CSF211 – BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus (Solution)

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CS F211 Data Structures & Algorithms
Lab 8

Instructions o In this lab you have to solve two problems.

Problem 1: [Expected Time: 75 minutes.]
a. Implement the function createList(), which takes an array of student records along with its size, creates a linked list of records contained in the array and returns the list. This function must execute in O(n) time, where n is the size of the array.
b. Implement the function insertInOrder(), which takes a sorted linked list and a list node containing a new student record and inserts it into the list at its appropriate place such that the list remains sorted in ascending order by <marks>.
c. Implement the function insertionSort(), which takes an unsorted list and sorts it using the insertInOrder() function and returns the sorted list.
d. Implement a function measureSortingTime(), which takes an unsorted list and sorts it by calling insertionSort() and returns the time taken for the execution of insertionSort() in milliseconds.
e. Create your custom myalloc() and myfree() functions to replace calls to native malloc() and free() functions to profile the heap memory. The total memory
allocated at any given time should be stored in a global variable known as

Problem 2: [Expected Time: 75 minutes]
a. Implement a function – “readData()”, that takes in a string containing the file name, reads the file into an array of integer values containing the marks only. This function should also store the size of the array in a global variable called size (declared in “qsort.h”). Don’t change the signature and return type of this function.
b. Implement a (n)-time – “extractKeys()” function that takes an array Ls of n integer records, the size n, and finds all the keys in it and returns them in a sorted array named Keys along with its size. Keys should not contain any duplicates. It is known that each record in Ls will have a key in the range loKey..hiKey (taken as inputs to the function) and all values in this range need not occur as a key.
c. Implement a (n)-time locality-aware partitioning function – “part2Loc()” that takes an array Ls of n integers, the lower index lo and higher index hi of Ls, and an integer pivot (key) as arguments and partitions Ls into two sub-lists based on the pivot.


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