COAL – (Solution)

$ 29.99


1. Goal:

Modifying the CPU designed in CPU lab4 and implementing an advanced version pipelined CPU.

2. HW requirement:
a. Please use Modelsim as simulation platform.
b. Group member same as Lab1. Just hand in one assignment for one group.

3. Requirement description:
a. Code (100%):
Basic instruction set (60%): ADD, ADDI, SUB, AND, OR, SLT, SLTI, LW, SW, and MULT.
 Must implement Hazard Detection and Forwarding Unit.
 Need to forward data if instructions have data dependency.  Need to stall pipelined CPU if it detects load-use.

Advanced instruction set (40%): BEQ, BNE, BGE, BGT
Modify Hazard Detection Unit to flush useless pipelined registers (IF/ID, ID/EX, EX/MEM) if a branch launch.
Instruction Op
BEQ 000 100
BNE 000 101
BGE 000 001
BGT 000 111

b. Testbench:

I1: addi $1, $0, 16
I2: mult $2, $1, $1
I3: addi $3, $0, 8
I4: sw $1, 4($0)
I5: lw $4, 4($0)
I6: sub $5, $4, $3
I7: add $6, $3, $1
I8: addi $7, $1, 10
I9: and $8, $7, $3
I10:slt $9, $8, $7

Result:r1 = 16; r2 = 256; r3 = 8; r4 = 16; r5 = 8; r6 = 24; r7 = 26; r8 = 8; r9 = 1; data_mem[1] = 16;

c. Report (20%):
The context must include:
1. Source code and the note
2. Your architecture
3. Hardware module analysis
4. Finished part
5. Problems you met and solutions
6. Division of this work (If you are two members as a team.)
7. Summary

4. Grade
a. Total score: 120% COPY WILL GET 0!
b. Basic score: 60%
c. Advance score: 40%
d. Report: 20%
e. Delay: Late submission: Score*0.8 before 6/25. After 6/25,you will get 0 point.
f. Put .v source files and report into a compressed file.The compressed file you upload on E3 must have the form of “student ” , otherwise deduct 20 points.

5. Architecture:

6. Hand in your Assignment
Please upload the assignment to the E3.
Only hand in one assignment for one group.
Put all of .v source files and report into same compressed file in zip format. (Use your student ID to be the name of your compressed file and must have the form of “student”. (Ex. or

7. Q&A
If you have any question, use E3 discussion or just send email to TAs.


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