CST8238 – Assignment 3 – JavaScript, PHP, & (Solution)

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• Solve some basic programming assignments using the JavaScript and PHP language.

• NOTE: Late assignments will not be accepted.

This assignment is worth: 10% of your total course mark

Please follow the Assignment 3 Assessment document on Blackboard for more information.
Summary of Tasks

Listed below are the sections of the assignment which will need to be completed:

1. Develop the logic to display your web application.
2. Upload your websites for Task 1 and Task 2 to the webserver.
3. View your webpages for Task 1 and Task 2 using a web browser.
4. Submit Assignment Links on Blackboard for Task 1 and Task 2.
5. Create a ZIP file containing the entire Restaurant website (Task 2). Name the zip file Restaurant.zip.
6. Submit the ZIP file on Blackboard.
Task 1- Implementing Temperature Converter using JavaScript


Download ‘TemperatureConverter.html’ Template file from Blackboard (Course Content -> Assignments-> Assignment 3 -> TemperatureConverter.html) and save it to your computer. You need to write a JavaScript function inside the template file that

• Displays a prompt asking the user to select the temperature unit to be converted to (i.e., Celsius/Fahrenheit). [hint: you will need to use the prompt() Method]. The sample screenshot is as follows:

• Displays another prompt asking the user to input the value of the temperature to be converted to Celsius/Fahrenheit. The sample screenshot is as follows:

• The temperature value entered should be validated to ensure it is a number.
• Then, the appropriate formula should be applied to the value to convert the temperature to the selected temperature unit (i.e., From Celsius to Fahrenheit or vice versa).
• Finally, an alert should be displayed indicating the original temperature that the user entered and the converted temperature [hint: you will need to use the alert() Method to display your answer variable]. The sample screenshot is as follows:

• The function should be called when the appropriate button (i.e., Convert!) is pressed.

Task 2- Enhancing the functionalities of a Website using PHP and MySQL
Sub-task1- Download ‘Restaurant’ Template file
Download the file ‘Assignment3-Task2.zip’ from Blackboard (Course Content -> Assignments-> Assignment 3 -> Assignment3-Task2.zip) which contains the Template folder (i.e., Restaurant) for Task 2. The ‘Restaurant’ folder contains some PHP files, a css folder with the style.css stylesheet, and an image folder with no images.
Sub-task2- Set up your database
Before we can get started using MySQL on the webserver we need a few pieces of information.
• Host
o The host variable should contain the value “localhost”.
o Example: $host = “localhost”;
o NOTE: Localhost is a networking term meaning ‘this computer’
• Username
o The Username to access YOUR database is: eatery o Example: $username = “eatery”;
• Password o The password is any legitimate password you choose cst@8238
• Database Name
o The name of your database is: eatery
o Example: $database = “eatery”

To create your database, username, password and tables on Hebergement Server, please review the following document on Blackboard:
Course Content -> Assignments -> Assignment 3 -> Assignment3-Task2.zip ->

To create your database, username, password and tables on EasyPHP, please review the following document on Blackboard (Only required for local testing):
Course Content -> Assignments -> Assignment 3 -> Assignment3-Task2.zip ->

IMPORTANT: You need to modify ‘db_config.php’ to include your own username, password, and database name.
Sub-task3- Create a table

Now that we have a database we need to understand the tables inside it. The database must contain a table named: mailingList
Using phpMyAdmin (or the MySQL workbench, or the command line), research the MySql statement CREATE to create a new table in your eatery database.
The ‘mailingList’ table has the following columns:

• firstName, VARCHAR(50), NOT NULL
• lastName, VARCHAR(50), NOT NULL
• phoneNumber, VARCHAR(15), NOT NULL
• emailAddress, VARCHAR(100), NOT NULL
• userName, VARCHAR(50), NOT NULL
• referrer, VARCHAR(50), NOT NULL
Very Important – your table name and column names MUST match exactly or this assignment will not be marked!
Sub-task4- Write PHP code to save the user’s data to the database
Once you click ‘Contact’ navigation item from the side-menu of the website, a form will be displayed. You need to store user’s data to the mailingList table of the database entered through this form. The PHP code that saves the user’s data must meet the minimum functionality requirements:
• All form fields must be validated to ensure a value is entered for each one. If a form field is left blank, no data is to be saved to the database. Duplicate entry of e-mail address into the database must be restricted. The user must be informed of which fields need to be updated.
• Once the data has been validated, an entry should be made in the database. The user’s data must be put into the correct column (i.e, First Name in the firstName field etc).
• Once the data has been saved to the database, the user should be informed that the data was saved successfully. If there was an error saving the data, they should be informed of the error
Sub-task5- Create a page that displays a table with all the customers on the ‘mailingList’ table
Create a php page called mailing_list.php that, when called, displays an HTML table containing the customers’ data from the mailingList table.
Each row should contain the following customer information in the order they appear below. The table should contain a header row outlining the data below.
• Full Name (combine the firstname and lastname)
• Email
• Username
• Phone
There is a navigation item under ‘Contact’ side-menu, called “List”. This navigation item (i.e., “List”) will link to the new mailing_list.php script you created.

