CSE490R – (Solution)

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Assignment 3: Planning

The goal of this assignment is to make you acquainted with graph-based motion planners and the effects of various strategies of graph construction, heuristics, and edge evaluation within the context of path tracking with mobile robots. In this assignment you will implement one motion planning algorithm, lazy A*, with two different kinematic constraints. You will also implement postprocessor for the found path. By the end of this assignment you will:
• become familiar with graph-based motion planners and lazy evaluation of the edges
• become familiar with the trade-offs of various heuristics in A* search.
• be able to improve a path by postprocessing.
• have an integrated system which integrates particle filter, motion planner, and controller.
Please reference the “Deliverables” sections early on in the assignment, as some parts of this lab will require you to maintain scrupulous notes and data collection practices. In the provided code, most functions have default parameters to help your impelmentation, but feel free to modify the parameters or write additional functions as necessary.
There are TWO extra credit questions. Four member teams should implement one of these.
1 Motion Planning

Figure 1: Motion planning within the context of mobile robotics.
1.1 Overview
Motion planning algorithms have a rich history in mobile robotics. There are many variants of motion planners. In this assignment you will focus on one variant, graph-based planners.
As mentioned in the previous assignments, in many land-based navigation scenarios, the robot’s navigation task will be divided into two separate tasks: motion planning and control. The purpose of the motion planner is to generate a reference trajectory which the controller can follow.
2 Constructing a graph and providing heuristics for A* algorithm (1.5 hours)
A* is a widely used search algorithm in motion planning. It can be seen as an extension of Dijkstra’s algorithm that allows the use of heuristics.
To implement a graph-based planner, you need to first construct a graph. This can be done by first sampling a fixed number of vertices in the configuration space, and connecting vertices with edges. During this process, you should make sure that the vertices and edges are collision free. Also, instead of connecting all vertices, only connect vertices within certain radius r.
For the purpose of this section, assume the configuration space is (x,y) ∈ R2.
First, implement methods to construct a graph by implementing the following methods:
• Sampler.sample in Sampler.py
• MapEnvironment.state_validity_checker,compute_distances in MapEnvironment.py.
• make_graph in graph_maker.py.
The graph should be collision checked before adding a vertex or an edge.
In order to run the A* algorithm, you need to implement a heuristic function. At node n, A* selects the path that minimize f(n) = g(n)+ α · h(n) where g(n) is the cost of the path from the start node to n, h(n) is a heuristic function that estimates the cost of the cheapest path from n to the goal, and α is the weight of the heuristic function. For example, one commonly used heuristic function is an L2-norm from n to the goal.
• Implement MapEnvironment.compute_heuristic using L2-norm.
Once you implement the heuristic function, you can run a A* planner from start to goal by using run.py which calls astar.py we provide. With map1.txt, you should be able to generate a plan as examples/map1_example.png.
2.1 Deliverables
Use map2.txt to run your experiments. Run the experiments with the following setup:
python run.py -m ../maps/map2.txt -s 321 148 -g 106 202 –num-vertices 250 –connection-radius 100
You will now vary parameters of your search and report two metrics – the path length and the total planning time. Note that you will have to write code to compute and save these metrics. Since the graph is random, you will need to run the planner 10 times and report the average. Use map2.txt and include generated figures. For each parameter that you are changing, explain why the metrics (path length and planning time) vary as they do.
1. Change the weight on the heuristic function by choosing three different α (suggested values
1.0,50.0,20.0. Report metrics. Does the performance bound seem tight?
2. Keeping the number of vertices constant, decrease the connection radius till the planner fails to find a solution. Report metrics for this number. Now, double the connection radius from default value. Report metrics for this number.
3. Keeping the connection radius constant, reduce the number of vertices till the planner fails to find a solution. Report metrics for this number. Report metrics for this number. Now, double the number of vertices from default value. Report metrics for this number.
Modify the scripts as necessary to run the experiments efficiently.
3 Lazy A* (1 hour)
A graph-based motion planner has to evaluate edges between vertices. One of the main burden in motion planning algorithm is checking whether an edge is collision free, which requires checking collision between the robot and the world across all waypoints along an edge. Instead of checking all edges during graph construction, we can choose to be lazy: add all edges and check only when A* algorithm chooses this edge during the search.
• Implement the lazy version of make_graph in graph_maker.py.
• The provided lazy_astar.py is merely a copy of astar.py. Convert it to evaluate an edge lazily as the edge between the current node and its neighbor is getting evaluated. The evaluation function must be passed to the algorithm as weight function.
3.1 Deliverables
Once you implement these, you can run a lazy A* planner by using run.py with –lazy option. Run it with map1.txt and discuss the qualitative difference between the original A* and the lazy A* graph. Also discuss how the final paths are different, if at all. Include one figure for each A* and lazy A* that show the graph and the path.
