CSE 546 Reinforcement Learning Solved

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Assignment 2
Team 16
Author: Sarveshwar Singhal (50418642), Sungjoon Park (50419347)
Part 1
1. The main details of ‘CartPole-v1’
a. Objectives
i. to achieve the average return greater than or equal to 195.0 over 100 consecutive trials by controlling the cart’s velocity
ii. while preventing a pole which is attached to a cart from falling over an episode whose length is greater than 200
b. State Space (defined by 4 continuous elements)
(𝑥) Velocity (∂𝑥/∂𝑡) Angle (θ) Angular Velocity
c. Action Space[− 4. 8, 4. 8] (− ∞, ∞) [− 0. 418 𝑟𝑎𝑑, 0. 418 𝑟𝑎𝑑] (− ∞, ∞)
i. : Push a cart to the left.
d. Rewardsii. 10: Push a cart to the right.
e. The termination conditions (game over conditions)ii.i. 10:: if the game is not over if the game is over or mission is completed
i. if the pole’s angle is more than 12 degrees or
ii. a cart’s position is more than 2.4 (center of the cart reaches the edge of the display)
2. The main details of ‘FrozenLake-v1’
a. Objectives
i. to get to the goal (G) in the bottom right corner where a frisbee is
ii. while avoiding the holes (H) on the way to the goal
b. State Space
i. S: Starting point (safe)
ii. F: Frozen surface (safe)
iii. H: Hole, the game will be over once you step in
iv. G: Goal, where the frisbee is located
c. Action Space
i. : Go left.
ii. 0123: Go down.
iii. : Go right. iv. : Go up.
d. Rewards
i. : if you reach the goal (G)
ii. 10: otherwise
e. The termination conditions (game over conditions) – The game is over if your agent reaches H states.
Part 2
1. Discuss the benefits of the following.
a. Using experience replay in DQN and how its size can influence the results:
Sampling data from a replay buffer in order to learn is called an experience relay. Basic use of experience replay is to store past experience and sample a random subset of experience to update Q-network, rather than picking the latest experience.
Larger experience replay provides more stable training of neural network but it takes more memory and mostly it’s slow as well.
It depends on our priority, if stability is our priority then use larger experience replay network, else if training time is our priority use small experience replay.
b. Introducing the target network:
Target network is used to make neural network training stable. It is used to avoid chasing problems. We create two networks, one main network and the other is the target network.
The reason why this measure is necessary is to have more accurate loss function values. For every iteration in an algorithm, the estimates for a model’s parameters continue to change. As such, if we get 𝑤1 = 𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑞^(𝑠 = 1, 𝑤) anditeration𝑎 = 𝑞for^(𝑠 = 1, 𝑤 = 𝑤a) in the 𝑛th iteration, as soon as we tryfor to do the next
after 1 few iterations, the target value loss function
computation(Assume that 𝑠itbecomesis=the1 first𝑏iteration= 𝑞^(𝑠 =that1, 𝑤 = 𝑤 ) wherethe 𝑘 is not equalThe to 1. after𝑘 th iteration.) loss at
this time is supposed. This istobecausebe 𝑠 𝑎=the−1estimates𝑞^(𝑠 = 1,𝑛 for𝑤 = 𝑤 ) but it is
𝑏to be updated.− 𝑞^(𝑠 = 1, 𝑤 = 𝑤 ) parameters𝑘 continue 𝑘
To fix this problem, if we fix the estimates for the target network’s parameters for a while, we might be able to obtain more accurate loss function values. Specifically, we train our neural network on the main network and synchronize its parameters periodically with those in the target network.
c. Representing theIf we were to use Q-learning𝑄 function asalgorithm,𝑞^(𝑠, 𝑤we) need to create a Q-table and update
every cell in the table throughout the whole given data. It might be possible to implement this approach for an environment with a moderate number of states and actions. However, if the number of states or actions increases drastically, we can hardly implement the algorithm or it will take too much time even if it is feasible to complete the implementation.
reduce Deepthe timeQ-learningrequired.forAlthoughthe Q functionit sacrificesapproximationthe precision(𝑞^(of𝑠, estimating𝑤)) help usQ
values, it practically enables us to train our models within a limited time.
2. Briefly describe the grid-world environment that you used (e.g. possible actions, states, agent, goal, rewards, etc). You can reuse related parts from your Assignment 1 report.
a. main features
i. The environment is deterministic. That is, or for
∀𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎 ∈ ∀𝑟𝐴𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛∈ 𝑟𝑒𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑑𝑠 𝑆𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑒{𝑢𝑝, 𝑑𝑜𝑤𝑛 ,𝑠𝑒𝑡 ∀𝑠., ,𝑠 𝑙𝑒𝑓𝑡’∈𝑂𝑏𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛, 𝑟𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡} 𝑝( 𝑆𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑒𝑠’, 𝑟|𝑠,, 𝑎) = 1 0
ii. set of actions: iii. the number of states: 16 (4 by 4 Grid World)
v. main objective: to arrive at the terminal state within 20 steps{0, 0. 2, 0. 3, 0. 7, 5} iv. rewards: vi. visualization
0 1 2 3
(starting) (0.7)
4 5 6
(0.2) 7
8 9 10 11
(0.3) 13 14 15
(terminal, 5.0)
b. What has changed from the Assignment 1?
ii.i. rewards:time limit: 15 {0, →− 200. 2, 0. 3, − 0. 7, 1} → {0, 0. 2, 0. 3, 0. 7, 5}
c. Safety in AI
i. When an agent is forced to leave the edge of the grid, it is forced to maintain the edge of the grid so that the simulation can only be repeated within a given environment. ii. It is implemented through NumPy’s clip function.
3. Show and discuss your results after applying your DQN implementation on the environment. Plots should include epsilon decay and the reward per episode.
a. Plot: epsilon decay

b. Plot: total reward per episode

The performance seems to improve as episodes progress, but it is uncomfortable to see because the line densely fluctuates in the figure. Thus, we provide two relative frequency histograms to make it visually easier to determine whether our vanilla DQN improves the performance in the following.
c. Plots: Improved Performance through the vanilla DQN training

