CMSC312 – (Solution)

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1. Summary
This project aims at designing and implementing a simulator of an operating system. Students are expected to prepare a computer program that will serve as a simulator of creation and running of processes on a theoretical operating system. These processes will originate from program files (also referred to as templates) provided by students. Program files will be consisting of pre-determined instructions that will simulate the usage of computer system resources. These programs need not to be coded, only simulated. These program files will have simulated instruction and I/O cycles that is proportional to the type and size of the program (e.g., template for printer driver will focus mainly on I/O cycles, while template for a spreadsheet will focus mainly on CPU cycles). Simulator must create a requested number of processes from each of templates randomly using a pre-defined generator. Classes are to be created to mimic the role of different hardware components and software embedded in the operating system. These classes will have methods in them to perform operating system duties and will rely or call on other classes or methods, thus creating a fully interconnected system.

2. Project details
This project will consist of four main components – (1) process management, (2) memory management, (3) I/O management, and (4) user interface. Each individual component is explained in detail below.

2.1. Process management
“Program files” (also referred to as “templates”) are text or .xml files that are used to create processes that will be then managed and run by our OS simulator. Therefore,
“program file” must be treated as a template that can be used to create numerous processes with diverse parameters (e.g., by randomization of the values in the template). Each template (and thus each process created from it) will consist of a “mock” code written in a form of keyword operations, each representing the usage of a different resource managed by OS. For simplicity, only three types of operations are required:
• CALCULATE – When this line is read in, the simulator will run the process in the run state for the number of cycles specified as a parameter (i.e., occupy CPU for a given number of cycles, simulating the usage of CPU resource).
• I/O – This will put the process in the waiting state for a specified number of cycles.
• FORK – this will create a child process according to a selected parent-child management scheme.

Example of a program file / template (this needs to be enriched with memory management in a later step):
Operation list: min cycles max cycles
I/O 10 20
I/O 15 25

This template must be used as an input (seed) for a generator that will spawn a userdefined number of processes with randomized cycle length for each operation. Example of two processes created from the above template are:
Process #1 Process #2
I/O 17 I/O 11
I/O 22 I/O 16

Each program must contain at least one critical section and at least a single critical section resolving scheme must be implemented. Critical sections can be implemented as tags encoding a number of operations that are considered as a critical section. Critical sections can be hard coded into a template or placed randomly in each created process. All information about each process must be stored in Process Control Block (PCB).

Additionally, for points necessary for B or A grades it is required for a at least single interprocess communication scheme, a message passing scheme, and a multi-level child parent relationship to be implemented.

2.2. Process lifecycle
The processes created from templates must be managed by the OS simulator following a process lifecycle that is realized as switching among the possible states in which each individual process will be in a given moment:
• NEW – The program or process is being created or loaded (but not yet in memory).
• READY – The program is loaded into memory and is waiting to run on the CPU.
• RUN – Instructions are being executed (or simulated).
• WAIT – The program is waiting for some event to occur (such as an I/O completion).
• EXIT – The program has finished execution on the CPU (all instructions and I/O complete), releases resources and leaves memory.

2.3. Process scheduling

Additionally, for points necessary for B or A grades it is required to implement at least two different schedulers must and compare them with regard to their performance, as well as assign priorities to processes, implement a multi-level queue scheduling, process resources, and deadlock avoidance algorithm.

2.4. Memory management

Additionally, for points necessary for B or A grades it is required for memory to be organized into a hierarchy consisting of three levels: main memory, storage, and registers (with all the necessary migration between these hierarchy levels), as well as to implement virtual memory and paging.

2.5. I/O management

Two types of I/O events must be handled:
• coming from a process (i.e., generated by I/O command in the process) – as described in the section 2.1. Process management.

2.6. Multi-threading and multi-CPU
Multi-threading must implement using software libraries and take advantage of hardware threads in the processor. Single-thread based simulation is not accepted.

Additionally, for for points necessary for B or A grades a simulation of multi-core and multi-thread architecture with at least two cores and four threads per each must be implemented. This can be achieved by dividing existing hardware threads into simulates CPU classes and assigning separate schedules to each CPU instance.

2.7. User interface
This program/simulator will incorporate a user interface so that she/he can control the flow of the operating system and observe the “running” of it for testing purposes. It must be possible to load a program or job file automatically/manually into the simulator thus to conduct the allocation of the program’s PCB and memory space. The user can also specify the number of cycles to run before pausing. Statistics of the simulator should be available upon request, such as number of processes in each state, journal log of the simulator, and what resources are currently being used.

Additionally, for points necessary for B or A grades it is required to implement a Graphical User Interface (GUI). The GUI will display real-time statistics, visualizations, and data on all currently running processes. The PCB information of the jobs that are in memory and in the RUN state will be shown in some sort of GUI data table. This GUI table is always “refreshing” or updating as the simulator runs on its own or steps through the code.

3. General rules for the project

• This is an open-ended project and the design skills, capability of adapting to specifications where necessary, as well as imagination and creativity of solving the required tasks play a crucial role.
• Project will consist of two mandatory phases / assignments that must be build upon each other consecutively. These two assignments are mandatory for C grade. Third assignment will be to implement functionality for A/B grade
• Project must be fully functional, and the code of project must compile and run.
• Project must be a compound system of modules working together, not a collection of non-integrated parts.
• Project must be done individually, not code sharing or copying / modifying is allowed.
• Students are allowed to discuss and consult theoretical solutions and approaches among themselves.
• Source code must be delivered for grading, as well as an executable version of the project.
• Student is obliged to deliver a .pdf documentation of the project, discussing the implemented solutions, software, and hardware requirements for the project to run, as well as guidelines on how to run the project.

4. Project requirements and points

Required functionality Points Phase of the project
Process implementation and PCB, loading external processes and generating new ones on user request 5 Phase 1*
Critical section within each process and critical section resolving scheme 4 Phase 1*
Single inter-process communication method 2 Phase 3***
Single level parent-child relationship 5 Phase 2**
Two inter-process communication methods 2 Phase 3***
Multi-level parent-child relationship 2 Phase 3***
Scheduler 5 Phase 1*
Two schedulers and comparison 2 Phase 3***
Process priorities 1 Phase 3***
Multi-level queue scheduling 2 Phase 3***
Process resources 2 Phase 3***
Deadlock avoidance algorithm 2 Phase 3***
Basic memory and operations on it 5 Phase 2**
Memory divided into hierarchy 2 Phase 3**
Paging 2 Phase 3***
Virtual memory with paging 2 Phase 3***
I/O interrupts and handlers 3 Phase 2**
Multi-threading 7 Phase 2**
Multi-threading and multicore via simulation 2 Phase 3***
UI 1 Phase 1*
GUI with real-time monitoring and visualizations of simulator performance / operation 2 Phase 3***
*This phase is mandatory. All four functionalities must be implemented for this phase to be accepted. Phase 1 is for max. of 15 points.
**This phase is mandatory. All four functionalities must be implemented for this phase to be accepted. Phase 2 is for max. of 20 points.
***This phase is optional. Phase 3 is for max. of 25 points.

5. Suggested modular approach to project organization and coding


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