BEX2750 and BEX3750 – Monash Innovation Guarantee – SSB-01
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Assessment Approach to Assessment AT1 AT2 AT3 AT4 Challenge Preferencing Assessment Task 1: Professional Re ection Videos (20% individual)
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This assessment task creates an opportunity to develop skills in re ective practice and effective communication of knowledge. Both will be required in your career, within any eld or sector you move into and no matter the change you want to create. We’d like you to have the opportunity to practise these skills in a safe and supportive environment to boost con dence.
Re ection
Why re ect?
Did you know that the world’s leading politicians, CEOs and change agents use daily re ection?
In today’s changing world, re ection can also help you manage a dynamic career.
Why? Today’s workplaces are changing rapidly. New processes, market preferences, disruptions and problems are emerging all the time. This is why employers deeply value employees who can learn rapidly. They want lifelong learners and adaptable professionals. In other words, they value those with a mindset of learning from experience and taking action. Re ection is part of having a growth mindset.
Confucius has a message for business leaders who want to succeed – re ect (The Conversation)
Making experience count (Harvard Business Review)
What having a growth mindset actually means (Harvard Business Review)
This assignment creates an opportunity to start to develop a re ective habit that can be used throughout your future career as a means of continuing to learn, adapt and grow.
By re ecting on your experiences within the context of undertaking your MIG industry challenge, you will also get to know yourself, in relation to your innovation goals, strengths, values, decisions and challenges. This will supercharge your learning, and allow you to take speci c actions to become a more effective professional within the project.
At the start and the end of this unit, you will produce one 3-minute re ective video.
The guidelines and rubrics in the subsequent sub-chapters will walk you through how to do this.
We hope this iterative process will help you learn through experience in order to navigate a rapidly changing world with impact.
What is re ection?
A re ective task provides you with an opportunity to re ect upon new knowledge and experiences, in relation to your previous/past knowledge and experiences, and analyse how your thoughts and feelings are changing. Based upon this analysis, you will decide upon an action that boosts your professional or personal development.
Re ective practice is known to enable deeper synthesis of experience, knowledge and skills.
Re ective practice, whether that involves writing or making a video, can help you to understand yourself and your next steps better. It allows you to acknowledge your goals, passions, challenges, strengths, behaviours, interactions, or decisions and think about steps you can take to increase your positive impact into the future.
What is re ection?
If practised regularly, this habit will help you grow with each new challenge and experience you encounter within your professional life.
E ective Communication
This assessment also focuses upon helping you develop your ability to communicate in a clear and compelling way suitable for diverse audiences. Effective communication, knowledge translation, and stakeholder engagement will be crucial to your career, no matter the sector or discipline you choose to work in.
Short videos, between two to three minutes in length, are known to be extremely effective for engaging the general public or speci c stakeholders with projects, campaigns or evidence. Consider, for example, the broad reach and in uence of TED Talks on the topic of the environment.
This assignment requires you to produce two short, professional and engaging videos on you and innovation – one near the start and end of the MIG summer semester.
This creates an opportunity to develop skills in the effective communication of knowledge to a general interdisciplinary and professional audience.
Learning is a process where knowledge is presented to us, ” then shaped through understanding, discussion and re ection.
Paulo Freire
Assessment Task 1A Overview
Re ection 1a: How have my views on innovation changed during Week 1?
Value: 10%
Format: Three minute video (± 20 seconds)
Submission: Via Moodle AT1a dropbox (drag and drop your video le or submit a URL if you prefer)
Marking: See assessment guidelines and marking rubric (Re ection 1a)
Late Penalty: 10% per day, or part thereof
Feedback: Written or audio feedback via Moodle
Access and sharing: Videos are automatically shared with your peers via the class Panopto Channel to promote peer-to-peer learning, unless stipulated by the student
Re ection 1a: How have my views on innovation changed during Week 1?
Each student should produce a three minute video (± 20 seconds), with the aim of furthering their peers’ understanding of how their views on innovation, and how they see themselves in relation to innovation, have changed. You can talk about any concept covered during Week 1. Any re ection is valid. We are not looking for particular views. This is personal.
This video is also a way of introducing yourself to the cohort, in relation to why you care about innovation, whilst re ecting upon actions you can take to be a more authentic innovator in the unit – and in your career ahead.
Don’t be nervous. This assignment is really about taking a pause to re ect on your experience in Week 1 so you can make the most of the unit and introduce yourself to others.
