CS 313: Databases and Information Systems Laboratory Solved

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th Assignment 2

Example: Consider the Student table
Table Primary key Domain of PK Foreign key(Referencing table) Not Null
Student ID Character (dept_name) references department name
Tabulate your observation as shown above. Write all Primary keys with its domain and foriegn keys(with name of the referring table) and Not Null keys, of each table.
In your answer please write down the respective SQL queries used to find the details of the student along with the corresponding output-table. 20 Points

3. Try out the various queries(Such as select and insert statements) we studied in the class. Explore all the tables in the given schema. 10 Points
4. Try out the following additional queries : 15 Points
a) Get students (ID and names) from xxx department who have done courses from a room in building yyy, where xxx and yyy represents the department building of your choice and it should be present in the database.
b) Get students who have A grade as well as a C grade
2. Answers / query and output(screenshot) of all the questions must be put in a document(.pdf). 3. Submit the .pdf file named with your <roll_number>.pdf
4. Mode of submission is moodle.


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