CpE64 – LAB #5 Introduction to State Machines (Solution)

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1. Gain experience designing state machines via state tables and K-map techniques
2. Implement state machine design in PLDs using equations
3. Simulate a state machine
4. Design state machines using “case” statements
5. Experience the difference between Moore and Mealy state machines

PART 1 – Design a state machine solution for the state diagram in Figure 5-1. Use D flip-flops and only equations (assign statements) to implement this design. (No “if else” OR “case” statements can be used here, [just for RESET]). Use K-maps to find the equations for each of the inputs to the D flip-flops. Implement your equations from the K-maps into Verilog code, and bring your Verilog file to lab. Compile your file and assign pins, download and test your solution. Since this type of state machine has an “implied” system clock you will have to provide a clock for your testing. Monitor the outputs of your state machine.

PART 2 – Now you can use the Verilog’s “if else” or “case” statement to implement the state machine in Part 1. (see Verilog examples).

QUESTION #1: What is the advantage of writing the description using this method?

PART 3 – This is a useful state machine design with Mealy and Moore outputs. Design a solution to the following sequence detector. There is one input called A. For example, the sequence A, A, /A, A, /A, would be represented by 1 1 0 1 0.

Find this sequence 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0

The Moore output is active on the last “0” of the successful sequence.

The Mealy output goes active whenever the state machine is in the state just before the Moore output goes active and A= “1”. The Mealy output remains active if A=’1’; if A goes to ‘0’ the Mealy output goes inactive (even without a clock transition). The Mealy output
“can be” active where the “^” is located:
that is at the second to the last state and when A=1. 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0
When the clock changes the flip-flops to another state, the Mealy out goes inactive.
Remember the use of the word “ACTIVE”. This could mean a high state or a low state. (Active High or Active Low)

Remember to draw a state diagram for your lab report. You should do this before you start your Verilog code.

Use 4 switches (similar to 4 keys labeled ‘0’, ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’) and NO clock input switch. Use the 32 MHz free running clock instead. Implement a design to detect the following sequence: 1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 3, 2, 1 Show an Active High Moore output when the correct sequence has been entered.

Lab 5 – Introduction to State Machines Demo List
Part Number Requirements Completed
Part 1 – Boolean Logic State Machine
K-Maps and Work
Verilog: Use “data flow” modeling
Part 2 – State Machine using Behavioral Modeling
Verilog: Use “behavioral” modeling
Part 3 – Special State Machine Design
Note 1: “Verilog” is referring to testing the code on your FPGA (Hardware)
Note 2: “Waveform” is referring to creating a test bench then producing a waveform.

Useful EXAMPLES of Verilog HDL for Lab 5 and Lab 6

module stmachine(zmoore,x,reset,clk,zstate,sevenseg); //example of a state machine coded in Verilog

input x,reset,clk;
output zmoore;
output[1:0] zstate; // optional, will indicate which “state” the state machine is presently in
reg [1:0] current_state,next_state; // internal signals for the state machine … but not outputs
reg zmoore; // zmoore is one of the desired outputs
reg[6:0] sevenseg;
parameter s0 = 2’b00,
s1 = 2’b01, s2 = 2’b10,
s3 = 2’b11;

always@(x or current_state)
begin // the control logic of the machine case(current_state) s0 : begin
sevenseg<=7’b1111110; if(x==1) next_state<=s1; else next_state<=s3;

s1 : begin
sevenseg<=7’b0110000; if(x==1) next_state<=s2; else next_state<=s0;

s2 : begin
sevenseg<=7’b1101101; if(x==1) next_state<=s3; else next_state<=s1;

s3 : begin
zmoore<=0; sevenseg<=7’b1111001; if(x==1) next_state<=s0; else next_state<=s2; end


always@(posedge clk or posedge reset)
begin // the register part of the machine if(reset) current_state<=s0; else current_state<=next_state; end

assign zstate = current_state; endmodule


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