However, hopefully you’ll see that innovation is a general process, method and mindset that can help us each move towards our goals – no matter our individual passions, experience or background.
This video is also about practising effective communication skills. Since communication helps us lead and innovate, it is a thread throughout the unit and part of almost every assessment task.
Your video should contain:
1. An introduction to you, including your name and disciplinary background, why you are drawn to innovation/want to be an innovator, and an overview of the concept or topic form Week 1 you have chosen to focus upon in the video.
2. A description of the topic from Week 1 (Authentic Innovator) that resonated with you or surprised you. This could be a topic from your industry masterclasses or your Team Collaboration Agreement. Tell us why you believe this led to personal learnings that will be useful for you in your career or as you work on your industry challenge. You could talk about many things here e.g. human-centred design, sustainability, empathy, collaboration, resilience, values and purpose, interdisciplinarity, dealing with uncertainty, strengths mapping, etc.
3. An evaluation and analysis of how this changed the way you think and feel about the notion of innovation, as well as yourself as an innovator.
Discuss how your thinking and feelings changed
Discuss how you had previously thought or felt about innovation and yourself as an innovator and how this has changed
4. A conclusion in the form of one action you will personally take to apply your learning in order to more effectively contribute to your challenge team or how you approach your industry challenge.
touch to zoom
The guidelines and rubric are designed to help you loosely follow the famous Gibbs re ective cycle.
As you construct your video, following the steps above, you will describe the situation, evaluate and analyse your changing thoughts and feelings, and conclude with an appropriate action based upon your learning.
Using Gibbs’ Re ective Cycle, you can analyse an experience and consider the outcomes for your ongoing personal and
g y , y y p y g g p professional development.
Professional re ection is widely used by CEO’s and managers working in fast paced environments like innovation as it allows them to think about what they can learn from any experience e.g. self-awareness, a greater understanding of others’ behaviours, or how to improve interactions and outputs. However, it is just as useful for students who are starting their careers.
You can view some example scripts here.
You can deliver either video in the style that suits you. Every video will be different. Some videos will be more professional and others more creative. The choice is yours. See the marking rubrics for more detailed expectations.
You can:
Speak directly to the camera (no slides)
Narrate over the top of a slideshow (no image of the narrator)
Narrate over the top of a slideshow (with an image you speaking on the slide)
Narrate over imagery or an animation (no image of the narrator)
Narrate over imagery or an animation (with an image you speaking on the slide)
Give your answers on camera in an interview format, with someone interviewing you
Any other format, as long as the student narrates and/or presents to camera in the bulk of the video
Use these resources to create and submit your video:
Recording video for assessments
Instructions on how to upload the video for submission can be found on the Monash Learn HQ website
at Review the section on ‘Embedding a video in the “Online text” box using Panopto’.
MIG Re ection Video 1a Assessment (10%): How have my views on innovation changed during Week 1?
This marking rubric supports the development of skills in effective communication and encourages professional re ective practice. It challenges the student to re ect upon and synthesise experiences, tools or concepts from our Week 1 Authentic Innovator masterclasses and workshops.
Criterion and
Mark Performance Description
Re ective capacity
(3 marks) Extended (HD): The re ection is indicative of deep and sophisticated learning, whereby the student has drawn on and integrated different knowledge and experiences from their past with new knowledge and experiences from Week 1, and discussed their changing thoughts and feelings Fundamental (C): The re ection is indicative of su cient learning and the student has drawn on and integrated some knowledge or experiences from their past with new knowledge and experiences from the unit
Unsatisfactory (NP): The re ection is not indicative of learning and it does not include the necessar components y
Re ective
structure using Gibbs’ Cycle
(3 marks) Extended: The re ection includes a sophisticated, focused and insightful …
introduction to the student including their disciplinary background, reasons for wanting to be an
innovator, and the topic from Week 1 they have chosen to focus upon in this video
description of at least one topic from Week 1 that resonated with the student and why the student
believes that what they learnt from this will be useful for approaching their industry challenge in the unit, or for helping them realise the impact they want to have in their future career
evaluation/analysis of how the student’s thinking and feelings about the notion of innovation and
themselves as an innovator have changed from before Week 1 until now one action the student will take to apply their learnings to more effectively contribute to their team or approach the industry challenge
