Assignment-5: Hill Climbing and Simulated Annealing
(Read all the instructions carefully & adhere to them.)
A. Hill Climbing:
A local search algorithm tries to find the optimal solution by exploring the states in local region. Hill climbing is a local search technique which always looks for a better solution in its neighborhood.
a. Implement Hill Climbing Search Algorithm for solving the 8-puzzle problem. Your start state can be anything and the goal state will be {123;456;78B}, where B is blank tile.
b. Input: Input should be taken from a input file and processed as a matrix.
c. Output: All the following results should be stored in an output file:
i. The success or failure message,
ii. Heuristics choosen, Start state and Goal state,
iii. (Sub)Optimal Path (on success), iv. Total number of states explored.
v. Total amount of time taken.
d. Heuristics to be checked:
i. h1( n)= Number of displaced titles.
ii. h2( n)= Total Manhatton distance.
e. Constraints to be checked:
i. Check whether the heuristics are admissible.
ii. What happens if we make a new heuristics h3( n)= h1( n) + h2( n). iii. What happens if you consider the blank tile as another tile.
iv. What if the search algorithm got stuck into Local maximum? Is there any way to get out of this?
v. What happens when all the neighbours of the current state has the same value? How to get out of this situation?
B. Simulated Annealing:
Simulated annealing (SA) is a generic probabilistic metaheuristic for the global optimization problem of applied mathematics, namely locating a good approximation to the global minimum of a given function in a large search space.
a. Implement Simulated Annealing Search Algorithm for solving the 8-puzzle problem. Your start and Goal state can be anything desirable.
b. Input: Input should be taken from a input file and processed as a matrix. Other inputs are Temperature variable T, heuristic function, neighbourhood generating function, a probability function to decide state change, and a cooling function.
c. Output: All the following results should be stored in an output file:
i. The success or failure message,
ii. Heuristics chosen, Temperature chosen, cooling function chosen, Start state, and Goal state.
iii. (Sub)Optimal Path (on success), iv. Total number of states explored.
v. Total amount of time taken.
d. Heuristics to be checked:
i. h1( n)= Number of displaced titles.
ii. h2( n)= Total Manhattan distance.
e. Constraints to be checked:
i. Check whether the heuristics are admissible.
ii. What happens if we make a new heuristics h3( n)= h1( n) * h2( n). iii. What happens if you consider the blank tile as another tile.
iv. What if the search algorithm got stuck into Local optimum? Is there any way to get out of this?
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