CSED211 Homework 4 Solved

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20190084 권민재
1. Exercise 6.25
The following table gives the prarmeters for a number of different caches. For each cache, fill in the missing fields in the table. Recall taht is the number of physical address bits, is the cache size (number of data bytes), is the block size in bytes, is asscociativity, is the number of cache sets, is the number of tag bits, is the numbner of set index bits, and is the number of offset bits.
총 캐시 사이즈에서 블록 사이즈를 나누면 블록의 개수가 되고, 그 블록의 개수를 다시 asscociativity의 수 로 나누면 set의 개수가 된다.
set index 비트의 크기는 에 밑이 2인 로그를 취한 값을 가진다. 오프셋 비트의 크기는 에 밑이 2인 로그를 취한 값을 가진다. 태그 비트의 크기는 주소의 전체 길이에서 를 뺀 값을 가진다.
1 32 1024 4 4 64 24 6 2
2 32 1024 4 256 1 30 0 2
3 32 1024 8 1 128 22 7 3
4 32 1024 8 128 1 29 0 3
5 32 1024 32 1 32 22 5 5
6 32 1024 32 4 8 24 3 5

2. Exercise 6.29
2. Exercise 6.29
Suppose we have system with the follwing properties:
The memory is byte addressable.
Memory accesses are to 1-byte words (not to 4-byte words).
Addresses are 12 bits wide.
The cache is two-way set associative ( ), with a 4-byte block size ( ) and four sets (
The contents of the cache are as follows, with all addresses, tags, and values given in hexadecial notation.
Set index Tag Valid Byte 0 Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3
0 00 1 40 41 42 43
83 1 FE 97 CC D0
1 00 1 44 45 46 47
83 0
2 00 1 48 49 4A 4B
40 0
3 FF 1 9A C0 03 FF
00 0
The following diagram shows the format of an address (1 bit per box). Indicate (by labeling the diagram) the fields that would be used to determine the follwing:
CO. The cache block offset
CI. The cache set index
CT. the cache tag

12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

For each of the follwing memory accesses, indicate if it will be a cache hit or miss when carried out in sequence as listed. Also give the value of a read if it can be inferred from the information in the cache.
Solution Read 0x834
Binary Tag Index Offset
100000110100 10000011 01 00
0x834 0x83 0x1 0x0
Set Index가 1인 set에 tag가 0x83인 블럭은 존재하지만, 해당 블럭은 valid 하지 않으므로, hit가 발생하지 않는 다.
Write 0x836
Binary Tag Index Offset
100000110110 10000011 01 10
0x836 0x83 0x1 0x2
Set Index가 1인 set에 tag가 0x83인 블럭은 존재하고, 앞서 Read 0x834를 수행하면서 해당 블럭은 valid하게 되었으므로 hit가 발생한다.
Read 0xFFD
Binary Tag Index Offset
111111111101 11111111 11 01
0xFFD 0xFF 0x3 0x1
Set Index가 3인 set에 tag가 0xFF인 블럭이 있고, 해당 블럭은 valid 하므로 hit가 발생한다. 이때 오프셋은 0x1이 므로, 읽을 값은 0xC0으로 추론된다.
Operation Address Hit? Read value (or unknown)
Read 0x834 No. unknown
Write 0x836 Yes. unknown
Read 0xFFD Yes. 0xC0

3. Exercise 6.30
Suppose we have a system with the following properties:
The memory is byte addressable.
Memory accesses are to 1-byte words (not to 4-byte words).
Address are 13 bits wide.
The cache is 4-way set associative ( ) , with 4-byte block size ( ) and eight sets (
Consider the following cache state. All addresses, tags, and values are given in hexadecimal format. The Index column contains the set index for each set of four lines. The Tag columns contain the tag value for each line. The V columns contain the valid vit for each line. The Bytes 0-3 columns contain the data for each line, numbered left to right starting with byte 0 on the left.
(Table for this problem is omitted. It’s not matter!)
What is the size (C) of this cache in bytes?
캐시의 사이즈는 set의 개수와 associative, 그리고 블럭 사이즈를 모두 곱해서 구할 수 있다.


