Workshop 5 (out of 10 marks – 6% of your final grade)
In this workshop, you will code a C-language program with an object of structure type.
Upon successful completion of this workshop, you will have demonstrated the abilities:
• to store data of different types using a structure type
• to declare an object of structure type
• to access the members of an object of structure type
All your work (all the files you create or modify) must contain your name, Seneca email and student number.
You are responsible to back up your work regularly.
Late submission penalties:
– In-lab portion submitted late, with at-home portion: 0 for in-lab. Maximum of 70/70 for at-home and reflection
– If any of in-lab, at-home or reflection portions is missing the mark will be zero.
IN-LAB: (30%)
Download or clone workshop 5 (WS05) from
Write your code for this segment in the emp_inlab.c file provided with the Visual Studio template project inside the in-lab folder.
In this workshop segment, you will implement, Add and Display employee data functionality using C structs and arrays.
The emp_inlab.c template file has the following already implemented instructions:
• Display a menu list as shown in the following inside a do-while loop construct:
1. Display Employee Information
2. Add Employee
0. Exit
• Capture user input for the above options. Store to an int variable named “option”
• Ability to iterate multiple menu choices (until 0 is entered) with required selection construct to direct process flow to the required logic/functionality (using switch). Refer to the comments for each case to identify the functionality required.
• Display an error message for invalid menu option selections in the default case
• Initial output information for menu options 1 and 2 is provided with the relevant formatting.
You are required to complete the following.
– Define the number of employees SIZE to be 2 using the #define directive and inserting it between the library directive and the main function definition (you will increase this value later)
– Declare a struct to represent employee data, which has the following information o An identification number stored in an int o Age stored in an int o Salary stored in a double
– Define an array of Employee struct’s named emp that can hold SIZE elements.
Initialize all of the elements and their member variables to be 0. (Hint: You can assign {0} to emp at its definition.)
Print the exiting message.
> Exiting Employee Data Program. Good Bye!!! <
• Display the elements of the struct emp array. Only display the valid employee data
(“Employee ID, Employee Age and Employee Salary”). Do not display any other data. Hint: If the identification number is positive, then it is valid employee data. Use the following formatting in a printf statement:
%6d%9d%11.2lf (Employee ID, Employee Age and Employee Salary)
• After completing the display, enter a newline using a printf statement.
• Keep track of the number of valid employees using an int variable.
• Check if the struct emp array is full.
• If the array is full, display the following error message.
> ERROR!!! Maximum Number of Employees Reached <
• If the array is not full, accept new employee data (“Employee ID, Employee Age and Employee Salary”) as per the program output listed below and store that data in an empty element of the struct emp array. Increment the number of valid employees as required.
Your program is complete if your output matches the following output. Red numbers show the user’s input.
1. Display Employee Information
2. Add Employee
0. Exit
Please select from the above options: 2
Adding Employee
Enter Employee ID: 111
Enter Employee Age: 34
Enter Employee Salary: 78980.88
1. Display Employee Information
2. Add Employee
0. Exit
Please select from the above options: 2
Adding Employee
Enter Employee ID: 112
Enter Employee Age: 41
Enter Employee Salary: 65000
1. Display Employee Information
2. Add Employee
0. Exit
Please select from the above options: 2
Adding Employee
=============== ERROR!!! Maximum Number of Employees Reached
1. Display Employee Information
2. Add Employee
0. Exit
Please select from the above options: 1
====== ======= ==========
111 34 78980.88
112 41 65000.00
1. Display Employee Information
2. Add Employee
0. Exit
Please select from the above options: 0
Exiting Employee Data Program. Good Bye!!!
To test and demonstrate execution of your program use the same data as the output example above or any information needed.
If not on matrix already, upload your emp_inlab.c to your matrix account. Compile and run your code and make sure everything works properly.
Then run the following script from your account: (replace profname.proflastname with your professors Seneca userid)
~profname.proflastname/submit 144_w5_lab <ENTER>
and follow the instructions.
Please Note
• A successful submission does not guarantee full credit for this workshop.
AT_HOME: (30%)
Copy all of the in-lab code into the “emp_athome.c” file, which you will find in the at-home folder. Implement the following cases to emp_athome.c file.
– Change the value of SIZE to 4.
– Expand the menu list (printing) to include options 3 & 4 after option 2 with the following
o Update Employee Salary
o Remove Employee
– Create two switch-cases for option 3 & 4 after case 2. Do not forget to include break; statements at the end of each case.
