Take Home Exam 3
Submission: via ODTUClass
Any clarifications and revisions to the assignment will be posted to the ODTUClass discussion forum.
The purpose of this assignment is to familiarize you with the ADC module of the PIC together with TIMERs and INTERRUPTs. In this assignment, you will essentially implement a guessing-game program, where the microcontroller is holding a special digit that one tries to guess. The user adjusts their guesses by turning the potentiometer on the board. The digit that the user would like to send is displayed in the 7-Segment display at this time. The user has to confirm their guesses by pressing on the RB4 button after they adjust them. After each confirmation, the microcontroller gives a hint to indicate that the number is greater or less.
This guessing phase ends if one of the following happens: the user fails to submit the correct guess in 5 seconds, or they manage to submit a correct guess in time. Regardless of what happens, the correct digit is blinked on the 7-Segment display for 2 seconds and the program restarts.
• Once the simulation is started, the program should start the timers.
• The player is expected to find the number in 5 seconds. You should use TIMER1 to keep time for 5 seconds.
• The TIMER0 should start ADC conversion. You should use ADC interrupt feature to detect the end of conversion and read the converted value and sample ADC value at 50 ms intervals using TIMER0 interrupt.
• While guessing the number, the player will be able to navigate through the values by adjusting it with ADC module.
• 10-bit adjusted ADC will be used. The ADC value should be 0 when you turn the ADC potentiometer clock-wise to its leftmost position (lowest voltage), and it should be 1023 when you turn the ADC potentiometer clock-wise to its rightmost position (highest voltage).
• After calculating the ADC value, you should map the values to [0,9] taking equal intervals. Lowest interval should map to the digit 0 and the highest interval should map to the digit 9. ADC values are mapped to the digits as shown in Table 1.
0 <= X<= 102 0
102 <X<= 204 1
204 <X<= 306 2
306 <X<= 408 3
408 <X<= 510 4
510 <X<= 612 5
612 <X<= 714 6
714 <X<= 816 7
816 <X<= 918 8
918 <X<= 1023 9
Table 1: ADC Value-Digit Mapping
• The digit that current ADC value is mapping to will be shown on the rightmost display (D0) of 7-Segment display. Each ADC read should update the 7-Segment display.
• The RB4 push button will be used for making a guess. The player can press RB4 button to assign the value on the 7-Segment display as the guess. The effect should happen on the press, not release.
• You will use lower 4 bits of PORTC, PORTD and PORTE to give hints to the player during the game.
• For each wrong guess, a hint will be given to the player by turning on the LEDs. If the guess is greater than the special number a down arrow should appear. If the guess is less than the special number an up arrow should appear. See below figure for details.
• There is no limit to the number of guessing attempts. The player can guess as much as they want.
• The game ends when 5 seconds are up or when the player guesses the special number correctly. At the end of the game, the special number is shown to the player on 7-Segment display and all the LEDs are turned off. For 2 seconds, 7-Segment display should blink the special number with half-second intervals. In other words, 7-Segment display should first show the special number for 500 ms then should dim out for 500 ms and repeat this again. This interval should be ensured with TIMER1.
• After displaying the number, the game restarts. This cycle continues until the system is powered off or the simulator is stopped.
Simulation Environment and Specifications
In real life, most switches bounce ( when pressed and released. Since the usual simulation does not incorporate that, some of the debug scripts excite the pins with erratic inputs that stabilize over time. Your code should be robust against these such that multiple responses do not emerge after a ”real life like” pulse is sent to RB4. One way to do this is to accept the change in the input only if it persists for a while (For example, a pulse for 1 ms is probably a bounce noise. However, if that pulse is more than approximately 10 ms, it is a genuine one).
Important Variables
• volatile int adc value: This variable should represent the most recent value read from the ADC. Do not write to this variable any value other than the the most recent value read from the ADC.
