In this assignment, we will continue working on MNIST digit classification by utilizing convolutional neural networks (CNNs). The final loss layer is changed to cross-entropy loss layer where output probability is generated by softmax function.
The main challenge is to implement the forward and back-propagation functions of convolutional layer and pooling layer from scratch! If you succeed, you will get a profound understanding of deep learning mechanism. So roll up your sleeves and get started!
python 2.7 or python 3.6 numpy >= 1.12.0 scipy >= 0.17.0
Dataset Description
1 from load_data import load_mnist_4d
2 train_data, test_data, train_label, test_label = load_mnist_4d(‘data’)
Then train_data , train_label , test_data and test_label will be loaded in numpy.array form. Digits range from 0 to 9, and the corresponding labels are from 0 to 9.
NOTE: Image data passing through the network should be a 4-dimensional tensor with dimensions, where and denote the height and width of the given
image. denotes the number of image channels (1 for gray scale and 3 for RGB scale), and denotes the batch size. Among these dimensions, the channel number would be a confusing concept for hidden layer outputs. In this context, we interpret the -th channel of the -th sample in one mini-batch ( output[n, i, :, :] written in python syntax) as one feature map in the output by using one filter .
Python Files Description , and are identical to those included in Homework 1. is the main script for running the whole program. It demonstrates how to define
a neural network by sequentially adding layers and train the net.
NOTE: Any modifications of these files or adding extra python files should be explained and documented in README.
The new loss layer in is SoftmaxCrossEntropyLoss . Softmax function can map the input to a probability distribution in the following form:
where is the -th component in the input vector and indicates the probability of being classified to class . Given the ground-truth labels (one-hot encoding
form) and the corresponding predicted vectors , SoftmaxCrossEntropyLoss can be computed in the form , where
In SoftmaxCrossEntropyLoss , you need to implement its forward and backward methods.
NOTE: The definition of SoftmaxCrossEntropyLoss layer is a little different from slides, since we donโt include trainable parameters in the layer. However, the parameters can be explicitly splited out and functioned exactly as one Linear layer.
There are two new layers Conv2D and AvgPool2D in . But the implementations of forward and backward processes are included in . Here are some important descriptions about these classes and functions:
Conv2D describes the convolutional layer which performs convolution on the input using a set of learnable filters. It consists of weights and biases . are stored in a 4
dimensional tensor with dimensions, where specifies the height and width of each filter (also called kernel_size ), denotes the channel numbers of the input which each filter will convolve with, and denotes the number of filters.
conv2d_forward implements the convolution operation given the layerโs weights, biases
and input. For simplicity, we only need to implement the standard convolution with
stride equal to 1. There is another important parameter pad which specifies the
number of zeros added to each side of input (not output). Therefore the expected height of the output should be equal to pad kernel_size and width likewise.
AvgPool2D describes the pooling layer. For simplicity, we only need to implement average pooling operation in non-overlapping style (which means kernel_size = stride ). Therefore the expected height of the output should be equal to pad kernel_size and width likewise.
Hint: To accelerate convolution and pooling, you should avoid too many nested for loops and instead, use matrix multiplication and numpy, scipy functions as much as possible. To implement convolution with multiple input channels, one possible way is to utilize conv2 function to perform convolution channel-wise and then sum across channels. To implement pooling operation, one can employ im2col function to lay out each pooling area and rearrange them in a matrix. Then perform pooling operation on each column. Theoretically, by using im2col properly, one can implement both convolution and pooling operation in the most general form (like convolution with stride bigger than 1 and max pooling). However, the back propagation would be very tricky and involve much endeavor to make it work! There are also faster ways to implement the above required convolution and pooling operations, so try to explore and discover them!
Everyone needs to perform the following experiments in this homework:
1. Plot the loss value against to every iteration during training.
2. Construct a CNN with two Conv2D + Relu + AvgPool2D modules and a final Linear layer to predict labels using SoftmaxCrossEntropyLoss . Compare the difference of results you obtained when working with CNN/MLP (you can discuss the difference from the aspects of training time, convergence, numbers of parameters and accuracy).
3. Try to visualize the first convolution layer’s output after rectified linear unit for 4 different digit images. Refer to caffe visualization tutorial [1] for more details.
NOTE: Source codes should not be included in report. Only some essential lines of codes are permitted to be included for explaining complicated thoughts.
Submission Guideline
You need to submit a report document and codes, as required as follows:
Report: well formatted and readable summary to describe the results, discussions and your analysis. Source codes should not be included in the report. Only some essential lines of codes are permitted. The format of a good report can be referred to a top-conference paper.
You should submit a .zip file named after your student number, organized as below:
[1] b
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