• Display the following initially
> Update Employee Salary < > ====================== <
• Prompt the user for the employee identification number using a do-while loop. While the number is not found in the employee array, keep prompting the user.
• Once the number is found, display the current salary for the employee with that identification number and prompt the user to input the new salary. Replace the old salary with the input value.
• Display the following initially
> Remove Employee < > =============== <
• Copy and paste from case 3 the do-while loop that prompts the user for the employee identification number.
• Once the number is found, display the following message and change the employee identification number to indicate an empty slot.
> Employee [REPLACE WITH EMP ID] will be removed <
• Decrement the valid employee count by one
Your program is complete, if your output matches the following output. Red numbers show the user’s input.
1. Display Employee Information
2. Add Employee
3. Update Employee Salary
4. Remove Employee
0. Exit
Please select from the above options: 5
ERROR: Incorrect Option: Try Again
1. Display Employee Information
2. Add Employee
3. Update Employee Salary
4. Remove Employee
0. Exit
Please select from the above options: 2
Adding Employee
Enter Employee ID: 111
Enter Employee Age: 34
Enter Employee Salary: 78980.88
1. Display Employee Information
2. Add Employee
3. Update Employee Salary
4. Remove Employee
0. Exit
Please select from the above options: 2
Adding Employee
Enter Employee ID: 112
Enter Employee Age: 41
Enter Employee Salary: 65000
1. Display Employee Information
2. Add Employee
3. Update Employee Salary
4. Remove Employee
0. Exit
Please select from the above options: 2
Adding Employee
Enter Employee ID: 113
Enter Employee Age: 53
Enter Employee Salary: 120345.78
1. Display Employee Information
2. Add Employee
3. Update Employee Salary
4. Remove Employee
0. Exit
Please select from the above options: 2
Adding Employee
Enter Employee ID: 114
Enter Employee Age: 25
Enter Employee Salary: 46780
1. Display Employee Information
2. Add Employee
3. Update Employee Salary
4. Remove Employee
0. Exit
Please select from the above options: 2
Adding Employee
=============== ERROR!!! Maximum Number of Employees Reached
1. Display Employee Information
2. Add Employee
3. Update Employee Salary
4. Remove Employee
0. Exit
Please select from the above options: 1
====== ======= ==========
111 34 78980.88
112 41 65000.00
113 53 120345.78
114 25 46780.00
1. Display Employee Information
2. Add Employee
3. Update Employee Salary
4. Remove Employee
0. Exit
Please select from the above options: 3
Update Employee Information
Enter Employee ID: 112
The current salary is 65000.00
Enter Employee New Salary: 99999.99
1. Display Employee Information
2. Add Employee
3. Update Employee Salary
4. Remove Employee
0. Exit
Please select from the above options: 1
====== ======= ==========
111 34 78980.88
112 41 99999.99
113 53 120345.78
114 25 46780.00
1. Display Employee Information
2. Add Employee
3. Update Employee Salary
4. Remove Employee
0. Exit
Please select from the above options: 4
Remove Employee
Enter Employee ID: 112
Employee 112 will be removed
1. Display Employee Information
2. Add Employee
3. Update Employee Salary
4. Remove Employee
0. Exit
Please select from the above options: 1
====== ======= ==========
111 34 78980.88
113 53 120345.78
114 25 46780.00
1. Display Employee Information
2. Add Employee
3. Update Employee Salary
4. Remove Employee
0. Exit
Please select from the above options: 0
Exiting Employee Data Program. Good Bye!!!
Please provide brief answers to the following questions in a text file named reflect.txt.
1) In two or three sentences discuss the advantages of using an array of structs versus parallel arrays when dealing with related data
2) The preferred method of declaring a struct data type is in a header file. Briefly explain why. Hint: this is explained in the notes.
Note: when completing the workshop reflection it is a violation of academic policy to cut and paste content from the course notes or any other published source, or to copy the work of another student.
To test and demonstrate execution of your program use the same data as the output example above.
If not on matrix already, upload your emp_athome.c and reflect.txt to your matrix account. Compile and run your code and make sure everything works properly.
Then run the following script from your account: (replace profname.proflastname with your professors Seneca userid)
~profname.proflastname/submit 144_w5_home <ENTER>
and follow the instructions.
Please Note
• A successful submission does not guarantee full credit for this workshop.
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