ANN – MNIST Digit Classification with MLP (Solution)

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MNIST is a widely used dataset for image classification in machine learning. It contains 60,000 training samples and 10,000 testing samples. Each sample is a 784 × 1 column vector, which originates from a grayscale image with 28 × 28 pixels. Some typical digit images are shown as below.

In this homework, you need to implement multilayer perceptron (MLP) to perform digit classification on MNIST.
python 2.7 or python 3.6 numpy >= 1.12.0
Dataset Description
1 from load_data import load_mnist_2d
2 train_data, test_data, train_label, test_label = load_mnist_2d(‘data’)
Then train_data , train_label , test_data and test_label will be loaded in numpy.array form. Digits range from 0 to 9, and corresponding labels are from 0 to 9.
NOTE: during the training process, any information about testing samples should never be introduced.
Python Files Description
In neural networks, each basic operation can be viewed as a functional layer. And a neural network can be constructed by stacking multiple layers to define a certain data processing pipeline. So the neural network implementation is a modular design. Each layer class has four main methods: constructor, forward, backward and update. For some trainable layers with weights and biases, constructor functions as parameter initialization and update method will update parameters via stochastic gradient descent. Forward method represents the data processing performed by the layer and backward performs backpropagation operations. In and , each layer’s definition is listed as below.
Layer : base class for all layers
Linear : treat each input as a row vector and produce an output vector by doing matrix multiplication with weight and then adding bias :
Relu : linear rectifier activation unit, compute the output as
Sigmoid : sigmoid activation unit, compute the output as
EuclideanLoss : compute the squares of the Euclidean norm of differences between
inputs and labels : , where denotes the batch size
(the number of samples in one mini-batch). The labels in this task are represented in onehot form.
When running backpropagation algorithm, grad_output is an essential variable to compute gradient in each layer. We define grad_output as the derivative of loss with respect to layer’s output.
NOTE: Since layer definition here is a little different from lecture slides because we explicitly split out activation layers, you should implement backward method in activation layer separately. Hope you realize this.
All files included in the codes: : you should implement Layer , Linear , Relu , Sigmoid : you should implement EuclideanLoss : load mnist dataset : some utility functions : network class which can be utilized when defining network architecture and
performing training : train_net and test_net functions to help training and testing (running
forward, backward, weights update and logging information) : the main script for running the whole program. It demonstrates how to
simply define a neural network by sequentially adding layers
If you implement layers correctly, just by running, you can obtain lines of logging information and reach a relatively good test accuracy. All the above files are encouraged to be modified to meet personal needs.
NOTE: any modifications of these files or adding extra python files should be explained and documented in README .
In the experimental report, you need to answer the following basic questions:
1. plot the loss value against to every iteration during training for all experiments.
2. construct a neural network with one hidden layer, and compare the difference of results when using Sigmoid and Relu as activation function (you can discuss the difference from the perspectives of training time, convergence and accuracy).
3. conducting the same experiments above, but with two hidden layers. Also, compare the difference of results between one-layer structure and two-layer structure.
Submission Guideline
You need to submit a report document and the codes, as required as follows:
Report: well formatted and readable summary to describe the network structure and details, experimental settings, results and your analysis. Source codes should not be included in the report. Only some essential lines of codes are permitted. The format of a good report can be referred to a top-conference paper.
You should submit a .zip file named after your student number, organized as below:


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