CIS 194: Homework 8 Solved

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• Files you should submit: Party.hs, containing a module of the same name (make sure your file actually has module Party where at the top!).
Planning the office party
As the most junior employee at Calculators R Us, Inc., you are tasked with organizing the office Spring Break party. As with all party organizers, your goal is, of course, to maximize the amount of fun1 which
is had at the party. Since some people enjoy parties more than others, you have estimated the amount of fun which will be had by each employee. So simply summing together all these values should indicate the amount of fun which will be had at the party in total, right?
. . . well, there’s one small problem. It is a well-known fact that anyone whose immediate boss is also at the party will not have any fun at all. So if all the company employees are at the party, only the CEO will have fun, and everyone else will stand around laughing nervously and trying to look natural while looking for their boss out of the corner of their eyes.
Your job, then, is to figure out who to invite to the party in order to maximize the total amount of fun.
We have provided you with the file Employee.hs, which contains the following definitions:
— Employee names are represented by Strings. type Name = String
— The amount of fun an employee would have at the party,
— represented by an Integer number of STFUs type Fun = Integer
— An Employee consists of a name and a fun score.
data Employee = Emp { empName :: Name, empFun :: Fun } deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
It also defines testCompany :: Tree Employee, a small company hierarchy which you can use for testing your code (although your actual company hierarchy is much larger).

1 As measured, of course, in Standard Transnational Fun Units, or STFUs.
Note that the definition of Employee uses record syntax, which you can read more about in the Week 8 lecture notes (it was not covered in lecture but is provided in the lecture notes as an additional resource).
Finally, Employee.hs defines a type to represent guest lists. The obvious possibility to represent a guest list would be [Employee]. However, we will frequently want to know the total amount of fun had by a particular guest list, and it would be inefficient to recompute it every time by adding up the fun scores for all the employees in the list. Instead, a GuestList contains both a list of Employees and a Fun score. Values of type GuestList should always satisfy the invariant that the sum of all the Fun scores in the list of Employees should be equal to the one, “cached” Fun score.
Exercise 1
Now define the following tools for working with GuestLists:
1. A function
glCons :: Employee -> GuestList -> GuestList
2. A Monoid instance for GuestList.2 (How is the Monoid instance

2 Note that this requires creating an

supposed to work, you ask? You figure it out!)
3. A function moreFun :: GuestList -> GuestList -> GuestList which takes two GuestLists and returns whichever one of them is more fun, i.e. has the higher fun score. (If the scores are equal it does not matter which is returned.)
Exercise 2
The Data.Tree module from the standard Haskell libraries defines the type of “rose trees”, where each node stores a data element and has any number of children (i.e. a list of subtrees):
data Tree a = Node { rootLabel :: a, — label value subForest :: [Tree a] — zero or more child trees
Strangely, Data.Tree does not define a fold for this type! Rectify the situation by implementing
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} to the top of your file.

treeFold :: … -> Tree a -> b
(See if you can figure out what type(s) should replace the dots in the type of treeFold. If you are stuck, look back at the lecture notes from Week 7, or infer the proper type(s) from the remainder of this assignment.)
The algorithm
Now let’s actually derive an algorithm to solve this problem. Clearly there must be some sort of recursion involved—in fact, it seems that
we should be able to do it with a fold. This makes sense though— I mean, why else would we have had starting from the bottom of the tree and working our way up, we you do Exercise 2?
compute the best guest list for each subtree and somehow combine these to decide on the guest list for the next level up, and so on. So we need to write a combining function combineGLs :: Employee -> [GuestList] -> GuestList
which takes an employee (the boss of some division) and the optimal guest list for each subdivision under him, and somehow combines this information to compute the best guest list for the entire division.
However, this obvious first attempt fails! The problem is that we don’t get enough information from the recursive calls. If the best guest list for some subtree involves inviting that subtree’s boss, then we are stuck, since we might want to consider inviting the boss of the entire tree—in which case we don’t want to invite any of the subtree bosses (since they wouldn’t have any fun anyway). But we might be able to do better than just taking the best possible guest list for each subtree and then excluding their bosses.
The solution is to generalize the recursion to compute more information, in such a way that we can actually make the recursive step. In particular, instead of just computing the best guest list for a given tree, we will compute two guest lists:
1. the best possible guest list we can create if we invite the boss (that is, the Employee at the root of the tree); and
2. the best possible guest list we can create if we don’t invite the boss.
It turns out that this gives us enough information at each step to compute the optimal two guest lists for the next level up.
Exercise 3
Write a function
nextLevel :: Employee -> [(GuestList, GuestList)]
-> (GuestList, GuestList)
which takes two arguments. The first is the “boss” of the current subtree (let’s call him Bob). The second argument is a list of the results for each subtree under Bob. Each result is a pair of GuestLists: the first GuestList in the pair is the best possible guest list with the boss of that subtree; the second is the best possible guest list without the boss of that subtree. nextLevel should then compute the overall best guest list that includes Bob, and the overall best guest list that doesn’t include Bob.
Exercise 4
Finally, put all of this together to define maxFun :: Tree Employee -> GuestList
which takes a company hierarchy as input and outputs a fun-maximizing guest list. You can test your function on testCompany, provided in Employee.hs.
The whole company
Of course, the actual tree of employees in your company is much larger! We have provided you with a file, company.txt, containing the entire hierarchy for your company. The contents of this file were
created by calling the show function on a Tree Employee,3 so you can 3 We don’t recommend actually look-
convert it back into a Tree Employee using the read function. ing at the contents of company.txt, assuming that you value your sanity.
Exercise 5
Implement main :: IO () so that it reads your company’s hierarchy from the file company.txt, and then prints out a formatted guest list, sorted by first name, which looks like
Total fun: 23924
Adam Debergues Adeline Anselme …
(Note: the above is just an example of the format; it is not the correct output!) You will probably find the readFile and putStrLn functions useful.
As much as possible, try to separate out the “pure” computation from the IO computation. In other words, your main function should actually be fairly short, calling out to helper functions (whose types do not involve IO) to do most of the work. If you find IO “infecting” all your function types, you are Doing It Wrong.


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