CMSC203 – Solved

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• Implement each of the methods specified in this file. This version as provided will print error messages in the console, because they are just the skeletons.
Each of the methods are static, so there is no need to create an instance of the Data Manager.
Document each of your methods with a simple description and document the class with a simple description and your name using in-line comments (//…). (Just a short sentence fragment will suffice for each documentation string.)
The methods are described below. o public static boolean isStringInBoundsstringInBounds (String plainText)
 This method determines if a string is within the allowable bounds of ASCII codes according to the LOWER_BOUND_RANGE and UPPER_BOUND_RANGE
 The parameter plainText is the string to be encrypted.
 The method returns true if all characters are within the allowable bounds, false if any character is outside.
o public static String caesarEncryptionencryptCaesar (String plainText, int key)
 This method encrypts a string according to the Caesar Cipher.
 The parameter plainText is an uppercase string to be encrypted.
 The parameter integer key specifies an offset and each character in plainText is replaced by the character the specified distance away from it.
 The method returns the encrypted string.
 If the plainText is not in bounds, the method returns:
o The selected string is not in bounds, Try again.
o public static String caesarDecryption decryptCaesar (String encryptedText, int key)
 This method decrypts a string according to the Caesar Cipher.
 This is the inverse of the caesarEncryptionencryptCaesar method.
 The parameter encryptedText is the encrypted string to be decrypted, and key is the integer used to encrypt the original text.
 The integer key specifies an offset and each character in encryptedText is replaced by the character “offset” characters before it.  The method returns the original plain text string.
o public static String bellasoDecryption encryptBellaso (String plainText, String
 This method encrypts a string according to the Bellaso Cipher.
 Each character in plainText is offset according to the ASCII value of the corresponding character in bellasoStr, which is repeated to correspond to the length of plaintext. The method returns the encrypted string. o public static String bellasoDecryptiondecryptBellaso(String encryptedText, String
 This method decrypts a string according to the Bellaso Cipher.
 Each character in encryptedText is replaced by the character corresponding to the character in bellasoStr, which is repeated to correspond to the length of plainText.  This is the inverse of the bellasoDecryption encryptBellaso method.

Deliverables / Submissions and Deliverable format:
• The Java application must compile and run correctly, otherwise project grade will be zero.
• The detailed grading rubric is provided in the assignment rubric excel file.
• Your source code should contain proper indentation and documentation.
• Documentation within a source code should include
• additional Comments to clarify a code, if needed
* Description: (Give a brief description for each Class)
* Platform/compiler:
* I pledge that I have completed the programming
* assignment independently. I have not copied the code * from a student or any source. I have not given my code * to any student.
Print your Name here: __________ */

Turn in pseudo-code for each of the methods specified in Your pseudoshould be part-way between English and java. There is no need to spell out all the details of variable declaration, etc., but by the same token, the pseudo-code needs to have enough detail that a competent Java programmer could implement it. Alternately, turn in a UML class diagram specifying the methods and fields.

Note: Only submit the files that are created/modified by per requirement. DO NOT submit the files that are already provided for you.

The deliverables will be packaged as follows. Two compressed files in the following formats:
•, a compressed file in the zip format, with the following: • src folder:
• Word document that includes (use provided template):
1. Pseudocode for each of the methods specified in
2. Screenshots:
a. Screen snapshots of outputs from Eclipse based on your Test Plan

b. Screen shot of src folder files in your GitHub repository
3. Lessons Learned: Provide answers to the questions listed below:
a. Write about your Learning Experience, highlighting your lessons learned and learning experience from working on this project.
b. What have you learned?
c. What did you struggle with?

, a compressed file containing one or more Java files (This folder SHOULD NOT contain any folders and it SHOULD contain
Java source file only that are created/modified by you per requirement.)



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