Label Functions
The MPLAB X debugger (mdb) unfortunately does not support labels for program addresses. The breakpoints.c file defines several empty functions. The only purpose of these functions are to simulate labels that should inform mdb to stop running the code when PC hits the addresses of these functions.
• init complete: should be called as soon as the program finishes initializing necessary SFRs, variables, etc. Your program is expected to have started TIMER0 and TIMER1 countdowns, PORTB on change interrupts and the ADC readings (per 50 ms) after this call.
• adc complete: should be called per 50ms using TIMER0 as soon as a successful conversion of AN12 is made and adc value is updated.
• hs passed: should be called per 500ms using TIMER1.
• rb4 handled: should be called as soon as RB4 is pressed and the signal is properly debounced. It should not be called for any other PORTB change, RB4 release, or simulated bouncing noise on the signal (discussed above).
• correct guess: should be called after a correct guess (meaning the program execution will hit rb4 handled first, and then this function). The 7-Segment display should stop reflecting the ADC readings and start blinking the special digit in the rest of the program execution.
• game over: should be called after the 5 second timeout without any correct guess. The 7-Segment display should stop reflecting the ADC readings and start blinking the special digit in the rest of the program execution.
• restart: should be called after the 7-Segment display has blinked 2 times (for 2 seconds), just before the program restarts.
Preparing your Project for Debug Tests
The debug tests require some modifications to your project so that the above function and variable symbols can be seen in the mdb session. Your MPLAB X IDE version should be >= 5.15 and XC8 Compiler version should be >= 2.00.
1. Type mplab ide to open the MPLAB X IDE on terminal.
2. Select File -> New -> Standalone Project. Create new project with the following configurations.
• Select device -> PIC18F8722
• Select tool -> Simulator
• Select Compiler -> XC8
• Project Name: the3
• “Project Location” should be a directory called the3. (The path should end with “/the3”).
• Check “Use project location as the project folder” option. The “Project Location” and the “Project Folder” paths should be the same.
3. Select File -> Project Properties. Under “XC8 Compiler” item, pick “Option Categories” as “Optimizations”. Uncheck the “Assembler files” option and Check the “Debug” option. Click Apply and OK.
5. Right click on “Source Files”, located in the Projects window on the left. Select “Add Existing Item”, and then add the breakpoints.c and main.c files. Similarly, right click on the “Header Files”, Select “Add Existing Item”, and then pick breakpoints.h file.
6. Try compiling in the GUI to see if there were any problems until now.
7. Outside the GUI create a new directory under the project directory called debug tests and extract all the supplementary files here except main.c, breakpoints.c and breakpoints.h.
8. Try running ./ from the terminal with debug tests as your current directory, it recompiles with make clean and make all using the Makefile that MPLAB generated. The project should be successfully recompiled. Now try running mdb initconfig.dbg from the terminal with debug tests as your current directory, which does some initial configurations for the debugger and puts it into interactive mode. Try typing break init complete, enter, run, enter to see if the function labels are visible and the execution breaks at the correct place. If they are, you are all set (Type quit to exit mdb). Delete the inside of the main function and start working on your homework.
Coding Rules
• You MUST properly comment your code, including a descriptive and informative comment at the beginning of your code explaining your design, choice of tasks and their functionality.
• You will code your program using PIC C language. You should use XC8 C compiler for MPLAB X. You can find the related documents on ODTUClass.
• Your program should be written for PIC18F8722 working at 40 MHz.
• You should obey the specifications above about TIMER0 and TIMER1 interrupt implementations.
• Code stubs and MDB scripts provided with homework
• PIC18F8722 Datasheet
• PIC Development Tool User and Programming Manual
• Recitation Documents
• ODTUClass Discussions
Hand In Instructions
• You should submit your code as a single file named as through ODTUClass. This file should only include “main.c”.
• At the top of “main.c” file, you should write your ID, name and surname as commented out.
• This is not a group homework; you must solve and submit it individually.
Adapted from cis330/main.html ]
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