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CS F342 Computer Architecture
Lab Sheet – 3 Topic: Sequential Circuit Modeling

Learning Objectives:
i) Introduction to Sequential circuits ii) Blocking and Non-Blocking Assignments iii) Sequential and Parallel blocks iv) Finite State Machine Implementation (Mealy Machine) v) 4-bit Shift Register Implementation

In the first two labs, we have learned how to simulate digital circuits using different types of modeling (i.e. Gate level, Data flow, Behavioral) on combinational circuit simulation in VeriLog. In this lab, we will learn how to simulate digital circuits using different types of modeling on sequential circuit simulation in VeriLog.

A Sequential circuit is a circuit made up by combining logic gates such that the required logic at the output(s) depends not only on the current input logic conditions but also on the past inputs, outputs and sequences.

Sequential Circuits has a feedback of the output(s) from a stage to the input of either that stage or any previous stage.

Problem 1:

module dff_sync_clear(d, clearb, clock, q); input d, clearb, clock; output q; reg q;
always @ (posedge clock) begin
if (!clearb) q <= 1’b0; else q <= d; end endmodule

module dff_async_clear(d
, clearb, clock, q);

input d, clearb, clock; output q; reg q; always @ (negedge cle arb or posedge clock) begin
if (!clearb) q <= 1’b0; else q <= d; end endmodule

// Test Bench

module Testing;

reg d, clk, rst; wire q;
dff_sync_clear dff (d, clk, rst, q); // Or dff_async_clear dff (d, clk, rst, q);

//Always at rising edge of clock display the signals always @(posedge clk)begin
$display(“d=%b, clk=%b, rst=%b, q=%b “, d, clk, rst, q); end

//Module to generate clock with period 10 time units initial begin forever begin clk=0; #5 clk=1; #5 clk=0; end end initial begin d=0; rst=1; #4 d=1; rst=0; #50 d=1; rst=1; #20 d=0; rst=0; end

Blocking and Non-Blocking Assignments:

In Blocking assignment, evaluation and assignment are immediate.

always @ (a or b or c) begin
x = a | b; 1.Evaluate a|b, assign result to x.
y = a ^ b ^ c; 2.Evaluate a^b^c, assign result to y.
z = b & ~c; end 3.Evaluate b& ~c, assign result to z.

In Nonblocking assignment, all assignments deferred until all right-hand sides have been evaluated (end of simulation timestep).

always @ (a or b or c) begin
x <= a | b; 1.Evaluate a|b, but differ assignment of x.
y <= a ^ b ^ c; 2.Evaluate a^b^c, but differ assignment of y.
z <= b & ~c; 3.Evaluate b& ~c, but differ assignment of z.

4.Assign x, y, and z with their new values

module nonblocking(in, clk, out);

input in, clk; output out; reg q1, q2, out;

always @ (posedge clk) begin q1 <= in; q2 <= q1; out <= q2; end endmodule
Sequential Block and Parallel Block module blocking(in, clk, out);

input in, clk; output out; reg q1, q2, out;

always @ (posedge clk) begin q1 = in; q2 = q1; out = q2; end endmodule

In verilog, we have two types of block – sequential blocks and parallel blocks.
Sequential Block
In the sequential blocks, begin and end keywords are used to group the statements, All the statement in this group executes sequentially. ( this rule is not applicable for nonblocking assignments). If the statements are given with some timing/delays then the given delays get added into. It would be clearer with following examples.
Example – 1:

reg a,b,c;
begin a = 1’b1; b = 1’b0; c = 1’b1; end Example – 2:

reg a,b,c; initial begin
#5 a = 1’b1;
#10 b = 1’b0; #15 c = 1’b1; end

The Example – 1 is showing the sequential block without delays, All the statements written inside the begin-end will execute sequentially and after the execution of initial block, final values are a=1, b=0 and c=1
The Example – 2 is showing the sequential block with delays, In this case, the same statements are given with some delays, Since All the statements execute sequentially, the a will get value 1 after 5 time unit, b gets value after 15 time unit and c will take value 1 after 30 time unit