Run the two algorithms with map2.txt. Use your choice of num_vertices, connection_radius, and α you found in problem 2. You can save a graph by passing saveto to make_graph and use load_graph to load the saved graph.
Include figures of paths found with the two algorithms. Report the graph construction time, number of edges evaluated, and planning time, and solution length of the two algorithms.
4 Dubins path (1 hour)
Since our car has a heading, its configuration space is in fact (x,y,θ) where θ corresponds to the heading. The path connecting start and goal should then be Dubins path where the curvature is a parameter of our choice.
We provide a Dubins path generator dubins_path_planning in Dubins.py. Your goal is to implement DubinsMapEnvironment and DubinsSampler. Implement all missing functions in DubinsMapEnvironment. Note that you can use the same graph_maker as before by passing in DubinsMapEnvironment and DubinsSampler. For compute_heuristic, implement it with the Dubins path length between the two configurations.
4.1 Deliverables
Once you have implemented these, run runDubins.py with map1.txt. Try three different parameters of curvature – suggested values are 0.5,1.0,2.0 times the default. Include figures for each curvature and discuss how the generated paths are different qualitatively as well as in terms of path length.
5 Integration (1.5 hour)
You are now ready to integrate the Dubins path planner with the rest of the system you have built throughout the course. In ROSPlanner.py, fill in plan_to_goal to plan a path to goal whenever a new goal is received from RViz. Use lazy_astar.
5.1 Deliverables
In simulation, start the car, map server, and a controller from lab2. Initialize the car in the cse022 map with virtual obstacles (cse022_w_obstacles.yaml) and set a goal via RViz. Note that the provided launch file map_server.launch loads two map servers, one with obstacles under the namespace obs and one without. The one without obstacles is meant for the particle filter, as the obstacles are virtual. See README.md for a more detailed instruction.
Save the RViz simulation in rosbag and the generated path as an image. Include a screenshot of the robot following the path in Rviz in the writeup. As in the previous section, report the graph construction time, number of edges evaluated, and planning time.
6 Postprocess a planned path (1 hour)
The returned path from A* is the shortest path in the graph, but is not necessarily shortest path in the map, since not all vertices are directly connected by edges. Thus shortening the returned path is one common technique used with graph-based planners. Shortening a path can be done by randomly selecting a pair of vertices along the path, checking whether the edge connecting the two vertices is collision free, and if so, shortcutting the path by directly connecting them.
6.1 Deliverable
Implement a shortcutting algorithm in MapEnvironment.shortcut and compare the path length, the total planning time, and postprocessing time for map2.txt. Include figures for shortcut and no shortcut paths.
Include a screenshot and a rosbag of running a shortcut path on the cse022 map.
7 Extra Credit 1: Multiple goals (1 hour)
Now you will extend the ROSPlanner to take multiple goals and route through them. The API has been implemented for you. You need to run ROSPlanner with num_goals > 1. In RViz, use 2D Nav goal to set the final goal. Implement ROSPlanner.plan_multi_goals.
8 Extra Credit 2: Incremental Densification (2 hours)
In Section 2 you created a fixed graph which was used to search for a path. To ensure a low cost path is found, the resolution of the graph must be very high. Since the sampler does not know where to place samples, it ends up sampling everywhere. This is wasteful and leads to large planning times.
Instead, one could adapt the paradigm of incremental densification. In this paradigm, you sample a low resolution graph and search it to find a solution with cost c∗. This solution is then used to branch and bound, i.e. remove nodes from the graph whose admissible estimate of the cost-to-go is less than the cost of the solution, i.e. fˆ(n) = g(n)+ h(n) ≤ c∗. These nodes would never be a part of the optimal solution. The sampler is invoked again to add more samples only if those samples can lead to a potentially better solution. This new graph is searched to find an imporved solution and the process is repeated.
This enjoys two main advantages – the search might find a sufficiently low cost solution faster than a single-shot search. Secondly, the search is anytime – the planner can be interrupted at any time and there will be a valid solution.
8.1 Deliverable
You will have to write a script for this from scratch. Include a plot for cost of the solution vs time. How much time does it take to reach the same cost as single-shot planner? Include figures for different solutions found at different times.
9 Deliverables
Put the associated work in the directories and tar your repository.
$ tar czf lab3.tar.gz lab3
1. lab3/bags/: Bags mentioned in above deliverables. Include a README file for all filenames and their corresponding section number.
2. lab3/videos/: (Optional) Any videos of driving the car in cse 022.
3. lab3/src/: All codes must be submitted.
4. lab3/launch/: Launch files if any.
5. lab3/writeup.pdf: PDF Document documenting your writeup. It should answer all the deliverables mentioned above.
10 Demo
On demo day, you will be asked to demonstrate to the TAs:
1. Run the planner with a controller of your choice and particle filter in real. Your car should be able to find a path from the localization corner to outside of the corner.


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