Artificial Intelligence – (Solution)

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Maze Problem (Lab 1)

17341015 Hongzheng Chen
1 Task 2
2 Codes 2
3 Results 6
1 Task
• Please solve the maze problem (i.e., find the shortest path from the start point to the finish point) by using BFS or DFS (Python or C++)
• The maze layout can be modeled as an array, and you can use the data file MazeData.txt if necessary.
• Please send E01 YourNumber.pdf to ai, you can certainly use E01 Maze.tex as the LATEXtemplate.

Figure 1: Searching by BFS or DFS
2 Codes
import sys import time import queue
if len(sys.argv) > 2: wallmark = ’1’ roadmark = ’0’ infile = “Maze1.txt”
wallmark = ’%’ roadmark = ’ ’ infile = “Maze.txt”
# Initialization
maze = [] s, e = (0,0), (0,0) best = “” shortestLength = 0x3f3f3f3f
# Read in maze from file with open(infile,”r”) as file:
for (i,line) in enumerate(file):
if not line[-1] in [wallmark,’S’,’E’,roadmark]:
line = line[:-1]
maze.append(line) j = line.find(’S’) if j != -1:
s = (i,j)
j = line.find(’E’) if j != -1:
e = (i,j)
def validQ(x,y):
Auxiliary function to test if (x,y) is a valid position to move to
if y < 0 or y >= len(maze[0]) or x < 0 or x >= len(maze) or maze[x][y] in [
,→ wallmark,’*’]:
return False
else: return True
def explore(x,y,d,visited,q):
Auxiliary function for BFS
(x,y): next position d: direction to the previous position, L, R, U, D visited: a bool array storing whether a position is visited
“”” if validQ(x,y) and visited[x][y] == 0:
visited[x][y] = d q.append((x,y))
def BFS(x,y):
Breath-First Search for the maze problem
(x, y): the initial position
“”” global best, shortestLength
# initialization q = [(x,y)]

visited = [] for i in range(len(maze)):
visited[x][y] = -1 # traversal while len(q) > 0: (x,y), q = q[0], q[1:] if (x,y) == e: break explore(x-1,y,’D’,visited,q) explore(x+1,y,’U’,visited,q) explore(x,y-1,’R’,visited,q) explore(x,y+1,’L’,visited,q)
# generate the shortest path
(x, y) = e
shortestLength = 0 while not visited[x][y] == -1: shortestLength += 1 if visited[x][y] == ’D’: x = x+1 elif visited[x][y] == ’U’: x = x-1 elif visited[x][y] == ’L’: y = y-1 elif visited[x][y] == ’R’:
y = y+1
maze[x] = maze[x][:y] + ’*’ + maze[x][y+1:]
maze[s[0]] = maze[s[0]][:s[1]] + ’S’ + maze[s[0]][s[1]+1:] for i in range(len(maze)):
best += maze[i] + ” ”
def DFS(x,y,depth):
Depth-First Search for the maze problem
(x, y): the current position depth: current path length
“”” global best, shortestLength if not validQ(x,y):
if x == e[0] and y == e[1] and depth < shortestLength:
shortestLength = depth best = “” maze[s[0]] = maze[s[0]][:s[1]] + ’S’ + maze[s[0]][s[1]+1:] maze[e[0]] = maze[e[0]][:e[1]] + ’E’ + maze[e[0]][e[1]+1:] for i in range(len(maze)):
best += maze[i] + ” ” maze[s[0]] = maze[s[0]][:s[1]] + ’*’ + maze[s[0]][s[1]+1:] maze[e[0]] = maze[e[0]][:e[1]] + ’ ’ + maze[e[0]][e[1]+1:] return
maze[x] = maze[x][:y] + ’*’ + maze[x][y+1:]
DFS(x-1,y,depth+1) DFS(x,y+1,depth+1) maze[x] = maze[x][:y] + roadmark + maze[x][y+1:]
def heuristic(des,curr):
Calculate the L1 distance
“”” return abs(des[0] – curr[0]) + abs(des[0] – curr[0])
def AStar(x,y):
A* algorithm for the maze problem
(x, y): the initial position
“”” global best, shortestLength
# initialization q = queue.PriorityQueue() q.put((0,(x,y))) prev = {} prevCost = {} prev[s] = None prevCost[s] = 0 # traversal while not q.empty(): _, (x,y) = q.get() if (x,y) == e: break
for pos in [(x-1,y),(x+1,y),(x,y-1),(x,y+1)]:
newCost = prevCost[(x,y)] + 1
if validQ(pos[0],pos[1]) and ((pos not in prev) or newCost < prevCost[ ,→ pos]):
prevCost[pos] = newCost priority = newCost + heuristic(e,pos) q.put((priority,pos)) prev[pos] = (x,y)
# generate shortest path
p = e
shortestLength = 0 while prev[p] != None: shortestLength += 1 x, y = p[0], p[1] maze[x] = maze[x][:y] + ’*’ + maze[x][y+1:]
p = prev[p] maze[e[0]] = maze[e[0]][:e[1]] + ’E’ + maze[e[0]][e[1]+1:] maze[s[0]] = maze[s[0]][:s[1]] + ’S’ + maze[s[0]][s[1]+1:] for i in range(len(maze)):
best += maze[i] + ” ”
# Initial state start = time.time() if sys.argv[1] == “DFS”: DFS(s[0],s[1],0) name = “DFS”
elif sys.argv[1] == “BFS”: BFS(s[0],s[1]) name = “BFS”
elif sys.argv[1] == “A*”: AStar(s[0],s[1]) name = “A*”
end = time.time()
# Output print(name,”Shortest length: “,shortestLength) print(“Running time: {:.4f}s”.format(end-start)) print(best)
3 Results
In this experiment, I use three methods to find the shortest path of the maze, including BFS, DFS, and A? algorithm. The results are shown in Fig. 2.
The first line of each output gives the length of the shortest path of the problem, which are all 68 obtained by the three algorithms.
The rest of the outputs show the maze and the shortest path which is marked out in *. We can see that all the three algorithms give correct solutions.

Figure 2: Experimental results of three search algorithms
[1] Red Blob Games, Introduction to the A? Algorithm, pathfinding/a-star/introduction.html


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