At the beginning of the learning, the proportion of achieving a total reward more than 10 is about 20%, but after the 2000th episode, when the epsilon value becomes less than 0.05, the total reward is greater than 10 for about 60% episodes.
4. Provide the evaluation results. Run your environment for at least 5 episodes, where the agent chooses only greedy actions from the learnt policy. Plot should include the total reward per episode.

Part 3
1. Discuss the algorithm you implemented.
a. (Vanilla) DQN
It approximates Q function (action value function) applying deep neural networks. By doing so, it can be used for the cases in which the number of states is too large to implement Q-table. The main idea is to use Q-learning Meanwhile, it outperforms DQN algorithms by adopting the concept𝑄(𝑠, 𝑎of) algorithm and utilize neural networks to obtain estimates for .
experience replay and introducing a target network. However, it still has some drawbacks, one of which is maximization bias. This problem aggravates the performance of vanilla DQN algorithms.
b. Double DQN
Double DQN appeared to solve maximization bias which is found in vanilla DQN algorithms. The main idea of this algorithm is the same is that of
Double Q-learning. It creates two individual neural networks as Double Q-learning updates two individual Q-tables. So it computes Q-target by obtaining the action which maximizes Q-network outputs and the corresponding state and substituting them into another Q-network’s to get the Q-target.
2. What is the main improvement over the vanilla DQN?
Double DQN successfully alleviates maximization bias from which vanilla DQN algorithms suffer. In the following examples, we show that Double DQN algorithms outperform vanilla DQN algorithms in the same environments.
3. Show and discuss your results after applying your two algorithms implementation on the environment. Plots should include epsilon decay and the reward per episode.
a. GridWorld Environment (3.1)
Epsilon Decay

DQN Double DQN
Reward per Episode

DQN Double DQN
Total Rewards in the first 500 episodes

DQN Double DQN
Total Rewards in the last 500 episodes

DQN Double DQN
b. CartPole-v1 (3.2)
Epsilon Decay

DQN Double DQN
Reward per Episode

DQN Double DQN
c. LunarLander-v2 (3.2)
Epsilon Decay

DQN Double DQN
Reward per Episode

DQN Double DQN
In LunarLander-v2 environment, the DQN algorithm completed training for about 665 seconds during 941 episodes. On the other hand, in the same environment, the Double DQN algorithm made it for about 578 seconds during 902 episodes. That is, the latter was faster than the former by over 10%. Note that the objective of this environment is to obtain more than 200 scores in an episode. We revised the objective a little bit and considered the average score of the latest 100 which is over 200 as successful. It appears that the reason why Double DQN clearly outperforms vanilla DQN in LunarLander-v2 whereas it does not in a simple GridWorld environment is LunarLander-v2 is stochastic and much more complicated than our GridWorld.
4. Provide the evaluation results. Run your environment for at least 5 episodes, where the agent chooses only greedy actions from the learnt policy. Plot should include the total reward per episode.
a. GridWorld Environment (3.1)

DQN Double DQN
Both algorithms show stable performance when it comes to greedy actions from the learnt policy. However, the Double DQN obtains larger total rewards than the vanilla DQN.
b. CartPole-v1 (3.2)

DQN Double DQN

5. Compare the performance of both algorithms (DQN & Improved version of DQN) on the same environments (e.g. show one graph with two reward dynamics) and provide your interpretation of the results. Overall three rewards dynamics plots with results from two algorithms applied on:
a. GridWorld Environment (3.1)

To see reward dynamics, we tracked and stored the rewards along the various epsilon values. We found that there exist consistent performance differences between two algorithms. That is, the Double DQN algorithm strongly dominates the DQN algorithm, even if the environment’s setting changes.

i. We can see that the double DQN total reward per episode is more as compared to DQN. The majority of scores of DQN lies between 200-300 whereas Double DQN is between 300-400. On further increasing the no. of episodes and tuning hyperparameters we can achieve stable results.

We have repeated simulation for 1000 random seeds which have not been applied to the training process. The above figure shows the results of 1000 trials. The DQN algorithm sometimes succeeds in completing the mission but it shows bi-modal distribution, which means it receives scores less than 0 frequently. So if there exists some randomness which the algorithm has not experienced, it excessively reacts to those noisy patterns so that it fails too many times. On the other hand, the Double DQN which is designed to reduce maximization bias show stable performance around the score of 200. It indicates that the Double DQN is less sensitive to noisy patterns than the DQN algorithm.
6. Provide your interpretation of the results. E.g. how the same algorithm behaves on different environments, or how various algorithms behave on the same environment.
Based on our understanding so far we felt that on same environment Double DQN performs betters in terms of convergence and giving better rewards as compared to DQN. Moreover we felt that, with the same algorithm which worked in one environment doesn’t necessarily work in another environment with that much efficiency.
Team Member Assignment Part Contribution
Sungjoon Park Part 1, 2, 3 50 %
Sarveshwar Singhal Part 1, 2, 3 50 %
We coordinated amongst ourselves and choose the best working solution.


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