PP Task 9.1 Divide and Conquer
Purpose: Apply your functional decomposition skills to a new task with familiar elements.
Task: Implement a DNA sequence (i.e., String) manipulation program consisting of a number of relatively small methods.
Learning Outcomes: 3’• 4
Time: Aim to complete this task before the start of Week 10.
Resources: • Introductory Programming Notes:
0 05 Using Objects
0 07 Methods in Self-contained Programs
0 08 Making Decisions
0 09 Repeating Actions with Loops
0 13 Functional Decomposition
Online Mini-lectures:
Making your own methods: …in self-contained programs
Submission Details
Upload the following to the MyLO submission folder for this task:
The source code for your program
A screenshot of the program during execution
An image (photo or scan) of the structure chart describing your program
Assessment Criteria
A Completed submission will:
• Implement all required functionality
• Import only those additional classes that it actually uses
• Have little code in main() (likely less than 10 lines of code, but also more than just one)
• Exhibit good use of functional decomposition, with a number of small methods to solve different parts of the task Show the connections between methods in your program in the structure chart Make use of String methods wherever suitable
• Follow the unit’s coding style for layout, variable names (use of case), and commenting (including your name at the top) Compile and run, with the screenshot showing that it works
In this task it is left to you to decide how the program should be broken down into methods (as a rough guide, a Completed solution will have between 5 and 8 relatively small methods, including main). We will accept a broad range of solutions, not merely the sample solution we created when designing the task.
A description of the program and its functionality is given next, followed by a number of suggestions for how to implement some of the trickier functionality.
Background information about DNA
A DNA sequence consists of a restricted alphabet of ‘A’, ‘T’, ‘G’ and ‘C’, which are known as bases. Your program will read a single piece of text representing such a sequence
DNA strands are actually made up of two complementary sequences, with strict rules about which bases appear with which other bases (A only ever pairs with T, G only ever pairs with C). Your program will be able to switch between the original sequence and its complement (more details are given later)
A common operation on a DNA sequence is transcription, where a part of the sequence is converted into messenger RNA (mRNA), which is an intermediate step to translating the code into proteins (this second step is beyond your program). RNA, which is an older form of genetic material than DNA, uses the same alphabet as DNA except that Tis replaced by U
DNA Sequencer
The program should implement the following high-level algorithm:
Program: DNA Sequencer
1 Display the program’ s name
2 Prompt the user to enter a DNA sequence (any non-whitespace characters are allowed)
3 Convert that String to upper case and replace all non-DNA characters with the lower case letter n 4 Display the error rate (details below)
5 Do
5-1 Display a menu of operations for working with that DNA sequence 6 While the use has not selected quit
After step 3, only the ‘cleaned’ sequence of characters will be used. For example, if the user typed IgaxTT/aca’ then it will be displayed later as ‘GAnTTnACA’. For each operation that displays some information the program should present that information with some suitable prefix, such as ‘Sequence: ‘.
The available operations are:
Display the sequence, which should display the current value of the sequence.
Display the error rate, which is the proportion of invalid characters in the sequence, expressed as a percentage. In the example above this is approximately 22%. (It’s OK if the program displays this with too much precision, that is, too many digits after the decimal place.
We don’t cover number formatting in the unit.)
Transcribe the entire sequence, which should display the mRNA equivalent of the entire sequence (i.e., the sequence with all Ts converted to Us)
Transcribe a section of the sequence, between two points. The user should be asked to give the start and end of the section to transcribe, which will be values between 1 and the length of the sequence, inclusive. Both the start and end should be included in the transcribed section so, given the example above, if the user asked to transcribe between positions 2 and 5 the program will produce ‘AnlJU’.
Switch to the sequence’s complement, which should change the current value of the sequence to its complementary sequence and then display the new value. The rules to apply are: A becomes T, T becomes A, G becomes C, C becomes G, n remains unchanged. For example, the sequence above would change to CTnAAnTGT.
Note that the last operation changes the value of the sequence that the program is working with. To get back to the original sequence the user needs to select the last option again.
Implementation advice
Cleaning the input
Strings have a cep1aceA11(String regex, String replacement) method that will replace all substrings that match the given cegu/ar expression (a pattern that can match a variety of String values) with the given replacement. As we don’t cover regular expressions in the unit, here are some patterns that you will find useful:
I’ [XYZ] ” matches any single character from the set ‘X’, Y’ or ‘Z’ matches any single character that is notin the the set ‘X’, ‘Y’ or ‘Z’
You should not write a loop to clean the input text.
Calculating the error rate
The error rate can be calculated either with a loop (which is conceptually easier) or using a combination of String methods (which is a little shorter).
Transcribing the sequence
This is most easily done using a String method (mentioned above) instead of a loop. Remember you only need to change one of the characters.
There’s another String method, discussed in the notes, that will help with transcribing a section, but remember that the user will describe positions in the sequence with values 1 and above.
Constructing the sequence’s complement
This is possible with the use of several String methods, but is actually easier if you write a loop to construct a new String from the current value. Remember that, given a String variable s, initialised as ” some text”; will append some text to the end of s.
Ask us for help
We can give you additional advice if you tell us which part you’re stuck on. Just ask.
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