Project 03: Dimensinality Reduction and Clustering
Problem 1: Think about the data
In a well-written paragraph, answer the following questions:
1. (1 point) Why are you interested in this data set?
2. (1 point) How many numerical attributes and categorical attributes are there in the data set?
3. (1 point) Are there any missing values? If there are missing values, how are you planning to handle these? (Will all data instances with missing values be removed? Will all attributes with missing values be removed? Will missing values be imputed? If so, how?)
4. Before doing any analysis, answer the following questions:
(a) (1 point) Why do you expect clusters to be present in the data?
(b) (1 point) Why might finding clusters in this data set be helpful? How might this help us understand or analyze the data?
(c) (1 point) How many clusters do you expect to see in the data? Provide a range of values to answer this question. For example, 2 to 4. Why do you expect a number of clusters in this range?
(d) (1 point) Do you expect that the clusters will be of similar size (i.e., cluster 1 is about the same size as cluster 2, is about the same size as cluster 3, etc..)? Why or why not?
Part 2: Write Python code for clustering
1. (10 points) A function that implements the k-means clustering algorithm. The function should take a data matrix, a number of clusters k, and a convergence parameter , as input, and return the representatives (means) as well as the clusters found using k-means. If the distance is the same between a point and more than one representative (mean), then assign the point to the mean corresponding to the cluster with the lowest index.
2. (10 points) A function that implements the DBSCAN clustering algorithm. The function should take a data matrix and the parameters minpts and , as input, and return the clusters found using DBSCAN, and for each data point a label of core, border, or noise point.
3. (Extra Credit – 5 points): A function that computes the precision of a clustering. The function should take a list of true cluster labels and a list of the cluster labels returned by some clustering algorithm, and return the precision of the clustering.
Part 3: Analyze your data
1. (4 points) Use sklearn’s PCA implementation to linearly transform the data to two dimensions. Create a scatter plot of the data, with the x-axis corresponding to coordinates of the data along the first principal component, and the y-axis corresponding to coordinates of the data along the second principal component. Does it look like there are clusters in these two dimensions? If so, how many would you say there are?
2. (3 points) Use sklearn’s PCA implementation to linearly transform the data, without specifying the number of components to use. Create a plot with r, the number of components (i.e., dimensionality), on the x-axis, and f(r), the fraction of total variance captured in the first r principal components, on the y-axis. Based on this plot, choose a number of principal components to reduce the dimensionality of the data. Report how many principal components will be used as well as the faction of total variance captured using this many components.
3. (5 points) For both the original and the reduced-dimensionality data obtained using PCA in question 3.2, do the following: Experiment with a range of values for the number of clusters, k, that you pass as input to the k-means function, to find clusters in the chosen data set. Use at least 5 different values of k. For each value of k, report the value of the objective function for that choice of k.
4. (5 points) For both the original and the reduced-dimensionality data obtained using PCA in question 3.2, do the following: Experiment with a range of values for the minpts and input parameters to the DBSCAN function to find clusters in the chosen data set. First, keep fixed and try out a range of different values for minpts. Then keep minpts fixed, and try a range of values for . Use at least 5 values of and at least 5 values of minpts. Report the number of clusters found for each (minpts, ) pair tested.
5. (Extra credit – 3 points): Create a plot of clustering precision for each value of k used in question 3.3, each value of used in question 3.4, and each value of minpts used in question
3.4, for both the original and reduced-dimensionality data.
Tips and Acknowledgements
Make sure to submit your answer as a PDF on Gradscope and Brightspace. Make sure to show your work. Include any code snippets you used to generate an answer, using comments in the code to clearly indicate which problem corresponds to which code.
Acknowledgements: Project adapted from assignments of Veronika Strnadova-Neeley.
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