ceng352 – (Solution)

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CENG 352
Database Management Systems
Written Assignment 1

1 XML and JSON
1.1 XML
Consider the following data in the form of a tree.

a. Write down the XML document that describes this tree.
b. For each of the XPath expressions below indicate what they return when evaluated on the data represented above. For example, if the expression is: /X/A/B/B/text() then you would answer: two, three.
i. /X/A/C/text()
ii. /X/A/*/text()
iii. //A[B/A]/C/text() iv. /X/A[A]/B/*/text()
v. //A/B/*/text() vi. /X/A[A][C]/B/*/text()
1.2 JSON
Represent the three relations shown below as a single JSON document. (Try http://jsonlint.com/ for an easy way to check the validity of your JSON document.)
There is more than one way to represent these relations in JSON. Please begin your document with a collection of Suppliers, each containing a collection of parts they sell and the price at which those parts are sold. Then find a reasonable way to include parts not sold by any supplier. In addition, explain whether this representation avoids redundancy.

2 Database Design
2.1 BCNF Decomposition
Consider the following schema for table Conference:
Conference(PaperNo, FirstAuthorNo, AuthorNo, AuthorName, AuthorEmail, AuthorAddress, PaperTitle, PaperAbstract, PaperStatus, ReviewerNo, ReviewerName,ReviewerEmail, Commments, ProgramComm,ReviewDate, Rating, ReviewerAddress)
• AuthorNo → AuthorName
• AuthorEmail → AuthorNo
• PaperNo → FirstAuthorNo
• AuthorNo → AuthorAddress
• AuthorNo → AuthorEmail
• PaperNo → PaperTitle
• PaperNo → PaperAbstract
• PaperNo → PaperStatus
• ReviewerNo → ReviewerName
• ReviewerNo → ReviewerEmail
• ReviewerEmail → ReviewerNo
• ReviewerNo, PaperNo → Comments
• ReviewerNo, PaperNo → ProgramComm
• ReviewerNo, PaperNo → ReviewDate
• ReviewerNo, PaperNo → Rating
• ReviewerNo → ReviewerAddres
b) Is your decomposition lossless join decomposition? Is it dependency preserving? Explain.
2.2 3NF Decomposition
Let R = A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, K and assume the following functional dependencies:
• AC → BGH
• D → E
• G → B
• E → FK
• FD → K
• ADF → C
• H → BGH
a. Find a minimal cover.
b. Decompose this relation into 3NF.
2.3 Finding Dependencies
1. Download and install PostgreSQL if you haven’t done so far and download ”sample.csv” file that is provided to you.
2. Create a table in the database and load the table with the data given in the given “.csv” file. You can use the “COPY” property of PostgreSQL. You can get detailed information from here.
3. Find all functional dependencies in the table by writing appropriate SQL queries. Remember that a functional dependency is a constraint on a database instance. First, try to identify simple FDs like A → B, then try AB → C, etc. You should write an SQL query for each candidate FD. You can see if the FD holds or not by checking the answer of the query.
4. Decompose the table into BCNF tables using the FDs that you discovered. Create tables for normalized relations. Don’t forget to create keys and foreign keys for the BCNF schema.
5. Load the new tables with the data from the original table. For this step, you should write SQL statements to load data into the new tables
6. Dump created database into ‘eXXXXXXX.sql’ file. You can dump the database using
”pg dump”. Detailed information can be found here
What to turn in:
a) List of all FDs you identified and the corresponding SQL queries to discover them at the end of step 3 above.
b) List of all SQL statements to create normalized tables.
c) List of all SQL statements that load the contents of the tables.
d) Send ”eXXXXXXX.sql” file along with the pdf. If there is no ”.sql” file your will only get half the grade from this question. Also the dump version sometimes becomes corrupted, please check before sending.
Assume the following database schema:
Customer(CustNo, CustFirstName, CustLastName, CustCity, CustState, CustZip, CustBal)
Employee(EmpNo, EmpFirstName, EmpLastName, EmpPhone, EmpEmail, EmpDeptName,

EmpStatus, EmpSalary, supervisor) ##Note that supervisor is another Employee’s no FOREIGN KEY(supervisor) REFERENCES Employee Product(ProdNo, ProdName, ProdPrice, ProdShipDate)
Order(OrdNo, CustNo, EmpNo, OrdDate, OrdName, OrdCity, OrdZip)
Contains(OrdNo, ProdNo, Qty)

Using the schema above, answer the following questions:
Create Table Write create table statements for this database schema. Don’t forget to specify the primary key and foreign keys. For foreign key constraints, assume the following:
• If a customer is deleted, all the records on order relation should also be deleted.
• If an order is deleted, all related contains record should also be deleted. Same thing holds if a product is deleted.
• If an employee is deleted, all orders taken by that employee should remain but the employee on that order should be set to NULL.
• If a supervisor is deleted, the employee should remain but its supervisor should be the system’s default supervisor ”007”.
SQL Check Define appropriate SQL CHECK clauses to implement the following constraints:
• Each order should contain at least 3 of the same products.
• Each order name should include the order city. For example if the order city is ”Paris” order name must include ”Paris” somewhere, ”ParisOrder111” or ”OrderParis111” are possible order names.
• Our company decided to make employee emails a little bit complex. Which means an employee’s email should not contain employee’s name or lastname.
Assertion Define an assertion to ensure that each order have at least 30 products in total (Not distinct products, you should check total quantity of the products).
Trigger Define an AFTER trigger to implement the following constraint on the Employee table: ”Whenever an employee’s salary has been changed, if the salary is increased more than
15 percent, set the Status of that employee to ’Successful’.”
4 Submission
You should send a pdf file, named ‘eXXXXXXX.pdf’ (your seven-digit ID number) contains your answers. You can prepare the pdf using both ‘DOCS’ or ‘Latex’, doesn’t matter. Moreover, you can send a scanned version of your handwritten answers, but please be sure that it is readable.
For Question 2.3, if you completed all of the steps you should have created an ‘eXXXXXXX.sql’ file (your seven-digit ID). Compress both ‘.pdf’ file and ‘.sql’file to ‘eXXXXXXX.zip’ file (‘.rar’ or ‘.tar.gz’ are also accepted) and upload it.


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