CST8238 – Lab 2 – Create an Ugly Website (Solution)

$ 24.99



• Create an ugly website
• Upload your website to a Web server


• This Lab is worth 2% of your total course mark.
Estimated Time

• This Lab is estimated to take 2 hours.

This is only an estimate of the time required to complete this Lab. I would encourage you to work at your own pace and if at all possible obtain a laptop so that you can work on your assignments from anywhere.

The following chapters of ‘Fundamentals of Web Development’ will be useful in completing this exercise:

• Chapter 1
• Chapter 2
Lab Supplies

To complete this lab you will require the following lab supplies:

• Textbook: Fundamentals of Web Development.
• Eclipse, Notepad (or other text editor, or IDE)
• FileZilla (or other FTP client)
Summary of Tasks

1. Use the knowledge gained in ‘Part 2 – Basic HTML Tags’ under ‘Course Content-> Module 2- HTML and CSS’ to create the ugliest web page possible
2. Create links between your two labs
3. Upload your website to the webserver
4. View your webpage using a web browser
5. Submit Assignment Link on Blackboard
Task 1

Use the knowledge gained from this week’s lecture to create the ugliest website you can think of. Make sure to use ALL of the tags learned.

Name this webpage: index.html
Task 2

Create a link between your first and second labs

• On the web page ‘Index.html’ add an Anchor tag that links to the URL submitted in ‘Lab 1 – Preparation and Hello World’
Task 3

Upload the website to your webserver domain.

Once you connect to the webserver using an FTP client, create a directory called ‘/Lab2’ under ‘/public_html/CST8238’ directory. Once your personal directory has been created navigate to that new directory. Add your index.html file to this location. (Using FileZilla simply drag the index.html file into your folder)

We recommend the FTP client FileZilla. The program is provided for free (and open source for those who are interested in such things) by the Mozilla Foundation; the makers of Firefox and Thunderbird.

For more information on using FileZilla please navigate to the following material in
Blackboard: Course Content → Extra Material → FileZilla Guide (Video)
Task 4

View your website using a web browser. Open a web browser and navigate to the following web address:


For example, the web address to my page is:


Where ‘rejaul.com’ is the domain name of the Web server, ‘ CST8238/Lab2’ is the name of the directory I created in the Web server under ‘/public_html’ directory using FTP client and ‘index.html’ is the web page I created for this lab.
Task 5

Once you have confirmed that your webpage is available online, you are ready to hand in your lab.

To hand in your lab go to Blackboard and navigate to Course Content → Labs. Then click on ‘Lab 2 – Create an Ugly Website’ link.

Under “Assignment Materials”, in the Submission text box write out the following Information:

• Student Number
• First Name
• Last Name
• The URL, or hyperlink, prepared in Task 4

Finally, once the Submission and Comments section are complete, click the ‘Submit’ button to send the lab to your professor.

If the URL, or hyperlink, does not direct the professor to the lab you will receive a ZERO for the lab assignment.



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