The box that follows shows the format of an address (1 bit per box). Indicate (by labeling the diagram) the fields that would be used to determine the following:
CO. The cache block offset
CI. The cache set index
CT. the cache tag

12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

4. Exercise 6.34
Consider the follwing matrix transpose routine:

Assume this code runs on a machine with the following properties:
sizeof(int) = 4
The src array starts at address 0 and the dst array starts at address 64 (decimal). There is a single L1 data cache that is direct-mapped, write-through, write-allocate, with a block size of 16 bytes.
The cache has a total size of 32 data bytes, and the cache is initally empty.
Accesses to the src and dst arrays are the only sources of read and write misses, respectively.
For each row and col , indicate whether the access to src[row][col] and dst[row][col] is a hit (h) or a miss(m). For example, reading src[0][0] is a miss and wrting dst[0][0] is also miss.
Address Binary Tag Index (1) Offset (4) Hit?
0 00000000 000 0 0000 No.
64 01000000 010 0 0000 No.
4 00000100 000 0 0100 No.
80 01010000 010 1 0000 No.
8 00001000 000 0 1000 Yes.
96 01100000 011 0 0000 No.
12 00001100 000 0 1100 No.
112 01110000 011 1 0000 No.
16 00010000 000 1 0000 No.
68 01000100 010 0 0100 No.
20 00010100 000 1 0100 Yes.
84 01010100 010 1 0100 No.
24 00011000 000 1 1000 No.
100 01100100 011 0 0100 No.
28 00011100 000 1 1100 Yes.
116 01110100 011 1 0100 No.
32 00100000 001 0 0000 No.
72 01001000 010 0 1000 No.
36 00100100 001 0 0100 No.
88 01011000 010 1 1000 No.
40 00101000 001 0 1000 Yes.
104 01101000 011 0 1000 No.
44 00101100 001 0 1100 No.
120 01111000 011 1 1000 No.

48 00110000 001 1 0000 No.
76 01001100 010 0 1100 No.
52 00110100 001 1 0100 Yes.
92 01011100 010 1 1100 No.
56 00111000 001 1 1000 No.
108 01101100 011 0 1100 No.
60 00111100 001 1 1100 Yes.
124 01111100 011 1 1100 No.

dst array
Col. 0 Col. 1 Col. 2 Col. 3
Row 0 m m m m
Row 1 m m m m
Row 2 m m m m
Row 3 m m m m
src array
Col. 0 Col. 1 Col. 2 Col. 3
Row 0 m m h m
Row 1 m h m h
Row 2 m m h m
Row 3 m h m h

5. Exercise 6.41
You are writing a new 3D game that you hope will earn you fame and fortune. You are currently working on a function to blank the screen buffer before drawing the next frame. The screen you are working with is a 640 × 480 array of pixels. The machine you are working on has a 32 KB direct-mapped cache with 8-byte lines. The C structures you are using are as follows:

Assume the following:
sizeof(char) = 1 and sizeof(int) = 4 buffer begins at memory address 0. The cache is initially empty.
The only memory accesses are to the entries of the array buffer . Variables i , j , cptr , and iptr are stored in registers.
What percentage of writes in the follwing code will hit the cache?

구조체 pixel 의 크기는 4바이트이고, 한 라인의 크기는 8바이트 이므로, 한 라인에 pixel이 두 번 들어갈 수 있다. 즉, 두 pixel 마다 한 번의 miss와 7번의 hit를 가지므로, miss rate는 이다.

6. Exercise 7.6
For each symbol that is defined and referenced in swap.io , indicate if it will have a symbol table entry in .symtab section in module swap.o . If so, indicate the module that defines the symbol
( swap.o or m.o ), the symbol type (local, global, or extern), and the section ( .text , .data or .bss ) it occupies in that module.

Symbol swap.o .symtab
entry? Symbol type Module where defined Section
Yes. extern m.o .data
Yes. global swap.o .data
Yes. local swap.o .bss
Yes. global swap.o .text
Yes. local swap.o .text
Yes. local swap.o .bss

7. Exercise 7.8
Inthis problem, let denote that the linker will associate an arbitary
reference to symbol x in module i to definition of x in module k. For each example below, use this notation to indicate how the linker would resolve references to the multiply-defined symbol in each module. If there is a link-time error(rule 1), wrtie “ERROR”. If the linker arbitrarily chooses one of the definitions (rule3), write “UNKNOWN”.

모듈 2에서 main을 static을 이용하여 선언하 기 때문에, 모듈 2의 main은 local 변수라고 생각할 수 있다. 즉, 충돌 이 일어나지 않으며, 각 모듈에는 유효한 main이 존재한다.


두 모듈의 x에 대해 두 개의 weak definition이 존재하므로, rule 3에 해당하는 경우이다.

두 모듈의 x에 대해 두 개의 strong definition이 존재하므로, rule 1에 해당하는 경우이다.

8. Exercise 7.12

with the following relocation entry:

Suppose that the linker relocates .text in m.o to address 0x4004e0 and swap to address
0x4004f8 . Then what is the value of the relocated reference to swap in the callq instruction?
swap + r.addend – ( .text + r.offset ) = 0x4004f8 – 4 – (0x4004e0 + 0xa) = 0x0a

Suppose that the linker relocates .text in m.o to address 0x4004d0 and swap to address
0x400500 . Then what is the value of the relocated reference to swap in the callq instruction?
swap + r.addend – ( .text + r.offset ) = 0x400500 – 4 – (0x4004d0 + 0xa) = 0x22


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