CMSC 723: Computational Linguistics I (Solution)

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Assignment 3: Let’s play tag!
This assignment is about exploring part-of-speech (POS) tagging using ngram taggers, tagger combination, and hidden Markov models (HMMs). There are a total of three problems; the rst requires no programming. This assignment requires the Python modules below:
1. Matplotlib: This provides advanced plotting and visualization capabilities that we will need to use for Problem 2.
2. Numpy: This provides the e cient multi-dimensional array structure that we will need to use for Problem 3.
A link to installation instructions can be found on the course website under Software .
In this section, we provide some background on building POS taggers. NLTK ships with a factory of POS taggers that can be easily trained on the included pre-tagged corpora.
There are two main POS taggers that we will use:
1. DefaultTagger: This tagger tags every word with a default tag. For example, a very good baseline for English POS-tagging is to just tag every word as a noun. Listing 1 shows how to build such a tagger.
2. NgramTagger: N-grams over any given sequence can be informally de ned as overlapping subsequences each of length N. We will formally de ne n-grams later in the course. For the purposes of this assignment, the informal de nition should su ce. As an example, the sentence My name is Nitin Madnani will yield the following n-grams for various values of N:
Listing 1: Building and using a DefaultTagger
>>> import nltk
>>> t = nltk.DefaultTagger(’NN’)
>>> sentence = ’This is a sentence’
>>> words = sentence.split()
>>> print t.tag(words)
[(’This’, ’NN’), (’is’, ’NN’), (’a’, ’NN’), (’sentence’, ’NN’)]
• N = 1 (1-grams or Unigrams): My, name, is, Nitin, Madnani
• N = 2 (2-grams or Bigrams): My name, name is, is Nitin, Nitin Madnani
• N = 3 (3-grams or Trigrams): My name is, name is Nitin, is Nitin Madnani
• N = 4 (4-grams): My name is Nitin, name is Nitin Madnani
• N = 5 (5-grams): My name is Nitin Madnani
So, how do we use n-grams for POS-tagging? Figure 1 shows the basic idea behind this strategy. Instead of just looking at the word being tagged, we also look at the POS tags of the previous n words. Therefore, using n-grams allows us to be able to take context into consideration when performing POS-tagging. In the gure, we are using the text of the word itself plus two previous tags, so N=3.
Looking at the gure, it should be easy to see how a UnigramTagger (N=1) would work. It would use just the text of the word itself as the only context for predicting its POS tag. For example, it might learn that the word promise is more likely to be tagged as a verb (I promise you …) than a noun (It is a promise …). Therefore, it would always tag promise as a verb even though that’s not always correct! However, if we were to use the previous tag as additional context, our tagger might also learn that if promise were preceded by an article (a), it should be tagged as a noun instead. Therefore, using larger context is usually a good strategy when building n-gram based POS taggers.
The important thing to realize is that when using an NgramTagger, you need to train it on some sentences for which you already know the POS tags. This is needed because an NgramTagger needs to count and build tables of how many times a particular word is tagged as a verb (when N=1) or how many

Figure 1: How does an NgramTagger work? In this gure, N = 3 (original image from NLTK documentation).
Listing 2: Building and using an NgramTagger
>>> import nltk
>>> from nltk.corpus import brown
>>> traindata = brown.tagged_sents(categories=’reviews’)
>>> t = nltk.NgramTagger(n=2, train=traindata)
>>> sentence = ’This is a sentence’
>>> words = sentence.split()
>>> print t.tag(words)
[(’This’, ’DT’), (’is’, ’BEZ’), (’a’, ’AT’), (’sentence’, None)]
It’s usually a little complicated to build and train an NgramTagger. However, NLTK makes it extremely easy. Listing 2 shows how to build and train a bigram tagger (N=2) on the reviews category of the Brown corpus. If the tagger cannot make a prediction about a particular word, it assigns that word a null tag indicated by None.
Listing 3: Using the cutoff parameter during training
>>> import nltk
>>> from nltk.corpus import brown
>>> traindata = brown.tagged_sents(categories=’reviews’)
# Treat everything as evidence (very noisy)
>>> t = nltk.NgramTagger(n=2, train=traindata, cutoff=0)
Restricting Training Evidence
Measuring tagger accuracy
Assuming that you have the correct POS tags for the sentences that you wish to test your tagger on, NLTK also provides a simple way to compute how accurate your tagger is in its predictions. Of course, these test sentences should be completely separate from the sentences that are used to train the tagger. Listing 4 shows how to compute the accuracy of a DefaultTagger on the editorial category of the Brown corpus. On this particular test set, tagging everything as a noun is successful only about 12.5% of the time.
Combining taggers
It’s possible to combine two taggers such that if the primary tagger was unable to assign the tag to a particular word, it backs o to the second tagger for the prediction. This is known as Backo . Listing 5 shows how to do this in NLTK.
Listing 4: Measuring the accuracy of a DefaultTagger
>>> import nltk
>>> from nltk.corpus import brown
>>> testdata = brown.tagged_sents(categories=’editorial’)
>>> t = nltk.DefaultTagger(’NN’)
>>> print t.evaluate(testdata)
Listing 5: Combining taggers in NLTK
>>> import nltk
>>> from nltk.corpus import brown
>>> traindata = brown.tagged_sents(categories=’reviews’)
>>> t1 = nltk.NgramTagger(n=1, train=traindata)
>>> t2 = nltk.NgramTagger(n=2, train= traindata, backoff=t1)
>>> sentence = ’This is a sentence’
>>> words = sentence.split()
>>> print t2.tag(words)
[(’This’, ’DT’), (’is’, ’BEZ’), (’a’, ’AT’), (’sentence’, ’NN’)]
Plotting using Matplotlib
As we have seen in class, the plotting capabilities of NLTK are quite primitive. The Python package Matplotlib provides more advanced plotting functions that generate nicer-looking plots. For this assignment, we will only need to know how to make line plots and save them as image les. Listing 6 shows how to create and save a plot. Figure 2 shows the le plot.png.