Parallel Block:
The statements are written inside the parallel block, execute parallel, If the sequencing is required then it can be given by providing some delays before the statements. In parallel blocks, all the statements occur within fork and join

Example – 1:

reg a,b,c; initial fork
#5 a = 1′b1;
#10 b = 1′b0; #15 c = 1′b1; join
Mealy Machine:

Example – 2:

reg a,b,c,d; initial
begin fork
#5 a = 1′b1;
#10 b = 1′b0;
#15 c = 1′b1; join
#30 d = 1′b0; end

In Example-1, all the statements written inside the fork and join, executes parallel, it means the c with have value ‘1′ after 15 time unit.

In Example-2, the initial block contains begin-end and fork-join both. In this case c takes value after 15 time unit, and d takes the value after 30 time unit.

Mealy Machine:
A Mealy machine is a finite state transducer that generates an output based on its current state and input. This means that the state diagram will include both an input and output signal for each transition edge.

module mealy( clk, rst, inp, outp);

input clk, rst, inp; output outp; reg [1:0] state; reg outp;

always @( posedge clk, posedge rst ) begin if( rst ) begin state <= 2’b00; outp <= 0; end
else begin case( state ) 2’b00: begin if( inp ) begin state <= 2’b01; outp <= 0; end
else begin state <= 2’b10; outp <= 0; end end
2’b01: begin if( inp ) begin state <= 2’b00; outp <= 1; end else begin state <= 2’b10; outp <= 0; end end
2’b10: begin if( inp ) begin state <= 2’b01; outp <= 0; end else begin state <= 2’b00; outp <= 1; end end
default: begin state <= 2’b00; outp <= 0; end endcase
end end endmodule
// Test Bench module mealy_test;
reg clk, rst, inp; wire outp; reg[15:0] sequence; integer i;
mealy duty( clk, rst, inp, outp);
initial begin clk = 0; rst = 1;
sequence = 16’b0101_0111_0111_0010;
#5 rst = 0;

for( i = 0; i <= 15; i = i + 1) begin
inp = sequence[i];
#2 clk = 1;
#2 clk = 0;
$display(“State = “, duty.state, ” Input = “, inp, “, Output = “, outp); end testing; end
task testing;
for( i = 0; i <= 15; i = i + 1) begin
inp = $random % 2;
#2 clk = 1;
#2 clk = 0;
$display(“State = “, duty.state, ” Input = “, inp, “, Output =
“, outp); end endtask endmodule
Problem 2: Implementing a 4-bit Shift Register
An n-bit shift register is generally comprised of a set of n flip-flops which provide n bits of storage. The flip-flops are connected in such a way as to produce a shifting action of the bits stored in the individual flip-flops. The bits shift at the active portion of the system clock which is usually a clock edge.

Following figure shows a 4-bit shift register that uses D flip-flops for the individual storage elements.

Figure 1: Diagram for a 4-bit shift register.
//VeriLog Code for 4 bit Shift Register.
module shiftreg(EN, in, CLK, Q); parameter n = 4; input EN; input in; input CLK; output [n-1:0] Q; reg [n-1:0] Q;
initial Q=4’d10; always @(posedge CLK) begin if (EN) Q={in,Q[n-1:1]}; end endmodule

// Test Bench of 4 bit shift register

module shiftregtest;
parameter n= 4; reg EN,in , CLK; wire [n-1:0] Q; //reg [n-1:0] Q;

shiftreg shreg(EN,in,CLK,Q);
initial begin CLK=0; end always #2 CLK=~CLK; initial
$monitor($time,”EN=%b in= %b Q=%b “,EN,in,Q); initial begin in=0;EN=0; #4 in=1;EN=1;
#4 in=1;EN=0;
#4 in=0;EN=1; #5 $finish; end endmodule


(Q.1) Implement Binary 4-bit Synchronus counter using J-K Flip Flops. Verify the design by writing a testbench module.

(Q.2.) Design a FSM (Finite State Machine) to detect a sequence 10110.

(Q.3.) Design and implement a four-bit serial adder. Make use of four-bit shift register constructed in Problem 2. Verify the design by writing a testbench module.