The re ection has su cient structure (but some components are lacking) and gives an overview of the students’ reasons for wanting to be an innovator and the work they have done in Week 1 without any speci c examples or their importance in the students future career
Some re ection on how their experience in Week 1 has challenged their idea of innovation, and any indication of how they might use this to solve the challenge given to them or beyond the scope of the unit
Unsatisfactory: The re ection has weak or no structure. Many components are missing. It provides minimum or no insight into the learning experience the student has had over the course of week 1, their plans for tackling the industry challenge or any future plans made by them
Effective Extended:
communication the imagery, speakership and tone or posture used is dynamic and engaging and supports the key skills messages by reinforcing ideas and contributing additional information
any imagery sourced from others is credited, with the name of the photographer, videographer or
(2 marks) organisation shown in the video (these attributions can be shown at any point in the video)
the presenter/narrator demonstrates speakership skills, by delivering information in a consistently clear, concise, engaging and measured way suitable for a diverse general audience the ideas progress in a highly logical and structured way, making it easy to follow the presenter/narrator’s train of thought (there is a sense of a story unfolding) Fundamental: the imagery used is somewhat engaging and supports the key messages some imagery sourced from others is credited
the presenter/narrator speakership is su cient and the information is delivered in a somewhat consistent, clear, concise, engaging and measured way suitable for a diverse general audience the ideas progress in a somewhat logical way Unsatisfactory: the imagery used is not engaging and does not support the key messages no imagery sourced from others is credited the speakership is poor and/or the information is not delivered in a consistent, clear, concise, engaging and measured way suitable for a diverse general audience the ideas do not progress in a logical or well-structured way
Professionalism Extended:
the piece is consistently appropriate for a general audience as disciplinary jargon is avoided or
(2 mark) properly de ned
3 minutes +/- 20 seconds Fundamental:
the piece is somewhat appropriate for a general audience, with a professional delivery/manner and only a little unde ned disciplinary jargon some rehearsal/preparation is evident
one relevant and reputable citations is provided in a consistent referencing style
the reference su ciently support key information, such as a Week 1 concept or tool, the student’s background or the action the student will take
3 minutes +/- 30 seconds Unsatisfactory:
the language and conduct is unprofessional and/or too technical/discipline-speci c for a general
audience no rehearsal/preparation is evident
Assessment Task 1B Overview
Re ection 1b: How will I innovate going forward?
Value: 10%
Format: Three minute video (± 20 seconds)
Submission: Via Moodle AT1b dropbox (drag and drop your video le or submit a URL if you prefer)
Marking: See assessment guidelines and marking rubric (Re ection 1b)
Late Penalty: 10% per day, or part thereof
Feedback: Written or audio feedback via Moodle
Access and sharing: Videos are automatically shared with your peers via the class Panopto Channel to promote peer-to-peer learning, unless stipulated by the student
Re ection 1b – How will I innovate going forward?
You completed Re ection 1a at the start of the unit, after completing Week 1 (The Authentic Innovator).
It’s time to re ect again, with a second video.
Now we want to know what has changed for you after completing the entire three week intensive.
Each student should produce a three minute video (± 20 seconds) about how they will apply innovation skills and mindsets in their future studies and career.
This video is similar to your rst in many ways. It uses the same style rules as your rst video and is again designed and structured to help you follow Gibbs’ Re ective Cycle. Thus, many elements of the AT1b marking rubric mirror that of AT1a. This allows you to build on feedback you received from your rst video.
In this video, we would love to hear about your future plans. What path has this whole experience put you on? Is there a particular experience of applying a tool that you really resonated with, which you believe will enhance your capacity to create impact in your future career? Tell us all about it.
You’ll also need to identify one action (large or small) you can take going forward to grow as an innovator. Try to make sure the action is speci c and something you can do in the next 6 months. It should be actionable.
Start thinking about your next steps and how you can integrate the innovation mindset and toolkit into your own life and future plans.
Your video should contain:
1. An introduction to you, including your name and industry challenge
2. A description of at least one tool you applied during Weeks 1, 2 or 3 that resonated with you, what you learnt from applying it to your industry challenge, and why you believe this tool will be broadly useful for your future career and the impact you want to create in the world as an innovator e.g. problem mapping and diagramming, ideation, sketching, lean canvas, storyboarding, prototyping, testing, validation,
g y g p yp g g
speakership, storytelling, pitching, interdisciplinary collaboration, etc.
3. An evaluation and analysis of how the experience of applying this tool changed the way you think and feel about your future path as an innovator.
