CST8110 – Introduction to Programming Assignment #1 – Arithmetic/Problem Solving (Solution)

$ 29.99


Problem Description:

Write a Java program to solve the following problem: Calculate your final mark based on the weighting of the course outline. User interaction should resemble the following:

Sample Output #1: (blue indicates user entered information, red indicates display from program)
Welcome to the CST8110 Final Mark Calculator

Enter your hybrid activity mark out of 5: 5 Enter your lab mark out of 10: 10
Enter your assignments mark out of 100: 90
Enter your test(s)/quiz mark out of 25: 17.5
Enter your lab test mark out of 5: 3
Enter your final exam mark out of 30: 25 Calculated final mark: 81.50
Sample Output #2:

Welcome to the CST8110 Final Mark Calculator

Enter your hybrid activity mark out of 5: 0 Enter your lab mark out of 10: 5
Enter your assignments mark out of 100: 51
Enter your test(s)/quiz mark out of 25: 12.5
Enter your lab test mark out of 5: 2.2
Enter your final exam mark out of 30: 15
Calculated final mark: 47.10
Submission Requirements: • You must create a .zip file that contains ONLY the following:
o A document created with either Notepad, Wordpad or Word named Assign1.docx or Assign1.txt with your test plan – note this should contain your name, section and lab teacher listed at the top.
• The .zip file must have the following as its name o Your last name, your first name, the word Assign and the assignment number. Example: CraneLindaAssign1.zip
• Submit the .zip file through the Assignment feature which has been enabled in the CST8110 Blackboard course. This should be directly under the Assignment description.
Assignment #1 – Problem Solving 1
• Marks will be given for correct submission (ie marks will be deducted for incorrect
Assignment #1 – Problem Solving 2


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