Available until Sep 26 at 3:45pm
This assignment was locked Sep 26 at 3:45pm.
– Create a script named
– Your script should define the following functions: def getCritic(review): finds and returns the name of the critic from the given review object.
def getRating(review): finds and returns the rating from the given review object. The return value should be ‘rotten’ , ‘fresh’, or ‘NA’ if the review doesn’t have a rating.
def getSource(review): finds and returns the source (e.g ‘New York Daily News’) of the review from the given review object. The return value should be ‘NA’ if the review doesn’t have a source.
def getTextLen(review): finds and returns the number of characters in the text of the review from the given review object. The return value should ‘NA’ if the review doesn’t have text. 1/1
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