation should contain a function that generates a pre-defined NUMBER_OF_PROCESSES (this constant is defined in coursework.h) and stores them in a linked list (using a SJF approach for Task1a and RR for Task1b). This linked list simulates a ready queue in a real operating system. The implementation of the SJF and PQ will remove jobs from the ready queues in the order in which they should run. Note that you are expected to use multiple linked lists for the PQ algorithm, one for each priority level. In the linked list ready queue implementation, the process will be added to the end and removed from the front.

You must use the coursework source and header file provided on Moodle (linkedlist.c, linkedlist.h, coursework.c and coursework.h). The header file contains a number of definitions of constants, a definition of a simple process control block, and several function prototypes. The source file (coursework.c) contains the implementation of these function prototypes and must be specified on the command line when compiling your code.

In order to make your code/simulation more realistic, a runNonPreemptiveJob()and a runPreemptiveJob() function are provided in the coursework.c file. These functions simulate the processes running on the CPU for a certain amount of time, and update their state accordingly. The respective functions must be called every time a process runs.

The criteria used in the marking TASK1a.c and TASK1b.c of your coursework include:

• Whether you submitted code, the code compiles, the code runs.
• The code to generate a pre-defined number of processes and store them in a linked list corresponding to the queue in a SJF fashion.
• Whether jobs are added at the end of the linked list in an efficient manner, that is by using the tail of the linked list rather than traversing the entire linked list first.
• Whether the correct logic is used to calculate (average) response and (average) turnaround time for both algorithms. Note that both are calculated relative to the time that the process was created (which is a data field in the process structure).
• Whether the implementation of the SJF and PQ algorithms is correct.
• Correct use of the appropriate run functions to simulate the processes running on the CPU.
• The correct use of dynamic memory and absence memory leaks. That means, your code correctly frees the elements in the linked list and its data values.
• Code to that visualises the working of the algorithms and that generates output similar to the example provided on Moodle.
For this task, you are required to submit three files: TASK1a.c and TASK1b.c
Task 2: Dynamic Process Creation/Consumption (60 marks)
In task 1, we assumed that all processes are available upon start-up. This is usually not the case in real world systems, nor can it be assumed that an infinite number of processes can simultaneously co-exist in an operating system.
Therefore, you are asked to implement the process scheduling algorithms from task 1 (SJF and PQ) using a bounded buffer with multiple producer and consumer solution to simulate how an Operating System performs process scheduling. In this design, the size models the maximum number of processes that can co-exist in the system is fixed by buffer size, there are multiple dispatchers (producer) add processes to the ready queue while multiple CPUs (consumer) select processes to run simultaneously. To do this, you have to extend the code tasks 1a and 1b to a bounded buffer with multiple producer/consumer solution. Similarly to task 1, both solutions should be implemented in separate source files (TASK2a.c for SJF, and TASK2b.c for PQ).
In both cases (SJF and PQ), the bounded buffers must be implemented as a linked list. In the case of SJF, the maximum number of elements in the list should not exceed N, where N is equal to the maximum co-exist process number defined by MAX_BUFFER_SIZE (defined in coursework.h). In the case of the PQs, the maximum number of elements across all queues (every priority level is represented by a separate linked list) should not exceed MAX_BUFFER_SIZE. The producers generate process and adds them to the end of the bounded buffer. The consumers will remove process from the start of the list and simulate them “running” on the CPU (using the runNonPreemptiveJob()(SJF) and runPreemptiveJob()(PQ) functions provided in the coursework.c file).
In the case of Priority Queues, jobs that have not fully completed in the ‘’current run’’ (i.e. the remaining time was larger than the time slice) must be added to the end of the relevant queue/buffer again. Note that at any one point in time, there shouldn’t be more than MAX_BUFFER_SIZE jobs in the system (that is, the total number of processes currently running or waiting in the ready queue(s)).
The final version of your code should include:
• A linked list (or set of linked lists for PQs) of jobs representing the bounded buffer utilised in the correct manner. The maximum size of this list should be configured to not exceed, e.g., 50 elements.
• Multiple producer threads that generate a total number of MAX_NUMBER_OF_JOBS processes, and not more. That is, the number of elements produced by the different threads sums up to MAX_NUMBER_OF_JOBS. Elements are added to the buffer as soon as free spaces are available. A consumer function that removes elements from the end of the buffer (one at a time).
• A mechanism to ensure that all consumers terminate gracefully when MAX_NUMBER_OF_JOBS have been consumed. The code to:
o Declare all necessary semaphores/mutexes and initialise them to the correct values.
o Create the producer/consumer threads.
o Join all threads with the main thread to prevent the main thread from finishing before the consumers/producers have ended.
o Calculate the average response time and average turnaround time and print them on the screen when all jobs have finished. o Synchronise all critical sections in a correct and efficient manner, and only when strictly necessary keeping the critical sections to the smallest possible code set(s).
o Generate output similar in format to the example provided on Moodle for this requirement (for 100 jobs, using a buffer size of 10).
The criteria used in the marking TASK2a.c and TASK2b.c of your coursework include:
• Whether you have submitted the code and you are using the correct naming conventions and format.
• Whether the code compiles correctly, and runs in an acceptable manner.
• Whether you utilise and manipulate your linked list in the correct manner.
• Whether semaphores/mutexes are correctly defined, initialised, and utilised.
• Whether consumers and producers are joined correctly.
• Whether the correct number of producers and consumers has been utilised, as specified in the coursework description.
• Whether consumers and producers end gracefully/in a correct manner.
• Whether the exact number of processes is produced and consumed.
• Whether the calculation of (average) response and (average) turnaround time remain correct.
• Whether the integration of SJF/PQ is correct for the bounded buffer problem.
• Whether your code is efficient, easy to understand, and allows for maximum parallelism.
• Whether your code runs free of deadlocks.
• Whether the output generated by your code follows the format of the examples provided on Moodle.
For this task, you are required to submit three files: TASK2a.c and TASK2b.c


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