CSE4088 Introduction to Machine Learning (Solution)

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Homework 4

In the below questions, prepare a report explaining your answers. If possible, include plots to explain your solution. (e.g. draw the scatter plot of the data for each one-vs-rest case).

SVM with Soft margins

Solve Questions 2-10 in the homework available from https://work.caltech.edu/homework/hw8.pdf

More information about the Handwritten Digits dataset is available from http://www.amlbook.com/support.html

You can check your answers from the solutions available from https://work.caltech.edu/homework/hw8_sol.pdf

1. Each student should submit his/her own homework. You can discuss the questions with your friends, but you must write your own solutions and code. Group work is not allowed. You can not exchange any written material, code or pseudocode. This also includes material found on the web.

2. Write a detailed report using Word/Latex and convert it to a pdf file. The report must include explanations about each part in each question. You should solve some of the questions by pencil and paper. Then, you can scan your solution and add it to your report as an image. (you can use free Mobile applications such as Adobe

3. Explain how your scripts and functions work, i.e., which parts of your functions/scripts accomplish which task and how it is accomplished. Include the outputs of your functions and figures to your report. Each figure should have a caption and should be explained in the text.

4. You can use MATLAB or Python for programming assignments. Don’t forget to put detailed comments into your functions/scripts to explain what your code is doing. Also indicate the inputs and outputs in the comment section.

5. Combine your report and codes into a single zip file. Plots and figures should go into the report.

6. Name your zip file as “CSE4088_name_surname_hw_no.zip”. For example, a student whose name is Ayşe Çalışkan will name her file as: “CSE4088_ayse_caliskan_hw1.zip” for the first homework. Also, write your name, surname and student number as comments at the beginning of your codes.


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