DATA608 – Module 5 Solved

$ 24.99



Your assignment should be in the form of an HTML page, which I will be able to run locally. Refer to the file ‘js_in_webpage.html’ on the github page for instructions on setting up javascript to run on an HTML page, and how to run/debug.

You should complete both of these in 2 (or more) functions on one HTML page

Create a function to reverse any word that you type in. This can be typed into either an input box or an alert box, and then print the result in a box or on the webpage.

Create a function that takes an input number, and prints a table with the first 20 multiples of the number, in order 5×4 example: type in 2 and it results in:









Your assignment should be in the form of an HTML page, which I will be able to run locally. Refer to the file ‘js_in_webpage.html’ on the github page for instructions on setting up javascript to run on an HTML page, and how to run/debug.

You should complete both of these in 2 (or more) functions on one HTML page

Now that you have the presidents data loaded, write a function that will return that president’s height & weight when you type it in. This can be typed into either an input box or an alert box, and then print the result in a box or on the webpage.

Deployment: Your apps from parts 1 and 2 must be deployed. There are a lot of options for deploying javascript apps, however I would recommend using github pages. Read more about how github pages work here: /


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