Computer Programming 1
LAB6 Quiz
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hacer YALIM KELEŞ
Please write file which contains the definitions of the member functions for this class. ListClass object would have an integer list, and a given name. The member functions are explained below. Test your code with the sample main function provided to you ( It must print the sample output provided to you (output.txt). You can also create and test your own main functions.
Member functions:
– printName(self): prints the name of the object
– printOdds(self): prints odd elements of the list
– printEvens(self): prints even elements of the list
– getLength(self): returns the length of the list
– changeItem(self, oldValue, newValue): oldValue and newValue are integer. If oldValue exists in the list, change its value with newValue
– addItem(self, item): item is an integer and inserts item into list. Each int in the list occurs exactly once. If item is already exists in the list, it will be ignored.
– addItems(self, items[]): “items” is an integer list and inserts this “items” into the existing list.
Since no duplicates are allowed, only non-existing values will be inserted
– removeItem(self, item): item is an integer and if item exists in the list, removes it
– removeItems(self, items[]):“items” is an integer list and removes this “items” from the existing list. Non-existing values will be ignored
– __str__(self): returns a string representation of list. Output format would be:
– __lt__(self, other): returns true if sum of the elements of self list is less than other’s list elements
Testing: You are provided with an output file. You can test your program from the command line using the following commands. (>: stands for command prompt) > python > my_output.txt The outputs, which you generate using the print() function in the source codes, are redirected to my_output.txt file. You can then check if my_output.txt file is exactly the same with the provided output.txt file, using diff command from the command prompt: > diff output.txt my_output.txt
Responsible Assistant: Özge MERCANOĞLU SİNCAN (
1- Name your file as <student_id>.py; replace <student_id> using your student id number.
2- Upload your python file using the interface provided in e-kampüs course page.
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