The newly created page should have common look and feel (CLF) similar to other pages of the website.

Sub-task6 – Create an adminusers table and users

The database must contain another table named: adminusers

Create a new table (adminusers) in your eatery database.

The ‘adminusers’ table has the following columns:
• Username VARCHAR(50)
• Password VARCHAR(50)
• AdminLevel VARCHAR(50)
Again (using phpMyAdmin or the MySQL workbench, or the command line) INSERT a new user into the adminusers table.
Details of the new user of the adminusers table are as follows:
• Username = admin
• Password = passme
• AdminLevel = Administrator
Very Important: The username/password you create MUST match the above or again your assignment WILL NOT be marked.
Sub-task7 – Secure the Internal Page
On Blackboard, inside Restaurant folder, there is a file named internal.php. Add it to the website structure. This script should only be accessible by admin users, meaning you will need to secure this page ensuring that only users that have successfully logged in and have a valid session can view this page.

Follow the instructions below:
• Add the internal.php to the navigation calling it “Internal” and listing it under the “List” link. From the left navigation, when a user clicks on “Internal” they will be linked to the new internal.php page.
• Secure this new internal.php page/script by ensuring that the user has a valid session variable. If no session variable exists then the user will be redirected to the new login.php page.
• Create a new page called login.php. This page will include the same header.php and footer.php so that it looks like every other page.
o The new login.php page should present the user with a login form where they will enter their username and password. First, the script must validate that the username and password values are not empty. If either field is missing, a message is displayed to the user letting them know which field is missing and allows them another attempt to login again.
o The login script will also validate the username / password supplied against the new adminusers table. o If the username/password (admin/passme) validates, the session variable is set. After validation, the user is redirected to the internal.php script.
o If the user supplies the incorrect username/password they will be presented with a message letting them know their username and password did not authenticate.
• Once the user is validated, the session variable should be set and the user will be allowed to access the internal.php script.
• Create a new page called logout.php to end the current session for accessing internal.php page.
o Clicking on the LOGOUT link on the internal.php page will terminate the current session by executing logout.php script and redirect the user to the login.php page.
N.B.: Demo-Restaurant-Subtask7.zip (posted on Blackboard) file will give you guideline about how to proceed with Sub-task7 of Task 2.
Bonus-Task- Add some colors/images so that the ‘Restaurant’ website looks attractive. Task 3

Upload Task 1 and Task2 to a webserver. Use an FTP client to connect to the webserver.

Once you connect to the webserver using an FTP client, create a directory called ‘Assignment3’ under ‘/public_html/CST8238’ directory. Once your personal directory has been created navigate to that new directory. Add your Task1 file (i.e., TemperatureConverter.html) and Task2 folder (i.e., Restaurant) to this location.

We recommend the FTP client FileZilla. The program is provided for free (and open source for those who are interested in such things) by the Mozilla Foundation; the makers of Firefox and Thunderbird.

Task 4

View your website using a web browser. Open a web browser and navigate to the following web address:


For example, the web address to my page is:

Task1: http://rejaul.com/CST8238/Assignment3/TemperatureConverter.html

Task2: http://rejaul.com/CST8238/Assignment3/Restaurant/index.php

Where ‘rejaul.com’ is the domain name of the Web server, ‘CST8238/Assignment3’ is the name of the directory I created in the Web server under ‘/public_html’ directory using FTP client, ‘TemperatureConverter.html’ is the web page I created for the Task1 and ‘Restaurant/index.php’ is the main (index) page of the Restaurant website.
Task 5

Once you have confirmed that your webpage is available online, you are ready to hand in your lab.

To hand in your lab go to Blackboard and navigate to Course Content → Labs and click on
‘Assignment 3 – JavaScript, PHP, MySQL’ link.

Under “Assignment Submission”, in the Submission text box write out the following Information:

• Student Number
• First Name
• Last Name
• The URLs, or hyperlinks, prepared in Task 3

Under “Assignment Submission”, submit (attach) the sourceCode (Restaurant.zip) of Task 2 (i.e., Restaurant website).

Finally, once the Submission section is complete, click the ‘Submit’ button to send the lab to your professor.

If the URL, or hyperlink, does not direct the professor to the lab you will receive a ZERO for the lab assignment.



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