Computer & Information Science & Engineering

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Manual: Fundamentals of AI

This exercise serves as a review of basic data structures and an introduction to behavioral modeling using the behavior tree concept. Students will examine and implement a list-based queue as well as a tree functionality for a behavior tree. To ensure adequate preparation for later projects, students are advised not to examine or use code they wrote previously (i.e., do not copy-paste from an older project). Students should write the code from scratch.

The exercise is broken into two main parts:

1) Implementation of a linked list (LinkedList) with standards methods and iterator support
2) Implementation of a tree supporting varying numbers of children (n-ary) with standard traversal methods

The LinkedList project is loaded by default as part of the solution. Students should be able to complete this part of the lab within a short period of time. LinkedList should be implemented as a doubly linked list which terminates in a null pointer (nullptr). Depending on how one adds to or remove items from either end, the linked list can behave either as a stack or as a queue.

A linked list is made up of nodes. Each node in the list contains some data (in this case, a location represented by a pair of coordinates) and a pointer to the next and previous nodes in the list. The first node in the list is called the front, and the last node is called the back.

public T operator*() const
Return the element at the iterator’s current position in the queue.

public Iterator& operator++()
Pre-increment overload; advance the operator one position in the list. Return this iterator. NOTE: if the iterator has reached the end of the list (past the last element), it should be equal to LinkedList<T>::end().

public bool operator==(Iterator const& rhs)
Returns true if both iterators point to the same node in the list, and false otherwise.

public bool operator!=(Iterator const& rhs)
Returns false if both iterators point to the same node in the list, and true otherwise.
public LinkedList<T>()
This is the constructor for LinkedList.

public Iterator begin() const
Returns an Iterator pointing to the beginning of the list.

public Iterator end() const
Returns an Iterator pointing past the end of the list (an invalid, unique state).

public bool isEmpty() const
Returns true if there are no elements, false otherwise.

public T getFront() const
Returns the first element in the list.

public T getBack() const
Returns the last element in the list.

public void enqueue(T element)
Inserts the specified element at the end of the list.

public void dequeue()
Removes the first element from the list.

public void pop()
Removes the last element from the list.

public void clear()
Removes all elements from the list.

public bool contains(T element) const
Returns true if you find a node whose data equals the specified element, false otherwise.

public void remove(T element)
Removes the first node you find whose data equals the specified element.
Trees are very common in Artificial Intelligence for both problem-solving and decision-making. One use is the building of Behavior Trees, which will be used as an example in this exercise and covered in more detail later. In a behavior tree, the basic node element is known as a behavior – a way of thinking or acting. All behaviors are said to either succeed (complete successfully) or fail (fail to complete.)
Once you have completed LinkedList, you can set WumpusWorld as the start-up project. To construct its Behavior Trees, WumpusWorld uses the TreeNode data structure which students will implement.

A tree holding descendants. Betty is a child of Annabel, and Gary is a leaf node.

As the data stored in trees are non-linear, there are several ways to visit the nodes of a tree. In this project, students will implement three traversals: depth-first pre-order, depth-first post-order, and breadth-first.
In a (depth-first) pre-order traversal a node’s data is processed before its children’s data:
def preOrderTraversal(node, function):
for child in node.children: preOrderTraversal(child, function)
A pre-order traversal of the example tree would yield: Annabel, Betty, Doug, Gary, Ellinore, Cyrus, Frank
In a (depth-first) post-order traversal a node’s data is processed after its children’s data:
def postOrderTraversal(node, function): for child in node.children:
preOrderTraversal(child, function)
A post-order traversal of the example tree would yield:
Gary, Doug, Ellinore, Betty, Frank, Cyrus, Annabel
In a breadth-first traversal a node’s data is processed before nodes in lower levels. The techniques involved in a breadth first-traversal are very different from those of depth-first traversals. A queue (or list) and a loop are used to store nodes rather than relying on recursive calls:
def breadthFirstTraversal(root, function):
queue = [ root ]
while not queue.empty(): node = queue.popfront() function(node)
for child in node.children: queue.append(child)
The output of a breadth-first search would look like this: Annabel, Betty, Cyrus, Doug, Ellinore, Frank, Gary

You will implement a generic tree node with the following methods and the following traversal functions:
public TreeNode<T>()
Constructor for TreeNode. Should store a default-constructed data value and start with no children.

public TreeNode<T>(T element)
Constructor for TreeNode. Should store element as its data value and start with no children.

public const T& getData() const
Returns a reference to the stored data.

public size_t getChildCount() const
Returns the number of children of this node.

public TreeNode<T>* getChild(size_t index)
Returns the child node as specified by index.

public TreeNode<T>* getChild(size_t index) const
Returns the child node as specified by index. Note: this is the const version of this method.

public void addChild(TreeNode<T>* child)
Add child to the children of this node.

public TreeNode<T>* removeChild(size_t index)
Remove and return the child node at specified by index. (Note that this does not delete the node!)

public void breadthFirstTraverse(void (*dataFunction)(const T)) const
Breadth-first traversal starting at this node. Calls dataFunction on the element to process it.

public void preOrderTraverse(void (*dataFunction)(const T)) const
Pre-order traversal starting at this node. Calls dataFunction on the element to process it.

public void postOrderTraverse(void (*dataFunction)(const T)) const
Post-order traversal starting at this node. Calls dataFunction on the element to process it.

The TreeNode structure will be tested by using it to build the behavior tree of an AI player for a variant of the “Wumpus World” game. The Wumpus World is an old text-adventure where the player must navigate a dungeon. Within there is a single stash of gold, several bottomless pits which will kill the player, and a mean, stinky monster called the “Wumpus.” The objective is to kill the Wumpus and retrieve the gold. The world we’ll be working with is outlined below:

☺ Agent
☼ Gold
~ Breeze
○ Pit
‼ Stench
Ω Wumpus ☺
‼ ~
Ω ☼~‼ ○ ~ ~
‼ ~ ~ ○ ~
~ ~
~ ○ ~

Surrounding each pit is a breeze and surrounding the Wumpus is a horrible stench. The player can attack the Wumpus from any adjacent square in order to try and kill it, but the player has only a single arrow to fire. If the player steps on a pit square or the Wumpus square, the player dies.

Using the TreeNode class, a behavior tree will be built for an agent that will play as the Wumpus World hero. If the class is correctly completed, the project’s output should be identical to that of the example.
Students will submit a zip file named containing the following files at the end of this exercise on Canvas:

 LinkedList.h
 TreeNode.h

Place them in the root directory of your zip file, not in a subdirectory. Do not submit any other files.

NOTE: Each test case will be checked for memory leaks! If a test case leaks memory, it will be penalized by up to 30%, so if you leak a lot of memory on every test case, your maximum grade penalty will be 30% overall.

Check out the Visual Studio documentation and the _DEBUG symbol to track down memory leaks.


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