Discuss how your thinking and feelings changed
Discuss how you had previously thought or felt about your future path and how this has changed
4. A conclusion in the form of one speci c action you will personally take to continue your innovation journey by growing your capacities and skills after completing this unit e.g. joining the startup community, seeking out innovation units, attending an industry innovation workshop, applying an innovation tool, concept or process to the way you approach your future studies, increasing collaboration in your daily life, joining a speakership group, signing up to The Generator, etc.
This video is also about practising effective communication skills. Since communication helps us lead and innovate, it is a thread throughout the unit and part of almost every assessment task.
MIG Re ection Video 1b Assessment (10%): How will I innovate going forward?
This marking rubric supports the development of skills in effective communication and encourages professional re ective practice. It challenges the student to re ect upon and synthesise the experience and learnings from applying a tool from Weeks 1, 2 or 3.
Criterion and
Mark Performance Description
Re ective capacity
(3 marks) Extended (HD): The re ection is indicative of deep and sophisticated learning, whereby the student has drawn on and integrated different knowledge and experiences from their past with new knowledge and experiences from the unit, and discussed their changing thoughts and feelings Fundamental (C): The re ection is indicative of su cient learning and the student has drawn on and integrated at least one knowledge or experience from their past with a new knowledge and experience from the unit
Unsatisfactory (NP): The re ection is not indicative of learning and it does not include the necessar components of a re ective task y
Re ective
structure using Gibbs’ Cycle
(3 marks) Extended: The re ection includes a sophisticated, focused and insightful …
introduction to the student including their name and industry challenge, and the topic and scope of
the piece
description of at least one tool from Weeks 1, 2 or 3 that resonated deeply with the student, what they learnt from applying it, and why the student believes this will be broadly useful for their future career and the impact they want to create in the world e.g. strengths mapping, team collaboration agreement, problem mapping and diagramming, ideation, sketching, lean canvas, storyboarding, prototyping, testing, validation, speakership, storytelling, pitching, interdisciplinary collaboration
evaluation/analysis of how the experience of applying this tool changed the way the student thinks and feels about their future path as an innovator
one specic and practical action the student will take to continue their innovation journey by growi
their skills and capacities after completing the unit, with reference to a tool, unit, or co-curricular or external opportunity
The re ection has su cient structure and gives an overview of the students’ changing ng
g g g
thoughts and feelings but does so without any speci c examples or insight into their importance in the students future career
Some re ection on how their experience has shaped their thinking, and any indication of how they might use this to continue their innovation journey beyond the scope of the unit
Unsatisfactory: The re ection has weak or no structure. It provides minimum or no insight into the learning experience the student has had over the course of the unit or their plans for to continue their innovation journey
Effective communication skills
(2 marks) Extended: the imagery, speakership and tone or posture used is dynamic and engaging and supports the key messages by reinforcing ideas and contributing additional information any imagery sourced from others is credited, with the name of the photographer, videographer or organisation shown in the video (these attributions can be shown at any point in the video) the presenter/narrator demonstrates speakership skills, by delivering information in a consistently clear, concise, engaging and measured way suitable for a diverse general audience the ideas progress in a highly logical and structured way, making it easy to follow the presenter/narrator’s train of thought (there is a sense of a story unfolding) Fundamental: the imagery used is somewhat engaging and supports the key messages some imagery sourced from others is credited
the presenter/narrator speakership is su cient and the information is delivered in a somewhat consistent, clear, concise, engaging and measured way suitable for a diverse general audience the ideas progress in a somewhat logical way Unsatisfactory: the imagery used is not engaging and does not support the key messages no imagery sourced from others is credited the speakership is poor and/or the information is not delivered in a consistent, clear, concise, engaging and measured way suitable for a diverse general audience the ideas do not progress in a logical or well-structured way
3 minutes +/- 20 seconds Fundamental:
the piece is somewhat appropriate for a general audience, with a professional delivery/manner and only a little unde ned disciplinary jargon some rehearsal/preparation is evident
one relevant and reputable citationsis provided in a consistent referencing style
the references su ciently support key information, such as a Week 1 experience, concept or tool, the student’s background or the action the student will take 3 minutes +/- 30 seconds Unsatisfactory:
the language and conduct is unprofessional and/or too technical/discipline-speci c for a general audience no rehearsal/preparation is evident
no relevant and reputable citations in a consistent referencing style
the references dont support key information, such as a Week 1 experience, concept or tool, the student’s background or the action the student will take
3 minutes +/- > 40 seconds
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