ATIS – Universität des Saarlandes Solved

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Fakultät 6 – Fachrichtung 6.2 – Informatik

Prof. Dr. Jana Koehler

Assignment 7

Task Description for Lecture A8: Domain-Driven Design
We analyze the business domain in more detail and identify the essential elements of the domain. We decide which entities, domain events, and services will be in the focus of our attention and begin to model these elements.
1) Which entities and value objects are part of the business domain? List all relevant entities. Document at least 2 entities in detail and define the required value objects.
2) Which domain events can change the state of the selected 2 entities?
3) Model the lifecycle of the 2 entities showing all relevant states and state transitions. Think about things that can go wrong, potential rework loops, compensations, and error handling.
4) Which business services will your system offer? How do these services support the life cycle of the entities?
5) Do you want to add your entities to the same context or to different contexts? Sketch a simple version of a context map.

Instructions can be found in slide deck A1-BasicConcepts and on the course website.


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