CG – Assignment 1 – Transformation Detail Instruction (Solution)

$ 29.99


by Ruen-RoneLee
◆Interact with five model(independently)
◆Control the camera
◆Implement transformation, viewing, and projection matrices (MVP)
◆Switch between 5 models
◆Switch between solid and wireframemode
◆Finish all the TODO in main.cpp and vertex shader
◆ Keep scene ratio when window reshaped ◆ Add floor plane in world scene ◆ …
Assignment 1
◆Late work will be penalized by20/week.
◆Copy& pasteothers’codewillget0.
◆Hand in your homework to eeclass in the following form (-5 for penalty)
◆ studentID_HW1_Report.pdf
◆Depend on your device

For Windows For Mac
Submission Guide
◆Please submit to course webpage at NTHU eeclass system
▪ Notice: E-mail submission will not beaccepted
◆Submission should include
▪ Source codes (including solution and projectfiles)
▪ Executable binary (can be run onPC/windows)
▪ Documentation (explain how you did it andhow to operate it)
▪ Notice: please do not submit any 3D models tosave the disk space
◆Contact with TAs if you have problem insubmission

◆ Please follow the spec bellow, or you would not get the score of item.
◆ You must make sure your key mapping is exactly same to ours.
◆ W: switch between solid and wireframe mode
◆ Z/X: switch the model
◆ O: switch to Orthogonal projection
◆ P: switch to NDC Perspective projection
◆ T: switch to translation mode
◆ S: switch to scale mode
◆ R: switch to rotation mode
◆E: switch to translate eye positionmode
◆C: switch to translate viewing centerposition mode
◆U: switch to translate camera up vector position mode
◆I: print information
◆ Translation Matrix, Rotation Matrix, Scaling Matrix, Viewing Matrix, Projection Matrix
◆If you switch mode by T, S, R, E, C, andU
◆Apply change on Z axis when scrollthe wheel
◆Apply change on X axis when mouse drag horizontally
◆Apply change on Y axis when mouse drag vertically
◆Only rotation should apply X axis when mouse drag vertically, and Y axis when mouse drag horizontally

◆Some screen shot
◆Description of your program control instructions
◆Other special things you havedone
Grading Policy
Item Score
Correctly render model in Orthogonal projection 10%
Correctly render model in NDC perspective 5%
Translation, Rotation, Scaling models 30%
Camera Control 30%
Switch models (5 models in Line 566 of main.cpp) 5%
render quad 5%
Switch between solid and wireframemode 5%
Print information 5%
Report 5%
Total 100%
◆Event handlings
◆Tinyobj loader


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