CS70 – (Solution)

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CS 70 Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory

1 RSA Practice
Consider the following RSA schemes and solve for asked variables.
(a) Assume for an RSA scheme we pick 2 primes p= 5 and q= 11 with encryption key e= 9, what is the decryption key d? Calculate the exact value.
(b) If the receiver gets 4, what was the original message?
(c) Encode your answer from part (b) to check its correctness.
2 RSA Practice
Bob would like to receive encrypted messages from Alice via RSA.
(a) Bob chooses p= 7 and q= 11. His public key is (N,e). What is N?
(b) What number is e relatively prime to?
(c) e need not be prime itself, but what is the smallest prime number e can be? Use this value for e in all subsequent computations.
(d) What is gcd(e,(p−1)(q−1))?
(e) What is the decryption exponent d?
(f) Now imagine that Alice wants to send Bob the message 30. She applies her encryption function E to 30. What is her encrypted message?
(g) Bob receives the encrypted message, and applies his decryption function D to it. What is D applied to the received message?
3 RSA Lite
Woody misunderstood how to use RSA. So he selected prime P= 101 and encryption exponent e= 67, and encrypted his message m to get 35 =me mod P. Unfortunately he forgot his original message m and only stored the encrypted value 35. But Carla thinks she can figure out how to recover m from 35 =me mod P, with knowledge only of P and e. Is she right? Can you help her figure out the message m? Show all your work.
4 RSA with Three Primes
Show how you can modify the RSA encryption method to work with three primes instead of two primes (i.e. N= pqr where p,q,r are all prime), and prove the scheme you come up with works in the sense that D(E(x))≡x (mod N).


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