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Lab Sheet – 2 Topic: Combinational Circuit Modeling

Learning Objectives:
i) Combinational digital circuit modeling
ii) Constructing a larger module using a smaller module

In the first lab, we have learned how to simulate digital circuits using different types of modeling (i.e. Gate level, Data flow, Behavioral) in VeriLog. In this lab we will do more practice on combinational circuit simulation. Also, we will learn the hierarchical modeling (i.e. implement a larger module using a smaller module).

Problem Description:
Implement a gate level modeling of a 4×1 multiplexer. Further using the 4×1 MUX module, implement a 16×1 multiplexer.

module mux4to1_gate(out,in,sel); input [0:3] in; input [0:1] sel; output out;
wire a,b,c,d,n1,n2,a1,a2,a3,a4;

not n(n1,sel[1]); not nn(n2,sel[0]);

and (a1,in[0],n1,n2); and (a2,in[1],n2,sel[1]); and (a3,in[2],sel[0],n1); and (a4,in[3],sel[0],sel[1]);

or or1(out,a1,a2,a3,a4); endmodule
module mux16to1(out,in,sel); input [0:15] in; input [0:3] sel; output out; wire [0:3] ma;

mux4to1_gate mux1(ma[0],in[0:3],sel[2:3]); mux4to1_gate mux2(ma[1],in[4:7],sel[2:3]); mux4to1_gate mux3(ma[2],in[8:11],sel[2:3]); mux4to1_gate mux4(ma[3],in[12:15],sel[2:3]); mux4to1_gate mux5(out,ma,sel[0:1]);
endmodule module testmux_16;
reg [0:15] in; reg [0:3] sel; wire out;
mux16to1 mux(out,in,sel);
initial begin
$monitor(“in=%b | sel=%b | out=%b”,in,sel,out); end initial begin
in=16’b1000000000000000; sel=4’b0000; #3 in=16’b0100000000000000; sel=4’b0001;
#3 in=16’b0010000000000000; sel=4’b0010;
#3 in=16’b0001000000000000; sel=4’b0011;
#3 in=16’b0000100000000000; sel=4’b0100;
#3 in=16’b0000010000000000; sel=4’b0101;
#3 in=16’b0000001000000000; sel=4’b0110;
#3 in=16’b0000000100000000; sel=4’b0111;
#3 in=16’b0000000010000000; sel=4’b1000;
#3 in=16’b0000000001000000; sel=4’b1001;
#3 in=16’b0000000000100000; sel=4’b1010;
#3 in=16’b0000000000010000; sel=4’b1011;
#3 in=16’b0000000000001000; sel=4’b1100;
#3 in=16’b0000000000000100; sel=4’b1101;
#3 in=16’b0000000000000010; sel=4’b1110; #3 in=16’b0000000000000001; sel=4’b1111; end endmodule


Consider the circuit diagram for full adder using a 3×8 decoder given below.
It takes 3-bit input number and produce Sum and Carry bit as an output
S(x, y, z) = (1,2,4,7)
C(x, y, z) = (3,5,6,7)

Write Verilog code to implement a full adder as given in the above circuit A. Write 3-to-8 decoder using Gate level model.
Name the module as DECODER( )
B. Write full adder using Data flow model
Name the module as FADDER( )
Write appropriate test bench module to check the correctness of your design. Specify all possible combinations in the test bench.

Circuit diagram for 3-to-8 line decoder is as follows:

