19AIE303 – Signal and Image Processing
Assignment 3
1. Basic Transformations:
a) Rotate the image by 30 degrees. Avoid cropping of the sides
b) Scale the image up by a factor of 2.5 in both x and y directions. Perform this operation with the three common interpolation techniques: Nearest
Neighbour, Bilinear Interpolation, Bicubic Interpolation
c) Translate the image to the right by 1/4th of the width and down by half the height
Save the resulting transformed images in each case.
Input image: calvinHobbes.jpeg
2. Rotate the given image by 45 degrees. Follow the rotation by scaling up by a factor of
10. Perform this combination of steps with the three common interpolation techniques: Nearest Neighbour, Bilinear Interpolation, Bicubic Interpolation. Save the resulting image in the three cases and observe the effect of each of the interpolation techniques.
Input image: block.png
3. Perform the following for the given image.
a) Eight successive rotation by 45 degrees
b) Four successive rotation by 90 degrees
Compare the quality of the resulting image from both the above cases. Comment on your observations.
Input image: 8.jpg
4. A distorted image is given. Performing an appropriate perspective transform will correct the image.
Distorted image: chDistorted.jpeg Target correct view: ch.jpeg
Write a program to perform the perspective transform on the distorted image to change it to match the correct view
Output to be submitted: Q1-4:
a) A Single python file with all questions and its parts
b) Resulting images from all parts of each question.
c) Include in comments the observation on different interpolation techniques in q1 and 2; and the quality of images in q3.
Q5. Snapshot of the answer
The images and the q5 answer can be added in one document and submitted
Pls avoid submitting .zip, .tar.gz formats etc
Links you can refer to:
38e1a5445ca803ff121 etric_transformations/py_geometric_transformations.html
Rotate without cropping (for Q1):
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