Manual: Path Planner
In this project, students will implement the search algorithm A* in the context of a tile-based path planner similar to those used in most tile-based games. When the search algorithm is completed, the user should be able to configure the algorithm by changing the parameters in the user interface (UI) and run the algorithm stepwise and / or to completion. The UI code and drawing interface are provided to students; students are expected to implement the search itself by conforming to this specification.
We strongly recommend that students briefly read the manual before beginning the project! It is important to have a holistic understanding of the application and the sections to be written before the student begins work.
The project should be broken into several smaller steps:
1) Creating a search graph to represent the TileMap, which in turn represents the terrain.
2) Writing of a declaration for the PathSearch class and initial (likely empty) methods for compilation.
3) Development of a visual debugging strategy using the drawing functions of the TileMap.
4) Implementation of a Breadth-First Search, then modifying it into a Greedy Best-First Search.
5) Modification of the Greedy Best-First Search into a Uniform-Cost Search, and then into an A* Search.
6) Optimization of the A* algorithm to meet speed / benchmark requirements.
User Interface (UI)
Figure 1. Path planner application upon initial load, displaying a search graph built by the search algorithm.
Time Map Display
The tiles that represent the terrain are displayed, along with any drawing engaged by the search algorithm, in the Tile Map Display (bottom-left). Heavier terrain weights are represented by darker tiles, while black tiles represent untraversable terrain. The red flag represents the starting point and the green flag the goal location.
Button Controls
The Button Controls across (top) the user to control the search as identified (Table 1).
Icon Name Shortcut Description
Open Tile Map Ctrl+O Brings up a file dialog. Once you select a file, all memory allocated to the old tile map is freed, a new tile map is loaded from that file, all search algorithms are reset, and all node counters are zeroed out.
Reset All Delete Resets all search algorithms and zeroes all node counters.
Reset Search Backspace Resets the current search algorithm and updates the node counters. If all search algorithms have been reset this way, then each pair of constructed/destructed counts should match.
Run / Pause Spacebar When enabled and currently paused, runs the search algorithm until it reaches the goal tile, animating its progress in the meantime. If pressed while the search algorithm is still running, it becomes paused. As soon as the search algorithm reaches the goal tile or can make no further progress, this button will be disabled.
Step + When enabled, runs the search algorithm for exactly one iteration and then pauses it. As soon as the search algorithm reaches the goal tile or can make no further progress, this button will be disabled.
Time Run Tab Resets the search algorithm, then runs the search algorithm until it reaches the goal tile, but does not animate its progress. The number of iterations shown is replaced by the elapsed time from initialization to finish.
Table 1. Search Application Controls
Settings Pane
There are also several options that can be changed in the Settings pane (upper-right). These include the starting and goal locations, as well as the time limit for a single step or full algorithm run. Finally, for full algorithm runs, the number of times to run the search can be adjusted up from one to determine timing performance. Note that the minimum tile radius is for display only and cannot be changed.
State Space
Some game engines – including the planner in this project – use hexagonal tiles, as they are equidistant from their neighbors (unlike square tiles, which have a different distance to neighbors in cardinal directions compared to diagonal neighbors). This simplifies and speeds up path calculations. However, this makes storing and retrieving tiles in a typical 2D array less straightforward. An example is outlined below (Figure 2). Each tile also holds a terrain weight which identifies the cost of traversing through a tile.
Array Column
Row 0 1 2 3
0 X ✔ ✔ –
1 ✔ ✔ –
2 X ✔ ✔ –
3 – ✔ ✔ X
4 – ✔ ✔
5 – ✔ ✔ X
Figure 2. Layout of hexagonal grids (rows and columns). Figure 3. How tile information is stored in an array.
In this diagram, the dashed yellow lines separate the tiles into logical columns. The offset from the current tile (0, 0) to its neighbors is marked; odd rows have offsets as outlined MAGENTA and even rows have offsets as outlined in CYAN. BLACK tiles indicate offsets that are invalid depending on the odd or even row location of (0,0). Note that these are not the same as the obstacle tiles in the tile map. We can see how these data would be stored in a 2D array (Figure 3). For any tile whose row coordinate has an odd value, the tiles that are adjacent to it follow the pattern of the magenta tiles. For any tile whose row coordinate has an even value, the tiles that are adjacent to it follow the pattern of the cyan tiles.