module DECODER(d0,d1,d2,d3,d4,d5,d6,d7,x,y,z);
input x,y,z;
output d0,d1,d2,d3,d4,d5,d6,d7; wire x0,y0,z0; not n1(x0,x); not n2(y0,y); not n3(z0,z); and a0(d0,x0,y0,z0); and a1(d1,x0,y0,z); and a2(d2,x0,y,z0); and a3(d3,x0,y,z); and a4(d4,x,y0,z0); and a5(d5,x,y0,z); and a6(d6,x,y,z0); and a7(d7,x,y,z);
module FADDER(s,c,x,y,z); input x,y,z;
wire d0,d1,d2,d3,d4,d5,d6,d7; output s,c;
DECODER dec(d0,d1,d2,d3,d4,d5,d6,d7,x,y,z); assign s = d1 | d2 | d4 | d7, c = d3 | d5 | d6 | d7;
endmodule module testbench; reg x,y,z; wire s,c;
FADDER fl(s,c,x,y,z); initial
$monitor(,$time,”x=%b,y=%b,z=%b,s=%b,c=%b”,x,y,z,s,c); initial begin
#0 x=1’b0;y=1’b0;z=1’b0;
#4 x=1’b1;y=1’b0;z=1’b0;
#4 x=1’b0;y=1’b1;z=1’b0;
#4 x=1’b1;y=1’b1;z=1’b0;
#4 x=1’b0;y=1’b0;z=1’b1;
#4 x=1’b1;y=1’b0;z=1’b1;
#4 x=1’b0;y=1’b1;z=1’b1; #4 x=1’b1;y=1’b1;z=1’b1; end endmodule

Task to do:
i) Implement a 8-bit adder circuit using the above 1-bit adder module. ii) Implement a 32-bit adder using 8-bit adder module.

Write a VeriLog code (behavioral modeling) for the simulation of a comparator which compares two signed 4-bit numbers A, and B and generates three output lines (as shown in Fig.1) one each for A equals to B (A==B), A greater than B(A>B) and A less than B (A<B). Only one of the three output lines must be active for a given input values of A and B. Assume that A and B are represented as 2’s complement numbers.
Also write one test bench module to test the behavioral model of the comparator.
Test Cases:
0 A=0000, B=0000 AgtB=0, AeqB=1, AltB=0
1 A=1000, B=1011 AgtB=0, AeqB=0, AltB=1
2 A=0010, B=0111 AgtB=0, AeqB=0, AltB=1
3 A=0101, B=1111 AgtB=1, AeqB=0, AltB=0

module signa(neg,A);
//this module is used to get the sign of an input 4-digit number input [3:0] A; output neg; reg neg; always @ (A)
if (A[3] == 1) begin neg =1; end else
neg =0;
//*************************************************************** module compar(A,B,signA,signB,CMP1, CMP2,CMP3);
//This module implement the compare code for input of two 3-digit numbers using signa().
input [3:0] A; input [3:0] B;
output signA,signB,CMP1,CMP2,CMP3; reg CMP1,CMP2,CMP3; signa forA(signA,A);
signa forB(signB,B);

always @ (A or B or signA or signB)// performs check for four different cases

if(signA==1 && signB==0)
begin CMP1 = 0;
CMP2 = 0;
CMP3 = 1;

else if(signA==0 && signB==1)
begin CMP1 = 1;
CMP2 = 0;
CMP3 = 0;

else if (A > B ) begin
CMP1 = 1;
CMP2 = 0;
CMP3 = 0; end

else if (A == B) begin CMP1 = 0;
CMP2 = 1;
CMP3 = 0; end

begin CMP1 = 0;
CMP2 = 0;
CMP3 = 1; end
//*************************************************************** module testbench;
//This module tests the functionality of compare() module reg Input,Clk; wire Out;
reg [3:0] A;
wire a,b,c,OutA,OutB,signA,signB,CMP1,CMP2,CMP3;
reg [3:0] B;

B=4’b0000;//input2 end

begin #1 A=-8;B=-5;
#1 A=2; B=7; #1 A=5; B=-1; end
compar c1(A,B,signA,signB,CMP1,CMP2,CMP3); //make an instance of compar() initial
$monitor($time,”A=%b, B=%b AgrB=%b, AeqB=%b,
AltB=%b”,A,B,CMP1,CMP2,CMP3); end

#5 $finish;
end endmodule


Consider the given circuit diagram which performs add and subtract operations. The Input M controls the operation (M=1 for subtract and M=0 for the add operation). Output V=1, if overflow occurs otherwise V=0.
Tasks to be done:
i) Implement a FULLADDER() module using behavioral modeling.
ii) Use FULLADDER() to implement ADDSUB() module which takes two 4bit numbers and one control input M as input argument and produces an 4-bit sum/sub with an overflow bit V.


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