CSE101 – Programming Assignment #4 Solved

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For each of the following problems, create an error-free Python program.
– Each program should be submitted in a separate Python file that follows a particular naming convention: Submit the answer for problem 1 as “Assign4Answer1.py” and for problem 2 as “Assign4Answer2.py” and so on.
– These programs should execute properly in VS Code using the setup we created in lab.
– At the top of every file add your name and Stony Brook email address in a
– Include all the provided test cases in your solutions – for test cases that just return a value, make sure to add a print() statement so you can see the result.

Regarding working in pairs:
– You are welcome to work with a partner on the homework assignment, but you MUST write both your names and email addresses in each file in a comment. Only one person needs to submit the homework on Blackboard.
– You are only allowed to work together with one other person – larger group submissions or collaborations (beyond high-level discussions of problems, as stated on the syllabus) are not allowed.

Problem 1: (3 points)
Complete the function bestStudent, which computes and returns the name and age of the student who had the highest score on a recent exam. Unfortunately, the data to process is not provided to the function in a particularly convenient format. The first argument is a list containing the students’ names, such as [‘Qi’, ‘Jack’, ‘Connor’, ‘Romin’]. The second argument is a list containing the students’ ages and exam scores, interleaved. For instance, the list [21, 92, 25, 95, 24, 90, 26, 98] indicates that Qi is 21 years old and scored a 92, Jack is 25 years old and scored a 95, and so on.
Using list methods and functions (e.g., max and index), as well as slicing, determine which student had the highest score and then return that student’s name and age.
Hint: remember that with slicing we can provide a third value that tells Python to select every k-th value from a list. For instance, costs[1::2] would select elements 1, 3, 5, 7, … from the list called costs.
Function Call Return Values
bestStudent([‘Qi’, ‘Jack’, ‘Connor’, ‘Romin’], [21, 92, 25, 95, 24, 90, 26, 98]) (‘Romin’, 26)
bestStudent([‘Albert’, ‘Cris’, ‘Danny’], [22, 100, 24, 90, 23, 91]) (‘Albert’, 22)
bestStudent([‘Albert’, ‘Erin’, ‘Yang’, ‘Cris’, ‘Danny’], [25, 80, 24, 90, 27, 88, 23, 91, 24, 98]) (‘Danny’, 24)
bestStudent([‘Toni’, ‘Kim’], [25, 95, 27, 88]) (‘Toni’, 25)

Code to get you started is below:
def bestStudent(names, records):
pass # delete this line and start writing your code here

# Test cases
print(bestStudent([‘Qi’, ‘Jack’, ‘Connor’, ‘Romin’], [21, 92, 25, 95, 24,
90, 26, 98]))
print(bestStudent([‘Albert’, ‘Cris’, ‘Danny’], [22, 100, 24, 90, 23, 91])) print(bestStudent([‘Albert’, ‘Erin’, ‘Yang’, ‘Cris’, ‘Danny’], [25, 80,
24, 94, 27, 88, 23, 91, 24, 98])) print(bestStudent([‘Toni’, ‘Kim’], [25, 95, 27, 88]))

Problem 2 (2 points)
First, separate the month, day, and year into three variables. Then, follow this logic:
if month is 12 and day is 30: # so we advance the month, day, and year next day is ‘1/1/(year + 1)’
elif day is 30: # therefore the month is NOT 12, so we advance the month and day next day is ‘(month + 1)/1/(year)’ else: # we advance only the day next day is ‘(month)/(day + 1)/(year)’

Function Call Return Value

Code to get you started is below:

def tomorrowsDate(today):
pass # delete this line and start writing your code here
# Test cases

Problem 3 (3 points)
A local pizza restaurant has hired you to write a function to price the pizzas they sell every day. Small pies cost $12, medium pies cost $14, and large pies cost $16. Each topping costs $2. However, a customer can order extra toppings by prepending one or more copies of the word “Extra” in front of the string. Each “Extra” topping costs an additional $1.50. For example, ‘Pepperoni’ would add $2 to the cost, ‘Extra Pepperoni’ would add $3.50, ‘Extra Extra Pepperoni’ would add $5, and so on. The function takes two arguments: a string containing the size
(‘Small’, ‘Medium’ or ‘Large’) and a list of strings that provide the toppings. Examples:
Function Call Return Value
pizza_cost(‘Small’, [‘Sausage’, ‘Pineapple’]) 16.0 or 16
pizza_cost(‘Large’, [‘Onions’, ‘Peppers’, ‘Chocolate’, ‘Extra Extra Extra Extra Bacon’, ‘Mushrooms’]) 32.0 or 32
pizza_cost(‘Medium’, [‘Olives’, ‘Extra Extra Extra Sausage’, ‘Extra Extra Cheese’, ‘Mushrooms’]) 29.5
pizza_cost(‘Medium’, [‘Extra Bacon’, ‘Chicken’, ‘Pepperoni’]) 21.5

