DATA608 – Module 4 Solved

$ 20.99


In this module we’ll be looking at data from the New York City tree census:

This data is collected by volunteers across the city, and is meant to catalog information about every single tree in the city.

Build a dash app for a arborist studying the health of various tree species (as defined by the variable ‘spc_common’) across each borough (defined by the variable ‘borough’). This arborist would like to answer the following two questions for each species and in each borough:

1. What proportion of trees are in good, fair, or poor health according to the ‘health’ variable?
2. Are stewards (steward activity measured by the ‘steward’ variable) having an impact on the health of trees?

Please see the accompanying notebook for an introduction and some notes on the Socrata API.

Deployment: Dash deployment is more complicated than deploying shiny apps, so deployment in this case is optional ( and will result in extra credit). You can read instructions on deploying a dash app to heroku here:


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