CIS3190 – Assignment 4: Fun with Languages (30%) Solved

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Choose one of the following three topics.
Requirements for the assignment are specified at the end of each topic.
Early computer games were often text-based. Hunt the Wumpus was created by Gregory Yob in the 1970s. After seeing a number of monster hunting games in a 1973 issue of People’s Computer Company newsletter, Yob became annoyed that they all used a 10×10 grid. Many of these games were based on the concept of moving through a series of connected rooms around some fictional theme. In Hunt the Wumpus, the player explores a network of twenty numbered caves, each with
three exits forming a dodecahedron, and a complex series of interactions (see the squashed dodecahedron below). Within this environment there are perils and adversaries. Two random rooms contain bottomless pits which result in instant death if the player stops into them. Two or more rooms are home to “super bats” who transport the player to another room at random. A fifth room contains the Wumpus, who light kill the player, or simply slink away through one of the three exits.

Little is known about the elusive Wumpus, as all those who stumble upon it are immediately eaten. There does, however, seem to be a fairly universal consensus that it has suckers, which allow it to navigate the deadly Pits scattered throughout its labyrinthine home. The only hope the Agent has of killing the Wumpus without being eaten is to fire an arrow at it from afar, taking the Wumpus by surprise.
Given the original code written in BASIC, translate the program into a dialect of Fortran ≥ F95. Include the following:
• Provide the user with a visual made from ASCII characters to display the room, and its labeled connected rooms.
• Include a means of displaying messages such as “I smell a wumpus”, i.e. something interesting.
• Make sure the code is modular and contains at least three (3) subprograms.
Include a succinct 1 page summary (12-point, single-spaced).
Briefly describe your experiences translating the program from BASIC to Fortran. This could include a list of the benefits/limitations of Fortran over BASIC.
The submission should consist of the following items:
• The reflection report (PDF).
• The code (well documented and styled appropriately of course): wumpus.f95
• Both the code and the reflection report should be submitted as a ZIP, TAR, or GZIP file.
• Ahl, D.H., Green, B., The Best of Creative Computing, (1976)
There are many algorithms for calculating numbers like π and e. Normally e is calculated using the infinite series:

This series has a fast convergence, and is easy to calculate, however the problem is that computers are generally unable to accommodate more than 10-20 significant digits. For generating an accurate value for e, one has to turn to an alternative algorithm. One such algorithm is provided by Sale .
The code for this algorithm, from the original paper, is provided in Algol-60.
You are given a procedure, ecalculation() to perform the e algorithm written in Algol-60.
1. Translate the Algol-60 procedure to Fortran, Ada, C, and Python.
2. For each language add a wrapper main program which calls the procedure. The program file should be called calce.X, where X is the relevant language extension. The main program should also:
2.1. Prompt the user for the number of significant digits to calculate.
2.2. Prompt the user for the name of the file in which to store the value of e calculated.
2.3. Call the subprogram, keepe().
3. For each language, create a subprogram, keepe(), which saves the value of e calculated in an ASCII file. It takes as input the calculated value of e, and the filename specified by the user.
You can test the accuracy of the programs, by comparing the value of e in the user specified file against a file containing the first 800 decimal places of e (using cmp).
Include a succinct 1 page summary (12-point, single-spaced).
Describe your experiences implementing the algorithm in each of the languages: Fortran, Ada, C and Python. This could include a list of the benefits/limitations of each of the languages.
The submission should consist of the following items:
• The reflection report (PDF).
• The code (well documented and styled appropriately of course): calce.f95, calce.adb, calce.c,
• Both the code and the reflection report should be submitted as a ZIP, TAR, or GZIP file.