Figure 2: The le plot.png as produced by Listing 6.
Problem 1 (10 points)
Recall the constraints used in the EngCG rule-based tagger that we looked at in class. The system is described in more detail in Section 5.4 of your textbook. Say we have the following constraint in our tagger grammar:
(-1 has only DT tag) then remove verb tags
Can you think of two di erent counter-examples where applying this constraint could lead to a possibly incorrect tagging?
Problem 2 (40 points)
(a) In Listing 2 above, why do you think the bigram tagger could not assign a tag to the word sentence? However, in Listing 5, a bigram tagger combined with a unigram tagger was able to correctly predict the tag for the same word. Why do you think that strategy worked?
(b) Create di erent combinations using a DefaultTagger and 3 di erent n-gram taggers (N = 1, 2 and 3). Use the rst 500 sentences of the news category of the Brown corpus as the training data. Test each combination on the religion category of the Brown corpus. Which combination yields the highest accuracy? Plot the accuracy of the winning combination as the number of sentences used for training increases (by 500 sentences at each step). You need only go up to 4500 sentences.
(d) Note that the contextual information used both by a bigram tagger and a rst-order HMM tagger pertains only to the previous word. Does that mean that a trigram tagger will always prove to be a better tagger than a rst-order HMM? Put another way, does a rst-order HMM have any advantages over an n-gram tagger with a much larger N (>= 3)? If so, what are they?
• A combination should have at least two taggers. Listing 5 shows you how to combine two taggers. You have to gure out how you would use this method to create a combination of 3 or more taggers.
• Even though there are a large number of possible combinations, you should be able to rule out many of them by thinking about how the individual taggers work and how they can complement each other.
• Your code should not enumerate all possible combinations to nd the best one. The point of the problem is to ensure that you understand the pros and cons of each tagger enough to come up with combinations that are reasonably good.
• Since POS tagging is sentence oriented, we need to make sure that an NgramTagger does not consider context that goes beyond sentence boundaries. The NLTK implementation takes care of this for you.
Problem 3 (50 points)
You are provided with the le that de nes a class called hmm. As soon as you instantiate this class, the various parameters of the HMM (transition probabilities, emission probabilities etc.) are automatically computed by using the rst 1000 sentences of the news category of the Brown corpus as the training data (using functions de ned in the supporting le The following ve parameters are available to each instance of the hmm class:
• transitions: The probabilities of transitioning from one state to another. To get the probability of going to state s2 from state s1, use self.transitions[s1].prob(s2).
• emissions: The probability of emitting a particular output symbol from a particular state. To get the probability of emitting output symbol sym in state s, use self.emissions[s].prob(sym).
• priors: The probability of starting in a particular state. To get the probability that the HMM starts in state s, use self.priors.prob(s).
• states: The states (tags) in the trained HMM.
• symbols: The output symbols (words) in the trained HMM.

For this problem, implement the following:
(a) Add a decode() method to the class that performs Viterbi decoding to nd the most likely tag sequence for a given word sequence.
(b) Add a tag() method that takes a sentence string as input and tags the words in that sentence using Viterbi decoding. It should have an output of the form: This/DT is/BEZ a/AT sentence/NN.
Turn in the le that implements the items above. Your program should accept sentences from stdin and print the tagged results to stdout. We will test your program with the following command-line invocation:
python < given.sentences
Make sure your solution behaves exactly in this manner.
1. The Viterbi decoding algorithm requires a two-dimensional trellis or chart. It is extremely tedious to use Python lists to implement such a chart. This is where the e cient and versatile array datatype provided by Numpy comes in. Listing 7 should tell you how to create, initialize and use a two-dimensional array. You should use such an array to implement the chart you need for decoding.
2. The probability values that are calculated by the trainer are going to be extremely small in scale. Multiplying two very small numbers can lead to loss of precision. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you use the log of the probabilities (logprobs) instead. To compute the log of the transition probability of going from s1 to s2, use self.transitions[s1].logprob(s2) instead, and so on.
3. You do not need to lowercase the training data. Use the words as they occur in the data.
4. You do not need to worry about any words that are not seen in the training data. The probability distributions that the hmmtrainer module computes are all smoothed, which means that it assigns some nonzero probability mass to every event whether or not it was observed
in the data. In general, assigning a zero probability to any event is not a good idea when building statistical models. This has an intuitive reason: just because you don’t observe an event in your limited view of the world (as represented by the training data) doesn’t mean that it never happens in the real world (which is what assigning it zero probability says). We will delve deeper into the technical details of smoothing later in the semester. For this problem, just know that you don’t have to do anything special about unseen words.


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