2. Please find out the metro lines that overlap with bus stops on bus line2, and the corresponding subway stations. Arrange the result in ascending order according to the metro line id. If there is more than one overlapping station on one metro line, arrange them in ascending order according to the station id. Please output the subway line id and the Chinese name of the corresponding station.
请找出与2路公交车站点有重叠的地铁线以及对应的地铁站,按照地铁线id升序排列,若有地铁站id 一致的情况,按照站点id升序排列。请输出地铁线路id以及对应站点的中文名称
3. [10 pts] Please find the metro line that has maximum station count. Please output the station id and the chinese name of the first station of the line. If there is more than one line that has the maximum station number, please output them all in ascending order.
找出拥有最多站点的地铁线路,输出线路id以及始发站点的中文名称。如果有多条线路,按线路id 升序排列。
5. Find the staions that on metro line 1 and 5, but not on metro line 2. Please output the station id and the corresponding chinese name of the station in ascending order of the station id.
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