CSED332 – Solved

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CSED332 Assignment 5

• Learn Visitor and Decorator patterns
Simple Arithmetic Expressions
• We consider simple arithmetic expressions with unknown variables. The syntax is as follows:
Expression E ::= E + E | E − E | E ∗ E | E /E | E ^E | v | number | ( E ) Variable v ::= x1 | x2 | x3 | ···
• An expression is constructed by double-precision floating point numbers, variables of the form xi for natural number i > 0, and arithmetic operators such as +, −, ∗, /, and ^. For example:
5.0 + 1.0 * 2.0, x1 ˆ x2 + 2.0 * x1, (x4 ˆ 7.26 / x2 – x2) ˆ x3 / x4
• Exp is an abstract base class for expressions, and has the subclasses PlusExp, MinusExp, MultiplyExp, DivideExp, ExponentiationExp, VariableExp, NumberExp, etc., as depicted in Figure 1.

Figure 1: A class hierarchy for expressions
• We provide a parser for simple arithmetic expressions as the static method parseExp of Exp, which returns an instance of Exp, given a string representation of an arithmetic expression.
public static Exp parseExp(@NotNull String str);
For example, Exp.parseExp(“1.0 + 2.0 * x1”) returns an instance of Exp that represents
• In this assignment, you will implement various operations for Exp using the visitor design pattern, and the variations of these operations using the decorator design pattern.
Problem 1: Visitor Pattern
1. ExpVisitor<T>
• The interface ExpVisitor<T>, which is currently empty, is a base interface for visitors of Exp. Write the visit methods of ExpVisitor<T> in edu.postech.csed332.homework5.
• One method should be defined for each leaf subclass of Exp (i.e., all subclasses except for BinaryExp). The type parameter T is defined for the return type of a visit method.
• Using the visit methods in ExpVisitor<T>, implement the accept method for each leaf subclass of Exp. Note that these accept methods should not be written in the superclasses.
2. ToStringVisitor
• ToStringVisitor is used to implement Exp.toString for the string representation of an Exp object. Write the visit methods of ToStringVisitor in edu.postech.csed332.homework5.
• Note that the string representation must always be parsed as an equivalent expression by Exp.parseExp. That is, the following test must pass for any expression exp:
Exp g = Exp.parseExp(exp.toString()); assertEquals(exp.toString(), g.toString());
3. EvaluationVisitor
• EvaluatorVisitor is used to implement Exp.eval that returns the value of the expression, given a valuation of the variables. Implement EvaluationVisitor.
• A valuation is a map i 7→ n of type Map<Integer,Double> that assigns to each variable xi a number n. For example, the map {1 7→ 4.0, 2 7→ 0.1} assigns 4.0 to x1 and 0.1 to x2.
• For example, consider the arithmetic expression “x1 ˆ x2 + 2.0 * x1”. Given the valuation {x1 →7 3.0, x2 7→ 1.0}, the method eval returns 9.0.
4. EquivalenceVisitor
• EquivalenceVisitor is used to implement the method Exp.equiv that checks if this expression is syntactically the same as the other expression. Implement EquivalenceVisitor.
• Exp.equiv returns true if and only if a given expression (as an argument) represents exactly the same expression as the current expression. For example, the following test should pass:
Exp e1 = Exp.parseExp(“1.0 + 2.0 * x1 + x1”); Exp e2 = Exp.parseExp(“1.0 + 2.0 * x1 + x1”); assertTrue(e1.equiv(e2));
• EquivalenceVisitor needs to keep track of the structures of two expressions (e.g., e1 and e2). This can be done by defining internal states (extra member variables) of EquivalenceVisitor.
Problem 2: Decorator Pattern
1. ExpDecorator
• ExpDecorator, which is currently empty, is a base class for decorators of Exp. Implement the class ExpDecorator in edu.postech.csed332.homework5.
• An ExpDecorator object wraps an original Exp object that is given as a member variable of ExpDecorator, and transfers every operation to the wrapped object.
• In this assignment, concrete decorators for Exp (see below) will be implemented as a subclass of ExpDecorator. In this way, multiple decorators can be stacked on top of each other.
2. PrettyPrintExpDecorator
• In PrettyPrintExpDecorator, each double-precision value will be written in decimal format. For example, PrettyPrintExpDecorator.toString returns 1234567890123, not 1.234567890123E12.
• Implements the toString method of PrettyPrintExpDecorator. To obtain a decimal-format string of a double-precision number, you can use java.math.BigDecimal.
• Hint: this can be easily implemented by defining an anonymous subclass of ToStringVisitor (see https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/javaOO/anonymousclasses.html).
3. DefaultValueExpDecorator
• In DefaultValueExpDecorator, a variable has a given default value when its valuation is not provided for evaluation. Implement the eval method of DefaultValueExpDecorator.
• Consider the expression “x1 ˆ x2 + 2.0 * x1” and the default value 1.0. Given the valuation {x1 7→ 3.0}, the method eval returns 9.0.
4. RenamingEquivDecorator
• In RenamingEquivDecorator, the expression is equivalent to another expression up to renaming. Implement the equiv method of RenamingEquivDecorator.
• E.g., “(x1 + x2) * x3 + 1.0 * x1” is equivalent to “(x3 + x4) * x2 + 1.0 * x3” up to renaming, by one-to-one renaming mapping {x1 7→ x3, x2 7→ x4, x3 →7 x2}.
• But “(x1 + x2) * x3 + 1.0 * x1” is not equivalent to “(x3 + x3) * x2 + 1.0 * x3” up to renaming, since the renaming mapping {x1 7→ x3, x2 7→ x3, x3 →7 x2} is not one-to-one.
General Instruction
• Your code need to be compiled using only Maven in a command line for grading. You MUST ensure that your tests pass on your code using mvn test.
• The src/main directory contains the skeleton code. You should implement all the methods marked with TODO. Before writing code, read the description in the source code carefully.
• The src/test directory provides a number of test cases to check whether your implementation is OK. You can execute all the test cases by running mvn test.
– ExpTest includes several simple JUnit test cases that must pass to earn points.
– ExpRandomTest implements automated random testing, using JUnit QuickCheck.
• As usual, do not modify the existing interfaces, the class names, and the signatures of the public methods, unless otherwise stated. You can add private methods or member variables if you want.
Turning in
1. Create a private project with name homework5 in https://csed332.postech.ac.kr, and clone the project on your machine.
2. Commit your changes in your homework5 project, and push them to the remote repository.
3. Tag your project with “submitted” and submit your homework. We will use the tagged version of your project for grading.
• Java Language Specification: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/
• Beginning Java 9 Fundamentals 2nd by Kishori Sharan, Apress, 2017 (available online at the POSTECH digital library http://library.postech.ac.kr)
• Maven Getting Started Tutorial: https://maven.apache.org/guides/getting-started/


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