It is recommended that students build a private helper method in their search class to determine the adjacency of Tile objects to simplify identification of neighboring locations, e.g.:
private bool areAdjacent(const Tile *lhs, const Tile *rhs)
Development Interface
The development interface includes several elements to help students test and debug their algorithms.
A console window, which can be written to by students using standard streams such as cin and cout, is automatically spawned for use by students. This can be a useful tool for textual output.
Drawing System
Several debugging functions and methods are provided to draw to the screen, including filling tiles, drawing markers, setting outlines, and drawing lines. The color space for these drawing functions is 32-bit
LRGB space (luminosity, red, green, and blue.) Each color is a 32-bit number with the first (highorder) byte holding luminosity (Table 2, Figure 4).
Lum. Red Grn Blue Hex
255 0 255 0 0xFF00FF00
127 0 255 0 0x7F00FF00
255 127 0 0 0xFF7F0000
0 0 0 255 0x000000FF
Table 2. Example colors in the LRGB color model.
Figure 4. Example of colors in use in the Path Planner application.
Developer API (Provided)
The following programming interface is provided so students can implement the search algorithm. Note:
These classes are in the ufl_cap4053::searches namespace and the Framework/TileSystem directory.
public void resetDrawing()
Resets (wipe) all drawing on the tiles in this map.
public Tile* getTile(int row, int column) const
Returns a pointer to the Tile at the designated row and column.
public int getRowCount() const
Returns the number of rows of tiles in this map.
public int getColumnCount() const
Returns the number of columns of tiles in this map.
public double getTileRadius() const
Returns the length of the radius of tiles in this map.
public int getRow() const
Returns this Tile’s row in the map.
public int getColumn() const
Returns this Tile’s column in the map.
public unsigned char getWeight() const
Returns this Tile’s terrain weight.
public int getXCoordinate() const
Returns this Tile’s x-axis coordinate on the map.
public int getYCoordinate() const
Returns this Tile’s y-axis coordinate on the map.
public void addLineTo(Tile* destination, unsigned int color)
Sets up a line to be drawn from this Tile to destination using the designated color.
public void setFill(unsigned int color)
Sets this Tile’s fill color to color in the 32-bit LRGB space (luminosity, red, green, and blue).
public void setMarker(unsigned int color)
Sets this Tile’s marker color to color in the 32-bit LRGB space (luminosity, red, green, and blue).
public void setOutline(unsigned int color)
Sets this Tile’s outline color to color in the 32-bit LRGB space (luminosity, red, green, and blue).
public void resetDrawing()
Resets all drawing on this tile.
NOTE: users should not create any tiles or tile maps; instead, they should use references to existing objects.
This class resides within the ufl_cap4053 namespace and in the root of the source directory.
public PriorityQueue(bool (*greaterThan)(T const &lhs, T const &rhs)
The constructor; creates an object that holds type T. Parameter is a function pointer greaterThan to a function that compares two values of type T, where greaterThan(lhs, rhs) returns true if lhs should be sorted after rhs in the queue and false otherwise.
public bool empty()
Returns true if the container has no elements in it, and false otherwise.
public void clear()
Removes all elements from the container.
public size_t size()
Returns the number of elements currently in the container.
public void push(const T &element)
Pushes element into the container; the container maintains sorting / ordering during this operation.
public T front() const
Returns the lowest value (front) element from the container; does not remove the element.
public void pop()
Removes the lowest value (front) element from the container; does not return the element.
public void remove(const T &element)
Removes all instances of element from the container.
public void enumerate(std::vector<T> &sorted) const
Enumerates all of the elements in the sorted container from greatest to least.
