Introduction and Format:
1. This Assignment is a group project that allows exploration and research of a topic “beyond the classroom”. The purpose of the Assignment is to provide practical experience preparing and presenting a professional presentation. Many of you will be asked to make such a presentation when you enter the job market; this exercise will help prepare you for that event.
Written Report
1. Two students will work together to prepare a 6-page maximum report explaining the workings of any Internet protocol
2. The students should research the RFC of the protocol and any the Internet to explain the following:
• Message Type
• Message Sequence
• Message Syntax
• Type of Connection
4. Any diagrams or references taken from the Internet must be properly referenced using APA format. A bibliography is expected and marks will be deducted for improper format, spelling or grammar.
Web Page
1. When the report is finished the web master for the group will recreate the written report content on the web site using the My Seneca Portfolio tool under ToolsMy Portfolio. (no HTML programming experience is required)
2. Use the header, footer, artifact and banner tools to make your presentation look professional. You can display the content on 1 page or multiple pages, you can embed the content into the web page or link to it, the choice is yours. The goal is a clear and easy to understand web presentation.
3. Deliverable #2 is used to have all group members’, “sign off” on the Assignment, just like a realworld project. It must be posted as an image file and displayed at the end of on the web site after the bibliography.
Students will turn in the following for grading:
• Hard copy of the written report (required to evaluate the web site) • Shared portfolio link to web site
Deliverable #1 1 mark
Deliverable #2 1 mark
Group Logo 1 mark
Accuracy 4 marks
Relevance 4 marks
4 marks
15 marks
Deliverable # 1
Student Name Learn name Responsibility
Deliverable #2
Student Assignment Submission Form
I/we declare that the attached assignment is my/our own work in accordance with
Seneca Academic Policy. No part of this assignment has been copied manually or electronically from any other source (including web sites) or distributed to other students.
Name(s) Student ID(s)
Group Assignment Problem Report
I/We the undersigned:
Student Name Student Signature
agree that ____________________________________________________
Name of Problem Group Member nature of the problem:
Attempts to correct the situation:
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