CST8130 – 1 (Solution)

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CST8130: Data Structures — Assign #2- Bank Simulator
Sorting/Searching using ArrayList

Problem Description:

a) Change the bankData declaration in Bank class to be an object of ArrayList..

b) Add to the menu an option to display the database – which will display each element in the array. (So you can check your insert changes below are working)

c) Change the insert into the bankData structure so that the account numbers are in numeric order from smallest to largest in the most efficient way possible.

d) Once the bankData structure is ordered, modify your search to also make it as efficient as possible (Note – do NOT use Generic Collection methods yet).

NOTE You will NOT need to change the BankAccount and SavingsAccount and ChequingAccount classes except to possibly add some comparison methods.

I suggest you complete each of the requirements one at a time. The output from the assignment should be the same as from Assignment 1.

• Your test plan that tests only the changes made in this program in either .docx or .xls format (ie everything from Assign 1 test plan should still work – but you don’t need to repeat in this test plan).

Failure to provide any of the above will have an effect on your grade for this assignment.
CST8130 – Data Structures Assign2: ArrayList/ Using Files


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