Figure 5 is example of how the PriorityQueue type might be used and function in code:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include “PriorityQueue.h”
bool isGreaterThan(const int &lhs, const int &rhs)
return lhs > rhs;
int main()
ufl_cap4053::PriorityQueue<int> pQ(isGreaterThan); pQ.push(4); pQ.push(2);
std::cout << pQ.front() << std::endl;
std::vector<int> output; pQ.enumerate(output);
for (int value : output)
std::cout << value << std::endl; }
Figure 5b. Behavior of PriorityQueue.
Assignment API (TODO)
Students will complete the PathSearch class according to the specification outlined here exactly. This class must reside within the ufl_cap4053::searches namespace.
PathSearch public PathSearch()
The constructor; takes no arguments.
public ~PathSearch()
The destructor should perform any final cleanup required before deletion of the object.
public void load(TileMap* _tileMap)
Called after the tile map is loaded. This is usually where the search graph is generated. NOTE: This method must take no longer than twice the benchmark example for any given map.
public void initialize(int startRow, int startCol, int goalRow, int goalCol)
Called before any update of the path planner; should prepare for search to be performed between the tiles at the coordinates indicated. This method is always preceded by at least one call to load().
public void update(long timeslice)
Called to allow the path planner to execute for the specified timeslice (in milliseconds). Within this method, the search should be performed until the time expires or the solution is found. If timeslice is zero (0), this method should only do a single iteration of the algorithm. Otherwise, the update should only iterate for the indicated number of milliseconds. This method is always preceded by at least one call to initialize().
public void shutdown()
public void unload()
public bool isDone() const
Returns true if the update function has finished because it found a solution, and false otherwise. Once a search has completed, this method should continue to return true until initialize() is called.
public std::vector<Tile const*> const getSolution() const
Return a vector containing the solution path as an ordered series of Tile pointers from finish to start. Once a search has been completed, this method continues to return the path until initialize() is called.
Execution Frames
As the search algorithm must be split across multiple execution frames, students will need to identify in which method tasks will be accomplished. Below is one example of how a search might be constructed in this way.
load() – Create search graph from the tile map by identifying adjacent tiles. initialize() – Set starting and ending points for the search, adding the starting point to the search queue. update() – Run body of algorithm, looping over queue, until time is expired, saving state for next run. shutdown() – Reset search’s member variables so that another search on the same terrain can be run. unload() – Free all memory associated with the tile map (i.e., the search graph).
Students will submit a zip file containing the following files at the end of this exercise on Canvas:
Place them in the root directory of your zip file, not in a subdirectory. Do not submit any other files.
Each test case will be checked for memory leaks! If a test case leaks memory, it will penalized by up to 30%, so if you leak a lot of memory on every test case, your maximum grade penalty will be 30% overall.
Sample Tests
It is recommended that students test using these samples as well as developing a list of their own unit tests and test cases in order to thoroughly test their algorithm. Please note that projects will be tested using separate, unique data that follows the specification, so self-testing is crucial to proper function.
Tile Map Start Row Start Col. Goal Row Goal Col.
hex035x035.txt 31 19 3 15
hex035x035.txt 0 9 34 26
hex035x035.txt 2 19 31 19
hex035x035.txt 17 32 17 2
hex035x035.txt 32 32 6 0
hex035x035.txt 17 3 17 31
hex054x045.txt 44 53 3 51
hex054x045.txt 30 53 30 0
hex054x045.txt 22 0 22 53
hex054x045.txt 3 51 42 53
hex054x045.txt 8 0 34 53
hex054x045.txt 22 51 22 53
hex054x045.txt 2 51 44 53
hex098x098.txt 97 97 0 0
hex098x098.txt 38 44 97 0
hex098x098.txt 3 51 90 40
hex098x098.txt 52 0 53 97
hex098x098.txt 50 7 41 97
hex098x098.txt 93 0 53 80
hex098x098.txt 5 92 69 52
hex113x083.txt 82 112 0 0
hex113x083.txt 0 16 82 97
hex113x083.txt 14 0 70 112
hex113x083.txt 81 73 1 15
hex113x083.txt 41 3 41 109
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