1. In this part, we will apply the PCA technique for the task of image denoising. Consider the images barbara256.png and stream.png present in the corresponding data/ subfolder – this image has gray-levels in the range from 0 to 255. For the latter image, you should extract the top-left portion of size 256 by 256. Add zero mean Gaussian noise of σ = 20 to one of these images using the MATLAB code im1 = im + randn(size(im))*20. Note that this noise is image-independent. (If during the course of your implementation, your program takes too long, you can instead work with the file barbara256-part.png which has size 128 by 128 instead of 256 by 256. You can likewise extract the top-left 128 by 128 part of the stream.png image. You will not be penalized for working on these image parts.)
(a) In the first part, you will divide the entire noisy image ‘im1’ into overlapping patches of size 7 by 7, andcreate a matrix P of size 49 × N where N is the total number of image patches. Each column of P is a single patch reshaped to form a vector. Compute eigenvectors of the matrix PPT, and the eigencoefficients of each noisy patch. Let us denote the jth eigen-coefficient of the ith (noisy) patch (i.e. Pi) by αij. Define ¯ ), which is basically an estimate of the average squared eigen-coefficients of the ‘original (clean) patches’. Now, your task is to manipulate the noisy coefficients {αij} using the following rule, which is along the lines of the Wiener filter update that we studied in class: αijdenoised . Here, αijdenoised stands for the jth eigencoefficient of the ith denoised patch. Note that
is an estimate of the ISNR, which we absolutely need for any practical implementation of a Wiener filter update. After updating the coefficients by the Wiener filter rule, you should reconstruct the denoised patches and re-assemble them to produce the final denoised image which we will call ‘im2’. Since you chose overlapping patches, there will be multiple values that appear at any pixel. You take care of this situation using simple averaging. Write a function myPCADenoising1.m to implement this. Display the final image
∥im2denoised − im2orig∥2
‘im2’ in your report and state its RMSE computed as .
(c) Now run your bilateral filter code from Homework 2 on the noisy version of the barbara image. Comparethe denoised result with the result of the previous two steps for both images. What differences do you observe? What are the differences between this PCA based approach and the bilateral filter?
(d) Consider that a student clamps the values in the noisy image‘im1’ to the [0,255] range, and then denoisesit using the aforementioned PCA-based filtering technique which assumes Gaussian noise. Is this approach correct? Why (not)? [10 + 20 + 5 + 5 = 40 points]
(a) Describe the procedure in the paper to determine translation between two given images. What is the timecomplexity of this procedure to predict translation if the images were of size N ×N? How does it compare with the time complexity of pixel-wise image comparison procedure for predicting the translation?
(b) Also, briefly explain the approach for correcting for rotation between two images, as proposed in this paperin Section II. Write down an equation or two to illustrate your point.
[10+10=20 points]
3. Consider a matrix A of size m × n,m ≤ n. Define P = ATA and Q = AAT. (Note: all matrices, vectors and scalars involved in this question are real-valued).
(a) Prove that for any vector y with appropriate number of elements, we have ytPy ≥ 0. Similarly show that ztQz ≥ 0 for a vector z with appropriate number of elements. Why are the eigenvalues of P and Q non-negative?
(b) If u is an eigenvector of P with eigenvalue λ, show that Au is an eigenvector of Q with eigenvalue λ. If v is an eigenvector of Q with eigenvalue µ, show that ATv is an eigenvector of P with eigenvalue µ. What will be the number of elements in u and v?
(c) If vi is an eigenvector of Q and we define u. Then prove that there will exist some real,
non-negative γi such that Aui = γivi.
(d) It can be shown that uTi uj = 0 for i ̸= j and likewise vTi vj = 0 for i ̸= j for correspondingly distinct eigenvalues. (You did this in HW4 where you showed that the eigenvectors of symmetric matrices are orthonormal.) Now, define U = [v1|v2|v3|…|vm] and V = [u1|u2|u3|…|um]. Now show that A = UΓV T where Γ is a diagonal matrix containing the non-negative values γ1,γ2,…,γm. With this, you have just established the existence of the singular value decomposition of any matrix A. This is a key result in linear algebra and it is widely used in image processing, computer vision, computer graphics, statistics, machine learning, numerical analysis, natural language processing and data mining. [7.5 + 7.5 + 7.5 + 7.5 = 30 points]
4. Suppose you are standing in a well-illuminated room with a large window, and you take a picture of the sceneoutside. The window undesirably acts as a semi-reflecting surface, and hence the picture will contain a reflection of the scene inside the room, besides the scene outside. While solutions exist for separating the two components from a single picture, here you will look at a simpler-to-solve version of this problem where you would take two pictures. The first picture g1 is taken by adjusting your camera lens so that the scene outside (f1) is in focus (we will assume that the scene outside has negligible depth variation when compared to the distance from the camera, and so it makes sense to say that the entire scene outside is in focus), and the reflection off the window surface (f2) will now be defocussed or blurred. This can be written as g1 = f1 + h2 ∗ f2 where h2 stands for the blur kernel that acted on f2. The second picture g2 is taken by focusing the camera onto the surface of the window, with the scene outside being defocussed. This can be written as g2 = h1 ∗ f1 + f2 where h1 is the blur kernel acting on f1. Given g1 and g2, and assuming h1 and h2 are known, your task is to derive a formula to determine f1 and f2. Note that we are making the simplifying assumption that there was no relative motion between the camera and the scene outside while the two pictures were being acquired, and that there were no changes whatsoever to the scene outside or inside. Even with all these assumptions, you will notice something inherently problematic about the formula you will derive. What is it? [5+5 = 10 points]
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