Mergesort is a divid-and-conquer algorithm for sorting lists. It was invented by Donald Knuth in 1945. It is fundamentally very simple:
1. Divide the list down the middle.
2. Sort each half.
3. Merge the halves.
The version of mergesort provided here involves applying the algorithm to a dynamic list of unsorted numbers. It is implemented in Pascal. The program contains a number of different functions:
• buildlist(x,n)
• Builds a linked list from the n elements in array x.
• printlist
• Prints out the linked list.
• mergesort(p)
• Divides a list in half, sorts recursively and merges.
• divide(p,q)
• Takes the list to which p points, divides it in half, and returns with q pointing to the start of the second half.
• merge(p,q)
• Merges the lists to which p and q point, returning a pointer to the merged list.
Given a program for Mergesort written in Pascal, perform the following tasks:
• Translate the program to Fortran (mrgsort.f95), and Ada (mrgsort.adb).
• For Fortran create a module to store the merge functions (mergefunc.f95).
• For Ada create a package to store the merge functions (
• For each language, modify the code so that a the name of a file containing unsorted integers can be input by the user (a file will be provided for testing). Output the sorted integers to a file named sortedX.txt (where X=F or A, depending on whether the program is Fortran, or Ada respectively).
• Each language should be appropriately modular, including such subprograms for tasks such as reading the integers from file, writing the sorted list to file.
• Provide relevant error handling for files that do not exist, or invalid data.
The user interface will be very simple. It will be terminal input and output. For example:

> ./a.out
Name of file to be sorted >
Sorry, file does not exist. Name of file to be sorted >
Sorted integers saved to file sortedF.txt. >
Include a succinct 1 page summary (12-point, single-spaced).
Briefly describe your experiences translating the program from Pascal to Ada and Fortran. This could include a list of the benefits/limitations of the languages.
The submission should consist of the following items:
• The reflection report (PDF).
• The code (well documented and styled appropriately of course): mrgsort.f95, mergefunc.f95
mrgsort.adb, mergefunc.adb,
• Both the code and the reflection report should be submitted as a ZIP, TAR, or GZIP file.
• Knuth, D. E. “Sorting by Merging.”, in Section 5.2.4 in The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. 3: Sorting and Searching, 2nd ed. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, pp. 158-168, 1998.
THE mergesort PROGRAM IN Pascal
program mergesort(input, output);
type pointer = ^node; node = record data : integer; next : pointer
numlist = array [1..1000] of integer;
var unsorted : numlist; list : pointer; n : integer;
{ Builds a list from an array of integers } procedure buildlist(x: numlist; n: integer);
var p: pointer; i : integer;
begin list := nil; for i := 1 to n do
begin new(p); p^.data := x[i]; p^.next := list; list := p end; end;
{ Reads a list of integers in from the standard input } procedure readints(var x: numlist; var n: integer);
var i: integer; begin writeln(‘n?’); read(n); for i := 1 to n do
begin read(x[i]) end; end;
{ Print a list } procedure printlist; var pt : pointer;
begin pt := list; while pt <> NIL do
write(pt^.data,’ ‘); pt := pt^.next
end; writeln; end;
{ Takes a list, p, divides it in half, and returns with p pointing to the head of the first half, and q to the head of the second half. }
procedure divide(var p,q: pointer);
var r: pointer; begin q := p; r := p^.next; r := r^.next; while r <> nil do
begin r := r^.next; q := q^.next;
if r <> nil then r := r^.next
end; r := q^.next; q^.next := nil; q := r end;
{ Merges two sorted lists into one. Requires both lists be non-empty. }
function merge(p,q: pointer): pointer;
var r: pointer; begin
if (p = nil) or (q = nil) then writeln(‘merge called with empty list’);
if p^.data <= q^.data then
begin r := p; p := p^.next
end else begin r := q; end else begin r := q; q := q^.next
end; merge := r;
while (p <> nil) and (q <> nil) do if p^.data <= q^.data then
begin r^.next := p; r := p; p := p^.next
end else begin r^.next := q; r := q; q := q^.next
if p = nil then r^.next := q else r^.next := p end;
{ Divides list in helf, sorts recursively, and merges. }
procedure mergesort(var p: pointer);
var q: pointer; begin
if p <> nil then if p^.next <> nil then
begin divide(p,q); mergesort(p); mergesort(q); p := merge(p,q) end; end;
begin readints(unsorted,n); buildlist(unsorted,n); printlist; mergesort(list); printlist; end.


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