Assignment – 5

$ 29.99


1. Write a python script to remove the last digit from a given number. (for example, if user enters 2534 then your output should be 253)
2. Write a python script to get the last digit from a given number. (for example, if user enters 2089 then your output should be 9)
3. Write a python script to swap data of two variables
4. Write a python script to find x power y, where values of x and y are given by user
5. Write a python script which takes a three digit number from the user and displays only its first digit.
6. Write a python script which takes a three digit number from the user and displays only its middle digit.
7. Write a python script which takes a three digit number from the user and displays only its last digit.
8. Write a python script to use IN operator to display the data present in the list
9. Write a python script to use NOT IN operator to display the data not present in list
10. Write a python script to use IS operator to display if both variables are the same object or not?


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