Code to get you started is below:

def pizza_cost(pie_size, toppings):
pass # delete this line and start coding here

# Test cases print(pizza_cost(‘Small’, [‘Sausage’, ‘Pineapple’]))
print(pizza_cost(‘Large’, [‘Onions’, ‘Peppers’, ‘Chocolate’, ‘Extra Extra Extra Extra Bacon’, ‘Mushrooms’]))
print(pizza_cost(‘Medium’, [‘Olives’, ‘Extra Extra Extra Sausage’, ‘Extra Extra Cheese’, ‘Mushrooms’]))
print(pizza_cost(‘Medium’, [‘Extra Bacon’, ‘Chicken’, ‘Pepperoni’]))

Problem 4 (3 points)
Complete the function moveUp, which takes a list of strings where each string represents a student and their “U-status” and returns the updated status of all the students. Each string is of the form name, U# (where # is the digit 1, 2, 3, 4). The function returns a new list containing the same students after advancing each a year. However, if a student was initially U4, they will graduate, and so the function excludes them from the new list. Otherwise, the function adds 1 to their year (i.e., U1 becomes U2; U2 becomes U3; and U3 becomes U4).

Function Call Return Value
moveUp([‘Moe, U2’, ‘Homer, U3’]) [‘Moe, U3’, ‘Homer, U4’] [‘Sydney, U4’, ‘Qi, U2’, ‘Cassey, U3’]
[‘Kate, U2’, ‘Susan, U3’,
‘Becky, U4’, ‘Bob, U2’]
moveUp([‘Dan, U4’, ‘Sydney, U3’, ‘Qi, U1’, ‘Jason, U4’, ‘Cassey, U2’])
moveUp([‘Kate, U1’, ‘Dan, U4’, ‘Sydney, U4’, ‘Susan, U2’, ‘Becky, U3’, ‘Qi, U4’, ‘Bob, U1])
moveUp([‘Dan, U4’, ‘Sydney, U4’, ‘Qi, U4’])

Code to get you started is below:
def moveUp(students):
pass # delete this line and start coding here

# Test cases
print(‘Expected list:’, “[‘Moe, U3’, ‘Homer, U4’]”) print(‘ Actual list:’, moveUp([‘Moe, U2’, ‘Homer, U3’])) print(‘Expected list:’, “[‘Sydney, U4’, ‘Qi, U2’, ‘Cassey, U3’]”) print(‘ Actual list:’, moveUp([‘Dan, U4’, ‘Sydney, U3’, ‘Qi, U1’, ‘Jason, U4’, ‘Cassey, U2’])) print(‘Expected list:’, [‘Kate, U2’, ‘Susan, U3’, ‘Becky, U4’, ‘Bob, U2’]) print(‘ Actual list:’, moveUp([‘Kate, U1’, ‘Dan, U4’, ‘Sydney, U4’, ‘Susan, U2’, ‘Becky, U3’,
‘Qi, U4’, ‘Bob, U1’])) print(‘Expected list:’, ‘[]’)
print(‘ Actual list:’, moveUp([‘Dan, U4’, ‘Sydney, U4’, ‘Qi, U4’]))

Problem 5 (3 points)
Write a function called calculateHighAverageLow that takes a list of lists of numbers (a 2-dimensional list) and calculates the highest number, the average, and the lowest number for each list within the list. The function should then return a new 2dimensional list with the results of those calculations for each list in the format:
[[high1, average1, low1], [high2, average2, low2]]

You can assume every list will have at least one number. You should account for both positive and negative numbers, as seen in the 3rd example below.

Function Call Return Value
calculateHighAverageLow([[10, 15], [5]]) [[15, 12.5, 10], [5, 5.0, 5]]
[[30, 14.0, 5], [36, 27.0, 20], [17, 11.25, 2]]
[[35 , -3.0, -30], [25, 13.75, -5]]
calculateHighAverageLow([[20,30,10,5,5], [36,25,20], [17,2,12,14]])
calculateHighAverageLow([[20,-25,-30,35,-15], [15,10,-5,25,20,17.5]])

Code to get you started is below:

def calculateHighAverageLow(data)
pass # delete this line and start coding here

# Test cases
print(calculateHighAverageLow([[10, 15], [5]]))
print(calculateHighAverageLow([[20,30,10,5,5], [36,25,20], [17,2,12,14]])) print(calculateHighAverageLow([[20,-25,-30,35,-15], [15,10,-5,25,20,17.5]]))


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